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Cabal Should Not Be Doing This...

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17 minutes ago, Tez said:

We don't allow Career Cops.

You need to 1- Have Spectate mode. or 2 have Zazhi's Radar installed.



looks like a Minecraft server now tbh


  • Like 1
3 hours ago, anti said:

Admins and mods being in gangs like this seems counterproductive to the server, and frankly something needs to be done.  They've done it enough now that it's become a meme.  

@ anti  there is nothing staff can do unless it became a rule to not "grotty gang". There were no one with two accounts on at the same time (or from the evidence provided there has been none) and it would not be considered meta gaming. Now if it was him grotty ganging on cop to civ, medic to civ, etc. then it would be considered metagaming. So there are two things that you think he broke, and both are not rule breaks, or have a lack of evidence provided to actual punish the member doing this.

So admins and mods are unable to have fun with their friends on this server? There are a lot of people who are not staff that are our friends and we play with? Just because a gang that has a few staff members (mods & admins) is doing something that is trying to fuck over another gang does not mean anything. When it comes down to it, people can do whatever the fuck they want on the server, so long as they follow the rules and or aren't skirting the rules it is OK. Sure it may fucking suck, but there is no rule break so you can't ban/kick/etc. them. If a staff member knew about it they could say "hey stop that" but they can't force them to stop besides doing something gang-wise. 

Gang members that are not staff and or support team cannot be forced to be "held to a higher standard". If the staff member is a leader or even if the leader wants to enforce that then 100% then can do that, but if its not enforced by their gang leaders then there is nothing anyone can do. Why should a regular player be expected to be held to a higher standard just because they play with a staff member. The staff member 100% is held to a higher standard no matter what, but if its not breaking rules, looking poorly on staff, etc. then why does it matter.

The only ranks that are held to a higher standard are Staff, Support team, Sr's of the R&R & APD, Head civ council. That is because of their positions. Majority of civ council are just regular members of the server just like the rest of the people who play the server. However, they have the ability to put down ideas and attend meetings to push ideas for the server. There is no need for them to be held to a higher standard.

I have seen FAR worse on this server in my 4+ years on it. Sure they caused you a bit harm, but take it as a lesson. You gotta be careful who you invite to your gang, especially when promoting people. Gangs that have been around for a while, leaders that have been around for a while, etc. often times pay attention to who they are recruiting and promoting. It is not our fault that you recruited Farrell into your gang, whether or not it was on an alt account or even if we knew about it. Its not against the rules, we can't do anything about it. I mean someone could have given you a heads up, but thats about it.

take it as a lesson. Don't go and complain about it on the forums. this is exactly what he is looking for a REACTION, which is what most of the people that fuck with you do. They are looking for a reaction from you. Its a scuffed thing, but nothing against the rules so there is nothing staff can enforce.


Also take this from a Staff member that has never been in Cabal, and probably one of the most hated staff members by Cabal.

3 hours ago, Tez said:

Lets face it, its Ryan's playground with Ryan's personal friends as staff, handing out money to friends and banning whoever stands in the way. nothing is fair here. 

Hahahaha. Actually funny as fuck. Ryan used to hate me back in the day when he first got owner. I would call him out for all his bullshit and biasedness back then. As I said in the past, at the beginning of his ownership he was biased and it was scuffed, but he has greatly improved over time. Most of the time when a staff member is promoted Ryan lets the admins, mods, and Sr's deal with that and IF he does, he will be the last one to say anything, that way no one has a biased towards whatever he says.

It seems you really have a lot of problems @ Tez  with this server and how it is run. Maybe its best that you just walk away if you are this upset with it. That is up to you though.

  • Like 6

There are so many great perspectives here that all the staff could learn from to make the server better and actually get more of a community going, but i think all these grown ass adults were bullied in school. and now in a dyeing server that the owner doesn't care what they do,  They feel like its there turn to get back at a general population of people. i guess its better than them shooting schools up. but its still wrong in the same sense. You staff should revise, if you don't care this much let others have the reins and try, I'm sure anybody will do a better job as long as they care. But you wont hand over the reins, You enjoy belittling people on the internet. its kind of weird. 

  • Weird 1
  • Clown 1
  • STFU 1

Not upset with "the server" in the slightest, you make it sound like you and the other staff own it. really Ryan doesn't even own a populous of people. if everybody decided enough was enough and left, you all would have nothing. What i and 90% of the actual community that plays (most not active on the forums) would like to see a change in staff, a system that actually holds them accountable, and a rotation with a democratic system . If we had all that 2 years ago server wouldn't have dropped from 3 full servers to 1 and sometimes 2. You cant own Nostalgia . you're just profiting off it. and not for long if you guys keep abusing your roles. just because one might not be able to prove it. doesn't mean everybody doesnt know.

3 minutes ago, Frato said:

dying* resign*

Revise is right. and autocorrect happens. thanks grammar nazi.

  • Clown 1
  • STFU 1
4 hours ago, anti said:

Why is Cabal putting spies into other gangs to try to destroy gangs from within?  I could see that ratty behavior from random gangs, but a gang with mods and admins in it trying to to make it impossible for smaller gangs to play and destroying them from within is toxic af.  

Admins and mods being in gangs like this seems counterproductive to the server, and frankly something needs to be done.  They've done it enough now that it's become a meme.  


4 minutes ago, Tez said:

What i and 90% of the actual community that plays (most not active on the forums) would like to see a change in staff, a system that actually holds them accountable, and a rotation with a democratic system . If we had all that 2 years ago server wouldn't have dropped from 3 full servers to 1 and sometimes 2. You cant own Nostalgia . you're just profiting off it. and not for long if you guys keep abusing your roles. just because one might not be able to prove it. doesn't mean everybody doesnt know.

Pure delusion 

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, Tez said:

Revise is right. and autocorrect happens. thanks grammar nazi.

No actually revise is not correct as it's still incorrect grammatically.



Edited by Frato
6 minutes ago, Tez said:

There are so many great perspectives here that all the staff could learn from to make the server better and actually get more of a community going, but i think all these grown ass adults were bullied in school. and now in a dyeing server that the owner doesn't care what they do,  They feel like its there turn to get back at a general population of people. i guess its better than them shooting schools up. but its still wrong in the same sense. You staff should revise, if you don't care this much let others have the reins and try, I'm sure anybody will do a better job as long as they care. But you wont hand over the reins, You enjoy belittling people on the internet. its kind of weird. 

Surely there is a reason for this:


1 minute ago, Tez said:

Not upset with "the server" in the slightest, you make it sound like you and the other staff own it. really Ryan doesn't even own a populous of people. if everybody decided enough was enough and left, you all would have nothing. What i and 90% of the actual community that plays (most not active on the forums) would like to see a change in staff, a system that actually holds them accountable, and a rotation with a democratic system . If we had all that 2 years ago server wouldn't have dropped from 3 full servers to 1 and sometimes 2. You cant own Nostalgia . you're just profiting off it. and not for long if you guys keep abusing your roles. just because one might not be able to prove it. doesn't mean everybody doesnt know.

3 minutes ago, Frato said:

Yeah you are right. if everyone all the sudden decided to quit the server it would die. Just like every business, server, or anything in the world would. If your local panera had every employee quit or every customer not come in any more the business would shut down.

Now, for the most part, I have seen only a select few people really have an issue with staff. Now, this does not apply to the people who get upset and dislike us because we may deny their player reports, ban them, etc. There is a system that hold staff accountable, if a staff member fucks up, depending on the severness, etc. then the Sr staff will deal with them, whether its a warning, removal, suspension, etc. that is all up the Sr. Staff.

The reason the server has gone down in pop in the last 2 years has barely anything to do with the staff team, which has drastically changed since 2 years ago. Majority leave because of school, IRL shit, jobs, got tired of the server, etc. Also not to mention that this game has been out for 8+ years. You are bound to have a decrease in player pop the longer the game is out. Unless its something like Minecraft, but I'm pretty sure that still has dropped a lot of players.

Currently we are #2 for most populated server in the last 24 hours of all Arma 3 server: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/arma3


The German server just came back and took #1 from us after like two weeks of us being 1st place. We often switch between 1st & 2nd.


So maybe it actually has nothing to do with the staff team seeing as we are still 2nd of all Arma servers. Beating every other life server besides the German one.

  • Like 2

If you did what i said, everybody is looking back for a better game to play right now as there is none. and with covid all old games are in demand, its just about what will bring back a community of people who used to play, and trust me, it isn't you champ. A new system would spark the eyes of everybody who used to play and bring them back, i came back joined a few different gangs to see the community and see how its all going, been a month now and i've decided that its LITTERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to have fun here, as its been ruined by staff, if that wasn't the case, im sure a lot more like me would come back donate and relive the old days until arma 4. but, no one likes you.

CodeFour is going strong as it was back in the day.

they haven't downgraded servers and took 66% of them away.

  • STFU 1
8 minutes ago, Tez said:

How is it delusional

Every single action we take is logged and if we are abusing shit we lose our position. The person with the least hours IN GAME ON OLYMPUS who is mod+RN has around 2k hours of in game time. ON average its 3k hours in game, plus all the time spent in TS and discord making friends ETC.  None of us want to lose these positions but above that, none of us are here to be abusive. We are volunteers on a 10 year old Role playing milsim game for the reason of we love the community. Ill say it again, EVERY SINGLE ACTION WE TAKE IS LOGGED none of us are playing in any kind of abusive manner.  I wish you could just understand that you are genuinely wrong about your stance as you have nothing more then claims that have been investigated and your still wrong

2 minutes ago, Tez said:

CodeFour is going strong as it was back in the day.

they haven't downgraded servers and took 66% of them away.


  • Like 2

because you can fill 150 of the 330 slots since them on a good Friday, doesn't mean your thriving, by 2 days in the donations would have been at 400$ already back then. I bet unless its you guys, you wont see a donor for a few weeks.

But if your friends with the guy checking it don't matter, this is all hearsay noble.

are you proud to be an admin of a dead server? @ Millennium

All you say @ Noble , is WaWaWaWaWaWawA

  • STFU 1
4 minutes ago, Tez said:

i came back joined a few different gangs to see the community and see how its all going, been a month now and i've decided that its LITTERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to have fun here, as its been ruined by staff, if that wasn't the case, im sure a lot more like me would come back donate and relive the old days until arma 4. but, no one likes you.

Again, the thing is not a single staff member has mistreated you in any way. every action taken has been 100% fine. you have heard this from a mod, admin, senior admin, and head admin 

4 hours ago, anti said:

Why is Cabal putting spies into other gangs to try to destroy gangs from within?  I could see that ratty behavior from random gangs, but a gang with mods and admins in it trying to to make it impossible for smaller gangs to play and destroying them from within is toxic af.  

Admins and mods being in gangs like this seems counterproductive to the server, and frankly something needs to be done.  They've done it enough now that it's become a meme.  

Can I join CTF so I can be featured in the next grotty gang video ty ty

2 minutes ago, Tez said:

because you can fill 150 of the 330 slots since them on a good Friday, doesn't mean your thriving, by 2 days in the donations would have been at 400$ already back then. I bet unless its you guys, you wont see a donor for a few weeks.

But if your friends with the guy checking it don't matter, this is all hearsay noble.

are you proud to be an admin of a dead server? @ Millennium

A dead server yet you still play it ;D

That picture is from the last 24 hours, that is not "a good friday". Literally just the last 24 hours, so from Monday at 11:45 PM till Teusday at 11:45 PM

1 hour ago, Chase- said:

You have an anime profile picture.

Your father was either absent or useless.

You have a dolphin profile pic weirdo

I am asian so I have every right in having an anime profile pic

  • Haha 1

At this point, I think I've said all I wanted to say. obviously , you have no incentive to change your ways. 

5 minutes ago, Millennium said:

A dead server yet you still play it ;D

That picture is from the last 24 hours, that is not "a good friday". Literally just the last 24 hours, so from Monday at 11:45 PM till Teusday at 11:45 PM

Keep huffing on the Copium ,

and really i came back to see how its going, so no i don't "still play it" i was testing the waters. and as i can tell your circle jerk is too strong to fight /.

everybody knows it.

i know at least 3 regular players that are quitting after seeing the whole mess with noble.

  • Cringe 1
  • STFU 1
2 minutes ago, Tez said:

At this point, I think I've said all I wanted to say. obviously , you have no incentive to change your ways. 

Keep huffing on the Copium ,

shit man, maybe you just need to touch some grass and breath fresh air. Realize that the stuff you are saying and accusing staff of doing is not actually correct. Otherwise Noble would have been punished for it. Whether or not he is friends with the Sr staff. You eventually all become friends when you are in a position with staff where you deal with others on a daily basis.

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