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GOAT Special Needs Head Ass (R.I.P DABEST)

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Let me start by saying R.I.P to DABEST all though I didn't know him that well, still sucks to hear sad news like that no matter who it is. However, I didn't feel like it was right to let GOAT slide with being a socially and emotionally inept fucking retard. Who tf in their right mind replies to a R.I.P status with this stupid shit??? Have a blessed afterlife with those you love @ DABESTeva  


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1 hour ago, coopacarp said:

Let me start by saying R.I.P to DABEST all though I didn't know him that well, still sucks to hear sad news like that no matter who it is. However, I didn't feel like it was right to let GOAT slide with being a socially and emotionally inept fucking retard. Who tf in their right mind replies to a R.I.P status with this stupid shit??? Have a blessed afterlife with those you love @ DABESTeva  


HOW U GET yo upvotes like that and shit like that to look like that looks right looks like it could be something i could like to look at

1 minute ago, The Owner said:

HOW U GET yo upvotes like that and shit like that to look like that looks right looks like it could be something i could like to look at

I'm gonna be honest with you chief. I had an aneurism trying to read that and I still have no idea what you mean

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1 minute ago, coopacarp said:

I'm gonna be honest with you chief. I had an aneurism trying to read that and I still have no idea what you mean

like the way you got yo shit looking like that ya feel me like the wy your downvotes and shit look like that i really could like looking at that so hmu ya feel me

  • Haha 2
2 minutes ago, The Owner said:

like the way you got yo shit looking like that ya feel me like the wy your downvotes and shit look like that i really could like looking at that so hmu ya feel me

Oh lmfao if you download Opera GX it's a fucking AWESOME 10/10 browser that has low usage so you won't fuck your games. It has a dark mode and makes it look like that for me

I think the dark mode is what causes that

5 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

Oh lmfao if you download Opera GX it's a fucking AWESOME 10/10 browser that has low usage so you won't fuck your games. It has a dark mode and makes it look like that for me

I think the dark mode is what causes that

so if i downaload the upvote packs my shit gonna look like that because i really need my shit to look like that so i can look at my reactions liking the poserts and shit looks right on man

1 minute ago, The Owner said:

so if i downaload the upvote packs my shit gonna look like that because i really need my shit to look like that so i can look at my reactions liking the poserts and shit looks right on man

Upvoted packs? Nah papa g, just turn on dark mode if you use Opra GX

6 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

Upvoted packs? Nah papa g, just turn on dark mode if you use Opra GX

SUCKS when you just tryna learn something new and they troll you now my shit look like this 


  • Haha 4

So to clarify: I'm being flamed for asking for literal proof of the death of a community member I have previously played with/know? Wow, so BOLD of me to ask!


Like I said in the status update, hold deez.

@ coopacarp is a vocal/known supporter of Raptor427. Don't come at me sideways when you actually advocated for a convicted pedophile (which activities were conducted on THIS server) in numerous ways. Then, when you got caught up, said it was a "joke". Trust me buddy, we don't forget those kinda things 🙂 


I can continue this exposè if you'd like. Just @ me

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29 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

So to clarify: I'm being flamed for asking for literal proof of the death of a community member I have previously played with/know? Wow, so BOLD of me to ask!


Like I said in the status update, hold deez.

@ coopacarp is a vocal/known supporter of Raptor427. Don't come at me sideways when you actually advocated for a convicted pedophile (which activities were conducted on THIS server) in numerous ways. Then, when you got caught up, said it was a "joke". Trust me buddy, we don't forget those kinda things 🙂 


I can continue this exposè if you'd like. Just @ me

I would LOVE proof of me supporting the guy that violated my close friends you actual pathetic excuse for a human bruh. The things you say should get you banned but everyone knows you're stuck inside saying shit you shouldn't say because you're on a computer and you get away with it. I've seen pics of you bruh, you're literally a fat child don't act like a big boy with a brain when you're actually retarded.


And you are being called out for being an inconsiderate piece of fucking SHIT. Who the actual fuck demands proof that someone isn't lying over a DEATH when it was the OWNER HIMSELF who made the news known??? Are you so fucking DENSE you live in your own make believe world that that shit is ok? Go socialize with someone for once in your fucking life and learn how to act bruh.

P.S. If you try to link a gyazo of what I said to your retarded ass on the forums you're just going to get made fun of again like last time because I hurt your pussy ass feelings in game and decided to bully your ass by joking around and now you cling to it like a fucking life raft in the middle of the ocean lmao. Pathetic. And when you say "we don't forget those kinda things" you mean you, you don't forget when I embarrass you and you make shit up to try to feel better. Nobody else thinks I support that fucking freak except you and maybe a very small group of other butt hurt children with no brain cells.

Edited by coopacarp
3 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

Who the actual fuck demands proof that someone isn't lying over a DEATH when it was the OWNER HIMSELF who made the news known???

I am that guy that requested information on a players death on a STATUS UPDATE OF A RANDOM COMMUNITY MEMBER. Honestly you sound dumber the more you type to justify your advocation for a convicted pedophile

3 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

I would LOVE proof of me supporting the guy that violated my close friends you actual pathetic excuse for a human bruh.

There are numerous people still around this community who vividly recall your statements in support of a convicted pedophile.

Enough said man.

Take the seat.

Hold the L.

  • Clown 2
12 minutes ago, Mr GOAT said:

I am that guy that requested information on a players death on a STATUS UPDATE OF A RANDOM COMMUNITY MEMBER. Honestly you sound dumber the more you type to justify your advocation for a convicted pedophile

There are numerous people still around this community who vividly recall your statements in support of a convicted pedophile.

Enough said man.

Take the seat.

Hold the L.

You didn't just "request info on a players death" you flat out questions the legitimacy out of a fucking death because once again, you are retarded. You can't change things to fit your narrative like you try to with Raptor zzzz.

You think you win arguments by saying retarded shit and saying "L", just shows your maturity. Step outside fat boy. I rest my case, you're inconsiderate and make shit up to save your ass. 

Show the proof of me supporting raptor that you think you have lol.

Fuck it I'll just go ahead and disprove your lies for you


To whoever is a retard and thinks I support a fucking PEDO that did shit to my close friends in VX, go ahead and open every reply in that status and try to tell me it wasn't BLATANTLY a joke to piss off GOAT with everyone realizing that except GOAT and try to tell me GOAT wasn't clearly baby raging and making up some weird ass shit over a joke HE started in game lol.

Oops, did I take away your only fucking lie that you cling to? Freak

Peep the reply Woo left regarding how much of a POS you are btw. Just as much of a cunt back then as you are now lol, never learn

Edited by coopacarp
7 minutes ago, coopacarp said:

You didn't just "request info on a players death" you flat out questions the legitimacy out of a fucking death because once again, you are retarded. You can't change things to fit your narrative like you try to with Raptor zzzz.

You think you win arguments by saying retarded shit and saying "L", just shows your maturity. Step outside fat boy. I rest my case, you're inconsiderate and make shit up to save your ass. 

Show the proof of me supporting raptor that you think you have lol.

Fuck it I'll just go ahead and disprove your lies for you


To whoever is a retard and thinks I support a fucking PEDO that did shit to my close friends in VX, go ahead and open every reply in that status and try to tell me it wasn't BLATANTLY a joke to piss off GOAT with everyone realizing that except GOAT and try to tell me GOAT wasn't clearly baby raging and making up some weird ass shit over a joke HE started in game lol.

Oops, did I take away your only fucking lie that you cling to? Freak




bro what the fuck are you doing to my forums


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2 hours ago, imposter said:




bro what the fuck are you doing to my forums


Your attention is required in your DM for reason of upmost development urgency. 🙂

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4 hours ago, Mr GOAT said:

So to clarify: I'm being flamed for asking for literal proof of the death of a community member I have previously played with/know? Wow, so BOLD of me to ask!

The reason people are upset is not because you asked for proof, rather it was the tone, word choice and the way you asked that was the problem. You came off as insensitive as hell and quite frankly like an asshole when you said it. People are clearly upset and emotionally charged over the situation and you continued to fan the flames by arguing and making excuses instead of simply apologizing for acting like a clown.


3 hours ago, coopacarp said:

Who the actual fuck demands proof that someone isn't lying over a DEATH when it was the OWNER HIMSELF who made the news known???

He posted that before Ryan made his post for the record

Edited by Frato
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I mean, It's not really even insensitive. He even said "I don't want to offend." It's the internet things like this happen who cares someone asked for proof of death usually an article or something will pop up when a young guy dies. 

Not saying Goat is entirely correct in doing so because personally I don't need proof it is what it is. But realistically this post is really petty and seems to have a background of hate behind it. 

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For some context to this goats first response which he deleted after ryans offical post was along the lines of "post a obituary or your trolling."

@ Mr GOAT  you didnt "simply ask" for proof. You told someone saying rip to a friend to post a obituary or he was trolling literally less than 24 hours after his friend died, there was no ask there was just you being a dickhead on a dead mans forum page. You can keep doubling down on this but you just look stupid lol. I dont know whats gotten into you man a couple years ago you were a normal dude & even when i talked to you is ts recently you seemed alright but wheneveryou get on forums you go off the rails man, accept that you can be wrong man.

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You people literally look for reasons to be mad at people when goat made that comment it was around 8:50 Ryan’s post confirming his death wasn’t posted till around 11 so yes goat had every right to question the legitimacy since we are on an arma 3 server where people have fun in making the most sensitive topics a joke. Grow up and grow a pair further more do you not remember who we are talking about here it’s dabest he wouldn’t have a gave a fuck. Also crazy how you made sure to crop out where he edited his post after finding out.

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Just the local "that guy" showing this gross colors of delusion once again. Your doubling down is that of a toddler full of ignorance. Word choice and the inability to say here that you now see the reality due to Ryan's post is shocking. Gross ,distasteful and disrespectful  human trash@ Mr GOAT

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The guy is a fucking socially inept cringe lord not sure what you guys expect from him, the man child's vocabulary consists of "hold this L" "deez nutz" and "rent free" cant really get anymore smooth brain than that 

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