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Bye Yall #Taters

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I the one and only great Potato master have Decided to quit Olympus. Mostly because i will not have anytime to play and as most of your know real life over video games. #NavyTaterTot i have enjoyed Olympus a great deal since i have been on it from the quad bikers that VDM all day and i hope they rot in hell to me getting rekt by MC on a daily basis<3.  Some people i would like to point out that made my time on Olympus memorable (Sorry if i forget anyone all of u is bae in the eyes of the Potato) 


1.Jorbis the duck 

2.D3vil the jell-0 guy 

3. Stix lover of all bunny's 

4. 3 Rip little ninja that reks all day

5. Zach (Worst csgo player ever) 

6. SGT Moob- ISIS Throwback

7. BurBan guys wherever u is

8. Bubbaloo aka Mr Dorito 

9. TheyCallMePaw Old Fart  <3 

10. Virus<33333 ;)

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Ah Mr. Potato. I lost my archenemy. Good luck in your future endeavors. Hope to see you back here again soon. We never got that fight you promised! When I come back from vacation. One last stand in Kavala SQ, right in front of a deputy. See you later pringle! 

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