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ACTUAL FUCKING STAFF BIAS: Grandma Gary Come-on...

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6 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

the same exact situation countless have been taken from people before.  

You keep mentioning these previous events happening, then where are specific examples of it? Or evidence of this happening?

also you keep saying that you Titan engaged and we’re trying to Titan @ CaloomClark out of the sky. If this is the case then why should @ Wilhelm get it at all if your original plan (which you’ve stated in this post) was to blow it up? 

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3 hours ago, Dante said:

I’ve been around a long time and it’s always been the standard that if you do not have possession, you’re not getting comped. A ban for sure, but you’re not getting compensated something you never had possession of. This isn’t new, this isn’t a story, and this post won’t change anyone’s mind. I can’t speak on this one, but the way staff has always handled stuff that dealt with something that could be bias is someone else would oversee the ticket to eliminate bias. 

Yeah thats never been the case since I started playing in like 17.  If that was how it worked at all, there's a member of CTF that's owed a ghawk.

I've literally seen them pull logs to see if people combat stored and ripped vehicles i the past.  

5 hours ago, Mako said:

Caloom isn't in Aegis, he's a friend of Headtaps who invites him when we're playing together.

You're wrong. He is.  This is a technicality.  He joins for the entire day.  Not a group, in gang.  He joins, and quits right before he logs.  Been doing it for weeks. 

5 hours ago, Mako said:

I'll reiterate one more time, no staff member affiliated with Caloom bothered to get involved in his report, ban or the subsequent compensation requested for his Ghosthawk. 

This situation cannot be biased due to the fact that affiliated parties didn't attempt to interfere and there wasn't specialized treatment given, you claiming this shows out outlandish your argument is.

You're claiming that the Head Administrator of the server and the Administrator in a gang that rivals my own are both biased despite the fact that they:

A: Don't fucking care

B: Aren't affiliated with the gang in a positive or cooperative way

C; Benefit nothing from either the unban, denying the compensation, or dealing with this tantrum

Said at the very beginning.  I don't know the cause of the bias, but this is bias.  An entirely different set of circumstances was set for him to get this comped than has ever been previously set.   He got a 5 day he served 20 mins of.  He suffered no consequences for this.

2 hours ago, Snake said:




HE  PULLED IT BACK OUT 5 MINS LATER.  WE lost all tactical advantage in that time.  Don't be dense.  He had time to buy a titan and call for help.  

2 hours ago, fat female arma 3 player said:

Most empty 07 threat ive ever seen


2 hours ago, Rafa said:


PIssed.  This situation is so blatantly bias it's fucking ridiculous, and all the staff involved are acting like they don't know him when they've fighting for their life to make him not have to suffer any consequenes whatsoever.

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2 hours ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

Doesn’t mean you didn’t mess up but you fessed up to it so I respect that. 

No.  He didn't.  If that becomes that standard I can combat store all day.  Just pull it back out 5 minutes later on rebel boat after i get a titan and call for backup. 

1 hour ago, Snake said:

How could you possibly see them? They’re 3k out in a hummingbird ramping their render distance to 12k and using a magnifying glass to see the hawk 

Litrally 1k.  The fact that you guys have to lie to defend him is making my point better than me. 

And closing the gap. 

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6 hours ago, CaloomClark said:

lookin good mush XO ask gordan to have a fly in her

@ The Sovereign  You need to get a grip, the fact he is in a gang means absolutely nothing. Nor is it about bias in any way at all. Gary could not care less about who or what gang this dashing European man is in. also whoever uploaded a 8 hour arma 3 video there is a special place in hell awaiting your arrival 

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Just now, Noble said:

@ The Sovereign  You need to get a grip, the fact he is in a gang means absolutely nothing. Nor is it about bias in any way at all. Gary could not care less about who or what gang this dashing European man is in. also whoever uploaded a 8 hour arma 3 video there is a special place in hell awaiting your arrival 

Cool.  Give cabbage his ghawk back then.  Same circumstances.  Had to serve the ENTIRE BAN AND GOT IT RIPPED.  How is this fair?

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Just now, Noble said:

flying perpendicular to him 💀

Waiting for the titaner to get in place before we landed in case he was going to run.  

Ya'll go so hard to defend some people it's insane.  DO you see how blatant this shit is?  You cannot possibly be this dense to think this was handled fairly. 

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12 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

So how the actual shit fuck is this not a compable offense?  Caloom was immediately in side chat for an entire week bragging he is being protected by 'sr staff.'  Claiming it wouldn't be taken from him.  Takes weeks for staff to do the ticket, he gets banned, but they refuse to transfer it as comp because "we had no chance of taking it and were nowhere near him" despite us in a heli hunting him down.  

This situation was far less ambugious when they stripped a ghawk from a ctf member in a equivalent situation.  

Why does @ CaloomClark  get a free pass for combat storing.  

Jump to 7:45.  

That him combat storing.  He was engaged by someone with a titan trying to titan him, then we started pushing.  

We have full video going all around the entire situation.  From engagement, to titan lock, to storing.  He was banned for it.  It was agreed to be a combat store.  We were circling him waiting to titan him.  @ Grandma Gary  decided, somehow, despite everyone else in this situation always getting their shit taken, that @ CaloomClark  doesn't have to face any consequences for his actions at all besides a 1  hour ban.  

How is this fair?

Gary, I've always had a lot of respect for you and I've always actually considered you a fair admin.  I've been assuring these guys for weeks you're a fair admin that wouldn't let some shit like this slide, and you did.  This is highly disappointing to see this level of bias from the top admin.  Deflating af.    Some people seemingly really are untouchable. 

Please reevaluate your decision and give @ Wilhelm the ghawk that he deserves.  If not, you should 100% give cabbage back the ghawk that was taken from him in a far more ambiguous situation.  

And the countless people who've had ghawks stripped from them based on logs of them storing across the map.

look no one cares but also why the fuck did you upload an 8hour clip to youtube also in the clip i dont know what the fuck im looking at because ITS FUCKING 8 HOURS LONG YOU DENT FUCKING BRICK RETARD

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So to be clear.. from now on combat storing is legal as long as 5 minutes later you pull it back out?  We can just combat store to call for help from now on?  Or is that only for aegis members?

Just now, PUG said:

look no one cares but also why the fuck did you upload an 8hour clip to youtube also in the clip i dont know what the fuck im looking at because ITS FUCKING 8 HOURS LONG YOU DENT FUCKING BRICK

You're retarded. More proof people aren't actually watching.  It's not me retard.

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12 minutes ago, The Sovereign said:

And closing the gap

To close a gap you can't keep flying parallel to the person. You'll never get any closer. It's just how physical space works.

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