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For Dante Only Say Good things to him no bad things allowed here


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I know Dante gets a lot of shit (mostly by fucking idiots who don't know the rules) , but Dante is an actual good dude. Dante is always helping out with support cases and giving opinions and advice to Support Team and Senior Support when he doesn't have to. 

And before I get accused of this; no I'm not trying to get mod and this is my genuine feelings. 

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@ -dante-  best admin there is along with @ Masonn  these two guys can handle anything you throw at them 

Edited by shawnfin

@ -dante-  your the best admin by a mile. not saying other staff are bad, your just the best when it comes to decision making and letting people off with warnings/ reduces on bans to ensure they dont do it again. keep doing gods work brotha, the community members that matter love you for it❤️

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  • Lord of Tickets
13 hours ago, SheriffJohnBeard said:

I see Dante is off limits, but can I say bad things about Shawn?


This is why I keep a Titan on me at all times now 

28 minutes ago, JDC said:

I'm not trying to get mod

Can confirm this man has never applied for mod and you can catch him mouthing off to staff when he has a strong opinion so he does not say nice things to me ever hahaha appreciate you brother. Keep the whip strong 💪🏼 


8 minutes ago, proud said:

@ -dante-  your the best admin by a mile. not saying other staff are bad, your just the best when it comes to decision making and letting people off with warnings/ reduces on bans to ensure they dont do it again. keep doing gods work brotha, the community members that matter love you for it❤️

I try my best, I appreciate you proud 🙏🏼

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7 hours ago, gavinO said:

Dante punishes me harshly. He should stop

@ gavinO  send me your in game name and youll never use salt flats safely again bud


I think Dante is a great admin.
He bans everyone I report, so far, a 100% approval rate.
Thank you for keeping the rats in cages Dante.

It keeps them from chewing on wires in my Postal Truck.
Which reduces costs to the USPS.

Have a great day.Post Office Delivery GIF

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@ -dante-  has been kicking around the server for close to a decade at this point.

When I was Jr APD in 2017 he would consistently play with everyone and listed to their grievances or ideas despite being a sous-chef and the norm being closed channels.

As a staff member he was always one of the most accessible ones to the point where even if you had a very stupid rules question he'd explain it without judgment.

Luckily I haven't dealt with him in years because I follow the rules 95% of the time, but despite having a golden ticket to retirement he came back, is one of the most active staff members and actually gives a shit.

I disagree with his opinion and his judgement from time to time, but no one can say he's not competent and motivated.

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  • Lord of Tickets
13 hours ago, LULA 2022 - PT 13 said:

When I was Jr APD in 2017 he would consistently play with everyone and listed to their grievances or ideas despite being a sous-chef and the norm being closed channels.

Refreshing to see you mention this actually. I’ve always been an advocate of seniors playing with everyone and not hiding in channels. My chief tenure was very short and that’s usually what it’s remembered by - but I’m glad some saw the effort I made to connect with the juniors. I especially remember you asking me questions and making suggestions daily. I’m glad youre more in tune with everything now - but DMs are still always open if you need anything my man. 


13 hours ago, Kregii said:

Dante is my favorite admin to get banned by without a doubt

I’m sure you’ll have more in the future 🙏🏼


14 hours ago, Lea said:

mean, I guess that @ -dante- kid is alright. As Arma Mom I'm fairly proud of him... 🧁

who else do you get to talk to about car seats and toddler chaos?! 


19 hours ago, Element_ said:


Yes 🤘🏼

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1 hour ago, -dante- said:

Refreshing to see you mention this actually. I’ve always been an advocate of seniors playing with everyone and not hiding in channels. My chief tenure was very short and that’s usually what it’s remembered by - but I’m glad some saw the effort I made to connect with the juniors. I especially remember you asking me questions and making suggestions daily. I’m glad youre more in tune with everything now - but DMs are still always open if you need anything my man. 


I’m sure you’ll have more in the future 🙏🏼


who else do you get to talk to about car seats and toddler chaos?! 


Yes 🤘🏼

There will be more undoubtedly. Many people think I break rules because I'm retarded or because I crashout on a daily basis, but really I break rules just to feed dante staff points.

  • Wow 1
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Lord of Tickets
1 hour ago, Ddosed said:

His 17head is amazing... like a whiteboard 

Hey man just because I can’t wear fitted hats because they’re too tight on my head doesn’t mean it’s a 17 head 

  • Lord of Tickets
1 minute ago, Tman15tmb said:

God damn you got a big head lol

i know the 100 lb toothpick not talkin rn

  • Haha 1

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