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Talking to APD = Talking to Brick Wall

Big B

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So over the last month I have been noticing a big difference in how the APD conduct themselves with the civilian population, and I know I am not alone here. It seems that any officer below a corporal is simply to scared to rp because they think one little rule bend (for the sake of rp) will get them removed from the force. I play and love this server because of the RP and hate seeing it virtually disappear from such a great server. I feel I conduct myself really nicely compared to other people when they get caught by the police, this is because I want to invite the officer into a fun role-play session. However whenever the arresting officer is a deputy or PO most simply refuse to talk to you in a role-play manner, simply tell you LIST and are done with you. I would suggest some APD RP training in the future. I am not writing this because I don't get a deal most of the time, that's fine, I just want some fucking rp on an rp server.... 

Anyhow here is a video of what I am talking about. No offence to you Stone, most of your peers do the same thing.


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You literally give this dude the same shit spiel that everyone does. I wouldn't have given you nearly the time of day this guy did

Funny thing is there are RPD trainings. People just dont show up.

Also your excuse is "oh i didnt know you were a cop so i shot at u anyway", "Oh its a hunter rifle, its illegal? oh well can i still keep it", "what do u mean i cant get a lower ticket??"

LOL dude, this cop RPed as being a COP he did nothing wrong at all. Yea he might of been monotoned. but i didnt see some amazing RP from you, i wouldnt of givin you a half ticket either. 

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Funny thing is there are RPD trainings. People just dont show up.

Also your excuse is "oh i didnt know you were a cop so i shot at u anyway", "Oh its a hunter rifle, its illegal? oh well can i still keep it", "what do u mean i cant get a lower ticket??"

LOL dude, this cop RPed as being a COP he did nothing wrong at all. Yea he might of been monotoned. but i didnt see some amazing RP from you, i wouldnt of givin you a half ticket either. 

Not sure if we watched the same video there Ace but I would have to say you are putting words in my mouth, I believe I said "oh it's illegal? well I would be happy to turn it over" and the rest of your supposed quotes that I said are putting words in my mouth as well. Please only use quotes when I actually said what you are putting in them, thank you kindly.

And Snake, that was simply part of my rp, not like I was trying get out of my bounty from that. Obviously I was shooting at cops and I knew that. 

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Make the cop RP. If he dosent scream while he is processing, then he will let u rp trust me works every time.

It's kind of up in the air to be honest. A lot of the people who complain about cops not roleplaying are the people who say hands up or die instantly to their gang or are in a gang who call hq takeovers when one of their guys get caught. A lot of the time, it's ok to robocop and send someone to jail if you know they are going to threaten you. The best times to rp is when there aren't a lot of members of the gang on or the bounty is like under 50k. Otherwise now-a-days, it's tough to have a good roleplay session without having to worry about bullshit

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Stone's RP wasn't really anything to write a book about but he did okay here. He could improve on a few things at least.


Me personally, I would have asked you why police marked vehicles gave you the impression that the police were medics and that pretty much leaves you out to dry. You can't really come up with a good excuse after that.




This past month the only cops we have removed are cops who have BROKEN RP, so I don't know why any cops would be afraid to RP.


The problem Big B is that your RP wasn't really thought out. Why would a colorblind guy not be able to read Police on the vehicles and recognize a police uniform?


We are trying to work on the RP APD side of things and its not going to be a significant change overnight, s'gonna take time. But if you want to see improvement in how the APD RP's with you, try to come up with something a little better than the old re-used hunting rifle RP. The biggest problems with CIV RP is that civs typically don't care for RP until they get caught. Nobody comes up to APD officers complaining about domestic violence, racial profiling, restraining orders, etc. These are just examples of menial things to go to the police about.


But sadly, the RP seems to start and end when civs get caught doing drugs, kidnapping, or just killing folks. 


The APD RP has immensely improved from when I first joined, used to be cops would just arrest you for being naked with a 4k bounty in kavala square. The RP on APD-side still has a ways to go but the civs gotta put some effort in too if we want to see some significant changes. I don't just mean when dealing with cops, I mean in everything that you do as a civ and as a gang.


You know just about every gang's recruitment thread is all about robbing, killing, and doing drugs. When other players and groups come along who actually try and roleplay as I dunno, fishermen, government officials, farmers, whatever.... they get robbed and killed by these gangs all the time. Where is their incentive to RP if all they can do on this server is either hide and lay low from the rampaging gangs or join them in their goal of killing and robbery? 




Yeah the cops have problems, but if the civs want RP then the civs and GANGS need to step it up and show it.

Stone's RP wasn't really anything to write a book about but he did okay here. He could improve on a few things at least.


Me personally, I would have asked you why police marked vehicles gave you the impression that the police were medics and that pretty much leaves you out to dry. You can't really come up with a good excuse after that.




This past month the only cops we have removed are cops who have BROKEN RP, so I don't know why any cops would be afraid to RP.


The problem Big B is that your RP wasn't really thought out. Why would a colorblind guy not be able to read Police on the vehicles and recognize a police uniform?


We are trying to work on the RP APD side of things and its not going to be a significant change overnight, s'gonna take time. But if you want to see improvement in how the APD RP's with you, try to come up with something a little better than the old re-used hunting rifle RP. The biggest problems with CIV RP is that civs typically don't care for RP until they get caught. Nobody comes up to APD officers complaining about domestic violence, racial profiling, restraining orders, etc. These are just examples of menial things to go to the police about.


But sadly, the RP seems to start and end when civs get caught doing drugs, kidnapping, or just killing folks. 


The APD RP has immensely improved from when I first joined, used to be cops would just arrest you for being naked with a 4k bounty in kavala square. The RP on APD-side still has a ways to go but the civs gotta put some effort in too if we want to see some significant changes. I don't just mean when dealing with cops, I mean in everything that you do as a civ and as a gang.


You know just about every gang's recruitment thread is all about robbing, killing, and doing drugs. When other players and groups come along who actually try and roleplay as I dunno, fishermen, government officials, farmers, whatever.... they get robbed and killed by these gangs all the time. Where is their incentive to RP if all they can do on this server is either hide and lay low from the rampaging gangs or join them in their goal of killing and robbery? 




Yeah the cops have problems, but if the civs want RP then the civs and GANGS need to step it up and show it.

Thank you for taking time and writing a meaningful response to this.

You have some great points, one thing that I was kind of waiting for the officer to say is things that contradict my story, like the decals on the cars, you are right, that would be hard to refute and it leads to deeper rp. I agree that it is a server effort to get the RP levels where they should be and I really do my best to try to set an example for my gang not to be the typical criminal who gets caught who bitches and whines till the officers ears bleed. It is just difficult trying to get everyone on the same page (as I know you know) and I hope that the APD gets good rp out of my Prodigies for the most part, just want to see the favor reversed sometimes.

ah yes i was getting concerned, it's been 2 days since the most recent "APD SUCKS" thread.  thank you for this

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In regards to this situation, you ask for great RP from the APD, but you guys had been fighting us for 15 minutes, sending us Titan messages, and generally causing havoc. That was also in an active situation, where we were fighting your friends right down the road. You can't expect amazing RP when you are activley sending APD messages "Hands up or die". You also had literally just shot at us, and I tazed you and got you restrained. He drove up and got you out of the situation. Dont complain about RP when you get caught. 

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ah yes i was getting concerned, it's been 2 days since the most recent "APD SUCKS" thread.  thank you for this

This is not an "APD SUCKS' thread.  It is just a concern that he is trying to bring up.  I understand the fact that the moment might have not been the best for a full role play session but I have been caught by officers that do the same thing on a situation way different than this.  But slowly but surely the officers are learning to RP more.  It seems that when officers are with me they feel encouraged to role play?.  Maybe because I always ask them to.  But unfortunately not all times are adequate for a good role play session. 

Edited by Bubbaloo

This is not an "APD SUCKS' thread.  It is just a concern that he is trying to bring up.  I understand the fact that the moment might have not been the best for a full role play session but I have been caught by officers that do the same thing on a situation way different than this.  But slowly but surely the officers are learning to RP more.  It seems that when officers are with me they feel encouraged to role play?.  Maybe because I always ask them to.  But unfortunately not all times are adequate for a good role play session. 

As you said, there are some times where RP takes a back seat to helping fellow officers.  There was a pretty sizable fight going on from what I can tell, and I think this guy did fine given the circumstances.  Nothing to write home about, but you know how it feels every time someone calls their Mk18 "a walking stick".  I can only imagine the feeling is amplified when there is an active engagement down the road.  How many times can we hear the same shit RP excuses and act completely surprised by it?

IRL, I'm sure cops hear "that's not my weed bro, idk how it got there!" a million times.  It gets old and at some point civs need to take some responsibility and come up with some new RP themselves.

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Funny thing is there are RPD trainings. People just dont show up.

Also your excuse is "oh i didnt know you were a cop so i shot at u anyway", "Oh its a hunter rifle, its illegal? oh well can i still keep it", "what do u mean i cant get a lower ticket??"

LOL dude, this cop RPed as being a COP he did nothing wrong at all. Yea he might of been monotoned. but i didnt see some amazing RP from you, i wouldnt of givin you a half ticket either. 

its a rp server if he wants to rp he is color blind so be it. and  also that weapon should be a hunter rifle since you dont really hunt with a fucking rook or sting or whatever if you know what i mean 

its a rp server if he wants to rp he is color blind so be it. and  also that weapon should be a hunter rifle since you dont really hunt with a fucking rook or sting or whatever if you know what i mean 

Thats not the problem. When you catch someone with a illegal gun they pull either "Its a hunting rifle" or "This is a airsoft gun, It shouldn't hurt." Constantly. No one ever comes up with stories either, they just want to be let go when they say it. 

Thats not the problem. When you catch someone with a illegal gun they pull either "Its a hunting rifle" or "This is a airsoft gun, It shouldn't hurt." Constantly. No one ever comes up with stories either, they just want to be let go when they say it. 

Tazer rifle. Works every time, make a corp try it on a dep, they can load lethals or tazers in it so it makes for some interesting RP based on what they choose. I tell them that i put the inerds of a mk-1 in it by hacking the APD website and getting blueprints

I love how RP equals giving people breaks...   Its indeed an RP server, yet, all everyone does is commit crimes and kill.  If you want RP stop robbing or killing everything you see!  Also, dont expect a break for committing crimes.  APD are RPing playing cops.  Why the hell would they RP with you or give you a break for robbing, killing, and having illegal weapons.  You cant be serious.  Personally, there should not be much RP with processing.  Just process and move on to contact civs, make traffic stops, and actually initiate RP.  Thats freeking RP, not bitching or coming up with some stupid story to keep your gear or get a half ticket once caught.  Christ...  I enjoy playing cop, up until the point of processing people because its so freaking toxic. 

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I love how RP equals giving people breaks...   Its indeed an RP server, yet, all everyone does is commit crimes and kill.  If you want RP stop robbing or killing everything you see!  Also, dont expect a break for committing crimes.  APD are RPing playing cops.  Why the hell would they RP with you or give you a break for robbing, killing, and having illegal weapons.  You cant be serious.  Personally, there should not be much RP with processing.  Just process and move on to contact civs, make traffic stops, and actually initiate RP.  Thats freeking RP, not bitching or coming up with some stupid story to keep your gear or get a half ticket once caught.  Christ...  I enjoy playing cop, up until the point of processing people because its so freaking toxic. 

OMG i couldnt of said it any better.

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I love how RP equals giving people breaks...   Its indeed an RP server, yet, all everyone does is commit crimes and kill.  If you want RP stop robbing or killing everything you see!  Also, dont expect a break for committing crimes.  APD are RPing playing cops.  Why the hell would they RP with you or give you a break for robbing, killing, and having illegal weapons.  You cant be serious.  Personally, there should not be much RP with processing.  Just process and move on to contact civs, make traffic stops, and actually initiate RP.  Thats freeking RP, not bitching or coming up with some stupid story to keep your gear or get a half ticket once caught.  Christ...  I enjoy playing cop, up until the point of processing people because its so freaking toxic. 


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I love how RP equals giving people breaks...   Its indeed an RP server, yet, all everyone does is commit crimes and kill.  If you want RP stop robbing or killing everything you see!  Also, dont expect a break for committing crimes.  APD are RPing playing cops.  Why the hell would they RP with you or give you a break for robbing, killing, and having illegal weapons.  You cant be serious.  Personally, there should not be much RP with processing.  Just process and move on to contact civs, make traffic stops, and actually initiate RP.  Thats freeking RP, not bitching or coming up with some stupid story to keep your gear or get a half ticket once caught.  Christ...  I enjoy playing cop, up until the point of processing people because its so freaking toxic. 

You hit the nail on the head. Its nice to do a little RP while you are being processed, but you should never expect to get a reduced ticket.

wheres virus for the rp training

You know full well I was leading it.

I love how RP equals giving people breaks...   Its indeed an RP server, yet, all everyone does is commit crimes and kill.  If you want RP stop robbing or killing everything you see!  Also, dont expect a break for committing crimes.  APD are RPing playing cops.  Why the hell would they RP with you or give you a break for robbing, killing, and having illegal weapons.  You cant be serious.  Personally, there should not be much RP with processing.  Just process and move on to contact civs, make traffic stops, and actually initiate RP.  Thats freeking RP, not bitching or coming up with some stupid story to keep your gear or get a half ticket once caught.  Christ...  I enjoy playing cop, up until the point of processing people because its so freaking toxic. 

Talked about this exact thing with McDili a while ago. Believe it or not its not as toxic as it used to be in the Tree era/MC/BurBan era (3 server) era. I can just remember everytime it went beyond the game to admins it was insane! You do the crime you do the time as cliche as that is.

its a rp server if he wants to rp he is color blind so be it. and  also that weapon should be a hunter rifle since you dont really hunt with a fucking rook or sting or whatever if you know what i mean 

There are big bold letters on APD cars that say "POLICE" ... Also, it does not matter if you are using a "Hunting rifle" to kill cops, it is getting seized.... Maybe they can get away with keeping it if someone is really in the hunting grounds really hunting with it, are compliant with the officers, etc... but often people complain when you dont let them keep their guns because of excuses like "No, my 90 year old grandmother just made it so you cant take it!!" or "I am a NATO soldier (often with a CSAT weapon) with a contract to kill you for no reason"... and lets not forget the all famous "No, that officer right there must have died from someone else because this is an air soft rifle so you have to let me keep it!!"

You get out what you put in. If you make bad excuses, you dont get a break...

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