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Poor Zach, wanted to trade knife with me...

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i just love scammers with a passion, this guy really tried, but in the end he failed : ) not at one point did i belive in him! : P enjoy the conversation! :D
16. juni 2015
04:24 - SPBojo: ? : )
04:25 - zach: hey you want to trade
04:25 - SPBojo: trade what ?
04:25 - zach: i have bayonet fade for ur statrak flip knife stained
04:25 - zach: ?
04:26 - SPBojo: 2 sek
04:26 - SPBojo: you have a empty inventory
04:26 - zach: its private
04:26 - zach: i can change it if u want to see
04:26 - SPBojo: i would like that yeah : )
04:27 - zach: u can see know
04:27 - SPBojo: the FN one?
04:27 - zach: ya
04:28 - SPBojo: you want to trade that with my knife?
04:28 - zach: do u want
04:28 - zach: ya
04:28 - SPBojo: yes of course i want to, but im not sure if your just trolling me or not : /
04:28 - zach: why is it a bad deal
04:28 - zach: i like how it looks
04:28 - SPBojo: well, ok, lets do this deal then : )
04:28 - zach: kk cool
04:29 - SPBojo: i agree, its a sweet knife i must say
04:29 - zach: ya ikr
04:29 - zach has accepted your request to trade.
04:29 - zach: my freind told me u might scam
04:29 - SPBojo: i wont
04:29 - SPBojo: why should i?
04:29 - SPBojo: what is there even to scam?
04:30 - SPBojo: add your knife now, and were good to go.
04:30 - zach: well he said you should trade first bc apparently my knife is more valuable
04:30 - SPBojo: well, i say so we dont scam eachother we add both our knives and trade
04:30 - SPBojo: you are doing this deal with me, not your friend...
04:30 - SPBojo: im not letting your friend ruin you getting a amazing knife.
04:30 - zach: ik but my freind got scammed before im just scared
04:31 - zach: ok your right i guess
04:31 - SPBojo: thats hes fault...
04:31 - SPBojo: if i wanted to scam, i would never say what im saying : )
04:31 - SPBojo: now lets both ready up
04:31 - zach: haha ok
04:31 - zach: im ready
04:31 - SPBojo: it says your not ready
04:32 - SPBojo: and you removed it?
04:32 - SPBojo: come on now zach, lets not scam eachother shall we?
04:32 - zach: my freind told me it was a bad deal
04:32 - zach: he said u trade first or no deal srry hes not letting me
04:32 - zach: :((
04:32 - SPBojo: well your friend is not you
04:32 - SPBojo: you do what you want sir
04:32 - zach: ya but we share this account sop
04:33 - SPBojo: be independent.
04:33 - SPBojo: your friend got scammed.
04:33 - SPBojo: were building a relationship here
04:33 - zach: ok u trade first or i leave so im sorry
04:33 - SPBojo: were becomming friends
04:33 - SPBojo: ok, im sorry for not being stupid enough to let you scam me : )
04:33 - zach: ok thnx have a nice day
04:33 - SPBojo: atleast you tried tho
04:33 - zach: he said u want anything else?
04:34 - SPBojo: what?
04:33 - zach: like a pulse or moinkey buisness
04:33 - zach: thats wat he said
04:34 - SPBojo: i dont really need anything, you said we were gonna do this knife deal, so i taught that was the plan
04:34 - zach: ya he talked me out srry
04:34 - SPBojo: welll, use your brain for a second
04:34 - zach is now Offline.

These people are always so retarded. "I might get scammed even tho if we both put our knives in there is no way to get scammed"

These people are always so retarded. "I might get scammed even tho if we both put our knives in there is no way to get scammed"

"my friend said you might scam me" its like, what the fuck o.o he added me and wanted to trade with me, how can i scam him? xD

I have seen countless numbers of scams both tried on me and in YouTube videos, but this one is definitely unique. I'll give him that.

And i wanted to keep it going but he deleted me :/

I have a sweet ass deal for you spbojo. I have a stat track megov for that knife. No scam no bs

I have a sweet ass deal for you spbojo. I have a stat track megov for that knife. No scam no bs

Do I have the word retard printed in my head? Noooooope!!! I dun wunt ur nugguv!

its a 1 for 1 its impossible to scam... now if he said that you needed to add a few skins or he added some and made you do the knife first that is different, this kid has no clue how to scam lol.

its a 1 for 1 its impossible to scam... now if he said that you needed to add a few skins or he added some and made you do the knife first that is different, this kid has no clue how to scam lol.

i still liked him : 3

Bojo needs friends so hard he's trying to make friends with a scammer, aw ;)

worst part... its true... was up to 6 am trying to make friends

you should know im to lazy to add anyone, names SPBojo, you add me ;)

Will do. Be on my team or face the consequences of winning

just got scammed for my knife, RIP, some mad hack skills o.o and yeah, il make sure to stay on your team o.o

just got scammed for my knife, RIP, some mad hack skills o.o and yeah, il make sure to stay on your team o.o

thomas hax op

How did you get scammed, if you went first sadly you deserve it. This hack shit is next level tho that shit is nasty.

How did you get scammed, if you went first sadly you deserve it. This hack shit is next level tho that shit is nasty.

i never go first, FUCK that hah, we were in a group chat with some people talking, all of the sudden my steam frezes and i get redirected to inventory, only to see my Knife being gone... looked after where it went, went to a random named LOLOL....

i never go first, FUCK that hah, we were in a group chat with some people talking, all of the sudden my steam frezes and i get redirected to inventory, only to see my Knife being gone... looked after where it went, went to a random named LOLOL....

So you got hacked? That is retarded can steam refund it?

So you got hacked? That is retarded can steam refund it?

probably not seeing as it happened from my account and my account sent it out. but yeah, i got hacked... thats why im doing 



Plz donate 4 food https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=59990992&token=EX4HoW6L

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