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GA Carrier VS Tactical Vest

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First test was done at 15 meters. All Shots were taken at upper chest just below neck.


GA:                        15 meters           100 meters      500 meters


PDUB/Rook:          9 shots                 10                  could not hit


Katiba:                    3-4                       4                         4


Vermin:                   5-6                       lol                       lmao


Rahim:                     3                        3-4                       3-4!                   


MK14:                       3                         3                          3


MK-1:                       3                          3                         4-5


Mar10:                      1                          1                        1-2


MK18:                       3                         3                       3-4





Tac Vests :               15m                    100m                  500m


PDUB/ROOK:           5                           6


Katiba:                      3                           3                        3-4


Vermin:                     4                          4-5


Rahim:                      2                            2                          3


MK1:                        2                             2                        2-3 (most 3)


MK-14:                     2                             2                        2-3 (most 2)


MAR10:                    1                            1                           1


MK18:                       2                            2                       2-3 (most 3)


So, at close range is where we see the biggest impact, 1 less bullet to kill withing 100 meters on A TACTICAL VEST. Where you can take 3 on a GA. Chart speaks for itself, if your friend can buy GA's its worth waiting to get 1. Just a nice little chart here.

Or you can just grow a set of nads and shoot them in the face BAM your vest means nothing!

Gary has a point... just improve your shooting and your golden : 3

First test was done at 15 meters. All Shots were taken at upper chest just below neck.


GA:                        15 meters           100 meters      500 meters


PDUB/Rook:          9 shots                 10                  could not hit


500 meters and couldn't hit? What are you shit?!

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500 meters and couldn't hit? What are you shit?!

Couldnt get a count, about 5 bullets in i hit him in the head and he dies. That is why, i could hit him just couldnt test.

Couldnt get a count, about 5 bullets in i hit him in the head and he dies. That is why, i could hit him just couldnt test.

sure bud


shout out to our boy VVarefare in the fatty vid, luv u

  • Like 1

its extremely obvious in wasteland where it shows you armor values


all tactical vests except for the police one has an armor rating of 30


the police vest has an armor rating of 100 along with like 3-4 others (the GA carrier rig being one of them)


combine the 100 armor vest with hex clothing (OPFOR default clothing) and you can survive up to 5-6 7.62 shots at ~300 meters. the ghillie suits also give decent armor coming in second, but the HEX have by far the highest clothing armor (14 chest compared to the 8 of ghillie).



tldr use a GA carrier rig or police vest + HEX or ghillie and your durability goes up by a fuck ton.


the clothing armor value has been reduced on some clothing, its not updated on wasteland but most of the HEX clothing have been basically nerfed.

the clothing armor value has been reduced on some clothing, its not updated on wasteland but most of the HEX clothing have been basically nerfed.

that a recent thing?


like 3 weeks ago it was a huge issue in wasteland.


had 4 people in a truck, driver slams into a hay-bale repair kits just explode everywhere. 3 people die instantly in 100 armor vests / ghillie suits, im perfectly fine in my 100 armor / opfor HEX i took. had a good luls from that.

that a recent thing?


like 3 weeks ago it was a huge issue in wasteland.


had 4 people in a truck, driver slams into a hay-bale repair kits just explode everywhere. 3 people die instantly in 100 armor vests / ghillie suits, im perfectly fine in my 100 armor / opfor HEX i took. had a good luls from that.

thats because the ghillie suit has shit armor, it does not have anywhere near the armor of HEX. the hex itself is only nerfed a tiny bit, not that much maybe 1 shot from over 300 meters, but the ghillie has always had little to zero armor : )

thats because the ghillie suit has shit armor, it does not have anywhere near the armor of HEX. the hex itself is only nerfed a tiny bit, not that much maybe 1 shot from over 300 meters, but the ghillie has always had little to zero armor : )



the ghillie suits have 8/4/4/8 or 8/4/8/4


theyre the highest you can see in the shop



the ghillie suits have 8/4/4/8 or 8/4/8/4


theyre the highest you can see in the shop

its custom beacsue the ghillies are "op" from before hand, they arnt really that great in any other servers. and on wasteland they are as said, custom modded. but they do not, not at all have better armor than HEX.

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