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Heres a thought!!!


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Ive noticed over the last few weeks the whole " i dont have any identification or i lost my idea or i have no dna" lines have been used during processing. My opinion that is not a valid form of rp. Yes us as officers do have that option to send someone to jail for that. obviously as long as we RP it, but that honestly is no fun and is completely boring. The whole point i play cop is for the RP. I love the RP on this server. But lately ive noticed these lines have become more and more common. Honestly guys that really takes the fun out of it. Its not because i want your bounty or i want to add charges to you to give you a higher ticket. I want to have fun. I work 50+ hours a week. I play arma to have fun and relax from work. 

So heres my thought. If you want a better experience with the cops. Once you do finally get caught. Have a fun story ready. Not some story that we have heard a million times. Like this is my grand fathers hunting rifle. or anything like that. Heres an examle. Last night i ran into a guy. At first he was a little salty that he was in custody. and refused to give a name. But he did state he was apart of altis customs. He stated that he could not give his information but he could release his badge number. so what i did was i wrote the badge number down on a piece of paper at my desk and after i spent a good few min sitting at the atm in Kavala "looking up his badge number"  i returned to processing with such. While i was waiting i looked over on my dvd shelf and noticed i have the movies red and red 2. Now if any of you have seen them movies you will know RED stands for Retired But Extremely Dangerous. I figured that would be a fun way to rp the situation. After i returned to the room i rp'd with just a badge number. i explained that upon my research i got no information in regards to a name. but i did pull a colorful history and right below his badge number there was the abbreviations RED in big red letters. All and all it was a fun and interesting way to rp. I enjoyed it and i am pretty sure he enjoyed it. i ended up giving out a reduced ticket for this guy. 

I understand it takes 2 to tango with rp. RP on the apd side of things is getting better. I understand in the past there hasnt been to make good experiences on civ side of things with rp from apd. But we are working on it. Im sure most of you do know that tons of changes are being made in the apd for that given reason along with several others. And also our Peter Long has been hosting rp trainings (i know... god help us all... lol jk peter <3) But a apd member can only rp for so much before there is no point to even try. what i mean by that is if a civ is not willing to rp and is very rude and disrespectful towards the arresting officer. it is really difficult to turn that around into something fun.  

basically what im saying guys is. come up with a fun story. not something i would read in my daughters books or anything. or something sick and demented. but make it fun. the whole point of a rp  server is exactly that. RP. so use it. And have fun with it. And remember. You are your own person. We all have our own brains and thought processes. And we can all think for our selfs. so come up with a good and interesting story and make it convincing. Im down to sit and listen and have a good time. 


dont always expect a reduced ticket with just good rp. there is a lot of factors that come with giving a reduced ticket. So dont expect every single time you come up with a good story to get a half ticket or a reduced ticket. just have fun and enjoy it


Forgive me for any typos. i typed this up quick before work. i just read through it and noticed a few. lol my bad guys. 

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I have to second what Gidgit feels and probably the rest of the APD.  

Only detail here is that most of the people that make us go through all this trouble are actually APD members who are playing CIV at that point.  Food for thought there...

Edited by Bubbaloo

Yes RP is fun but..... There's a bullshit limit I love fun RP like you left your keys in the jail and you tried to get em back. That's fun and funny. But to say you're killing people because a Robotic cyborg named Zorb told you to because he's got a chip in his head that turns you into a zombie to do his bidding. That's not fun nor logical it just makes me wanna process to get this guy out of my face. RP can be fun but there is a Bullshit limit. 

As for the whole bullshit about the name aspect of not giving it out when being processed. What I'm about to say will both affect cops and Civ. There is alot of Bullshit that comes from both parties. It comes alot from the basis I'll get off because I will basically make it impossible to get my name. Then the cop starts spouting out bullshit saying DNA Scanners, Blood test, Facial recognition software. Then it gets just as bad saying that's not my DNA because used someone else's or I had a blood transfusion and so that's some else's blood (not how blood works) or I sowed on someone else's face ( which should be a crime in and of itself.) First off the APD is a Cop force not Spy's, we don't have that kind of budget. Secondly I think we should charge them for failure to identify, well you ask how do we know who to add the charge to if we don't know their name. I have a solution.... Straight to jail. It'll cut down on not giving a name and the RP can improve instead of all the making my job harder crap so I have to let you go. Lastly if try and pull this kind of shit most likely when I find the truth and you want a reduced ticket 9 times out of 10, I'm fed up with you and I'm not even gonna consider it you wanna be a dick when I comes to RP then I'll be a dick right back. 

One last thing if you wanna get Salty because the officer broke a rule/ was a complete dick/ or mishandled the situation. Please just SUBMIT A TICKET. It will be reviewed by higher ups and dealt with accordingly. Video evidence helps alot. But if you start reciting rules to em it won't help your case at all. Just don't do it. I don't know how many times I heard a rules being told to me. I know the rules very well, heck I probably know the rules better than 99% of the player's. Don't break RP just to tell an officer he broke rules same thing for APD to Civs. Just SUBMIT A TICKET. It's pretty simple.

Just a thought in what I noticed being back for a week and a Cop again(5-6 months expierence) for a day. Plain and simple RP and please don't bullshit around with it. Thank you for reading this.


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Yes RP is fun but..... There's a bullshit limit I love fun RP like you left your keys in the jail and you tried to get em back. That's fun and funny. But to say you're killing people because a Robotic cyborg named Zorb told you to because he's got a chip in his head that turns you into a zombie to do his bidding. That's not fun nor logical it just makes me wanna process to get this guy out of my face. RP can be fun but there is a Bullshit limit. 

As for the whole bullshit about the name aspect of not giving it out when being processed. What I'm about to say will both affect cops and Civ. There is alot of Bullshit that comes from both parties. It comes alot from the basis I'll get off because I will basically make it impossible to get my name. Then the cop starts spouting out bullshit saying DNA Scanners, Blood test, Facial recognition software. Then it gets just as bad saying that's not my DNA because used someone else's or I had a blood transfusion and so that's some else's blood (not how blood works) or I sowed on someone else's face ( which should be a crime in and of itself.) First off the APD is a Cop force not Spy's, we don't have that kind of budget. Secondly I think we should charge them for failure to identify, well you ask how do we know who to add the charge to if we don't know their name. I have a solution.... Straight to jail. It'll cut down on not giving a name and the RP can improve instead of all the making my job harder crap so I have to let you go. Lastly if try and pull this kind of shit most likely when I find the truth and you want a reduced ticket 9 times out of 10, I'm fed up with you and I'm not even gonna consider it you wanna be a dick when I comes to RP then I'll be a dick right back. 

One last thing if you wanna get Salty because the officer broke a rule/ was a complete dick/ or mishandled the situation. Please just SUBMIT A TICKET. It will be reviewed by higher ups and dealt with accordingly. Video evidence helps alot. But if you start reciting rules to em it won't help your case at all. Just don't do it. I don't know how many times I heard a rules being told to me. I know the rules very well, heck I probably know the rules better than 99% of the player's. Don't break RP just to tell an officer he broke rules same thing for APD to Civs. Just SUBMIT A TICKET. It's pretty simple.

Just a thought in what I noticed being back for a week and a Cop again(5-6 months expierence) for a day. Plain and simple RP and please don't bullshit around with it. Thank you for reading this.


I agree but to be honest.  We can only go so far.  Sometimes we come up with those kind of things because CIVS are making it unnecessarily impossible to hand out an ID. To people that do this I would like we could send to jail.  Because to be honest.  Where are you trying to get making it impossible for us to get your name? you are NOT getting released so what is the point? RP? You know RP is going to go downhill from there if you start making it impossible for us to get your name.  There is only so much we can come up with.   

Than the part that gets me the most is after we do send them to jail because they refuse to give a name. 90% of the time the civ gets pissed and salty than the dispatch messages get spammed and the reporting threats come in. Well that all could have been avoided if you rp'd and didn't give the officers a hard time. That does nothing but make the game play non enjoyable. The point of the life mod is to act as if everything was real. In real life if you refuse to give a name or an id. You get held in a cell until they can figure out who you are. And it just makes the situation worse and pissed people off. Just like quoting rules. In real life do you really think by quoting something or a law or something to a cop that it is going to work out in your favor. Point I'm making is. You obviously did something at some point to get into that situation. So don't go making it worse for yourself. It won't work out in your favor at all. 

Also. Sending people to jail for quoting rules. I don't like that nor do I honor it. I think that is pissing poor attempt on the officers side. We are cops on the server. Not administration or moderators. It is not our job to do their job. I hate that feature. If a civ wants to quote rules than so be it. Let them. Go through the process as normal and attempt to rp with the civ. If they refuse to rp and just make a big deal than once you have done the LIST process than send them to jail. Remember guys LIST. My opinion you should never send someone straight to jail for quoting rules. Rp on your side. Make sure you dot your I's and cross your T's. Do everything right on your side. If I'm on and someone asks me to send someone to jail for quoting rules. I will automatically say no than take over the situation and do the processing myself. Remember we are just cops. Not admins or moderators

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Than the part that gets me the most is after we do send them to jail because they refuse to give a name. 90% of the time the civ gets pissed and salty than the dispatch messages get spammed and the reporting threats come in. Well that all could have been avoided if you rp'd and didn't give the officers a hard time. That does nothing but make the game play non enjoyable. The point of the life mod is to act as if everything was real. In real life if you refuse to give a name or an id. You get held in a cell until they can figure out who you are. And it just makes the situation worse and pissed people off. Just like quoting rules. In real life do you really think by quoting something or a law or something to a cop that it is going to work out in your favor. Point I'm making is. You obviously did something at some point to get into that situation. So don't go making it worse for yourself. It won't work out in your favor at all. 

Also. Sending people to jail for quoting rules. I don't like that nor do I honor it. I think that is pissing poor attempt on the officers side. We are cops on the server. Not administration or moderators. It is not our job to do their job. I hate that feature. If a civ wants to quote rules than so be it. Let them. Go through the process as normal and attempt to rp with the civ. If they refuse to rp and just make a big deal than once you have done the LIST process than send them to jail. Remember guys LIST. My opinion you should never send someone straight to jail for quoting rules. Rp on your side. Make sure you dot your I's and cross your T's. Do everything right on your side. If I'm on and someone asks me to send someone to jail for quoting rules. I will automatically say no than take over the situation and do the processing myself. Remember we are just cops. Not admins or moderators

So are you for or against the failure to identify will result in jail? Also in real life if you give the wrong name or don't ID yourself they will throw an extra charge on you for failure to identify or falsified identification. 

No we aren't mods or admins. We have a ticket system for a reason. So just report it to them. Just like comp or ban I'm sure they'll just take your ticket and throw it out the window of caught reciting rules. Mcdili made it clear reciting rules and you get caught you will be unwhitelisted as APD, so just don't do it.

I agree withat failuar to identity than sent to jail.  I'm against sending people to jail for quoting rules. I just don't like it 

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Yes I really hope the staff reads this and adds this charge of " Failure to identify ".  Unless they can come up with more suggestions regarding name identification with people who do not want to cooperate then I think the charge mentioned above should suffice. 

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Yes I really hope the staff reads this and adds this charge of " Failure to identify ".  Unless they can come up with more suggestions regarding name identification with people who do not want to cooperate then I think the charge mentioned above should suffice. 

i mean the ppersons not giving up their name so you can't  add it to a specific person. Plus that requires the devs to add another charge and what not... But Ace could just make a post anyone who fails to give up their name. Will be sent straight to jail. Just as simple as that :) also yes I'd lie to see higher ups and senior apd to comment id like that. It'll show where they stand on some of these issues and we can get everyone's opinion.

If someone wont give me there name i deport them. Basically i send them to jail. I love RP'ing. But if your doing a bullshit same old story expect to be the closest i can get to ROBOCOP. RP goes 2 ways, stop acting the the APD is obliged to be the RP'ers while you get away with a half ticket. 

Edited by Dustin87
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If someone wont give me there name i deport them. Basically i send them to jail. I love RP'ing. But if your doing a bullshit same old story expect to be the closest i can get to ROBOCOP. RP goes 2 ways, stop acting the the APD is obliged to be the RP'ers while you get away with a half ticket. 

Most of you have been saying this and I would do the same thing.  The thing is that if you are following rules then there is nothing that says that if an individual does not properly identify himself we have the right to send him/her straight to jail and this would cause a sh**storm, reporting etc.  Contrary to this of course, the guideline is just that not a rule so we can just end up saying their full name because of the TILDE - only problem with this is all the FAILRP tickets that are going to be submitted.  So I just think that CIVS, especially the ones that play APD be more flexible with this because you know how BAD it is when it is being done to you when you are playing cop. To be honest, CIVS that are not part of the APD are usually the most forgiving and cooperate a lot more.  

I must be playing a different game cause any time I catch someone their names right above their head. 


GG grandma lolz. 


Edited by Bubbaloo

I like practical cop RP, and some things are excusable if it fits realistic RP.


I don't like over the top RP. Thermal license plate scanners, DNA scanners, etc. That stuff is just lazy RP. 


DNA Scanners exist, but it takes a laboratory and a few weeks time to match someone's DNA. So, not viable in our setting.


Fingerprint scanners are more reasonable, IF RP'd right. Like, sit someone down and take their prints. Move to a room to process the paperwork, move to a new room and sit for a few minutes scanning some imaginary database, and come back with the results. In the meantime, while you're processing the prints, have another cop pose as a detective and interrogate the suspect regarding WHY and WHAT he was seen doing. Then come back with the prints, discuss with detective the story, and then go in and determine how you feel the guy's criminal history matches up with his story. Something like that is how you'd go about doing a "Fingerprint Scan"


That's way more fun.


Also, when someone's story is kind of on the edge of unebelievable, I like to get EMS involved to do a "Psych Evaluation"

Hint: Pinkstreak is like a pro at this so if you catch her while she's on EMS, your criminal is boned.

Some guy claimed PTSD and she goes "Alright sir, tell me what color this is" and threw a yellow smoke grenade. The guy said yellow. Pink said "Well he definitely doesn't have PTSD, or he would have yelled about that being a frag grenade" Definition of Outplayed.

Edited by Guest

I like practical cop RP, and some things are excusable if it fits realistic RP.


I don't like over the top RP. Thermal license plate scanners, DNA scanners, etc. That stuff is just lazy RP. 


DNA Scanners exist, but it takes a laboratory and a few weeks time to match someone's DNA. So, not viable in our setting.


Fingerprint scanners are more reasonable, IF RP'd right. Like, sit someone down and take their prints. Move to a room to process the paperwork, move to a new room and sit for a few minutes scanning some imaginary database, and come back with the results. In the meantime, while you're processing the prints, have another cop pose as a detective and interrogate the suspect regarding WHY and WHAT he was seen doing. Then come back with the prints, discuss with detective the story, and then go in and determine how you feel the guy's criminal history matches up with his story. Something like that is how you'd go about doing a "Fingerprint Scan"


That's way more fun.


Also, when someone's story is kind of on the edge of unebelievable, I like to get EMS involved to do a "Psych Evaluation"

Hint: Pinkstreak is like a pro at this so if you catch her while she's on EMS, your criminal is boned.

Some guy claimed PTSD and she goes "Alright sir, tell me what color this is" and threw a yellow smoke grenade. The guy said yellow. Pink said "Well he definitely doesn't have PTSD, or he would have yelled about that being a frag grenade" Definition of Outplayed.

i know it's more fun but..... You can only do so much because you might seem cheeky using the finger print but... Maybe the guy burnt em off with acid or maybe got finger replacements. It's onlyfun until they wanna throw all these stops my plan was a last ditch effort if they wanna keep it up. It prevents our officers from looking stupid and will cut down on the failure to identify. 

As for pink I called her the other nnight while she was on medic. To get an assessment on my patient she looked at him and said you're an idiot. Then he asked for a higher up so I said toe knee this guy wants to talk to you so 5 secs into the guys story toe knee said nothing and started slowly backing away for 5 feet the turn and ran XD. The guy was like just give me my ticket.

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Omg.... burned them off with acid, he's an alien, he cut off his head and is wearing another one, he MAGICALLY MAGICALLY!!!!!!!!! has someone else's DNA.  Now what?  

Edited by Bubbaloo
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I like practical cop RP, and some things are excusable if it fits realistic RP.


I don't like over the top RP. Thermal license plate scanners, DNA scanners, etc. That stuff is just lazy RP. 


DNA Scanners exist, but it takes a laboratory and a few weeks time to match someone's DNA. So, not viable in our setting.


Fingerprint scanners are more reasonable, IF RP'd right. Like, sit someone down and take their prints. Move to a room to process the paperwork, move to a new room and sit for a few minutes scanning some imaginary database, and come back with the results. In the meantime, while you're processing the prints, have another cop pose as a detective and interrogate the suspect regarding WHY and WHAT he was seen doing. Then come back with the prints, discuss with detective the story, and then go in and determine how you feel the guy's criminal history matches up with his story. Something like that is how you'd go about doing a "Fingerprint Scan"


That's way more fun.


Also, when someone's story is kind of on the edge of unebelievable, I like to get EMS involved to do a "Psych Evaluation"

Hint: Pinkstreak is like a pro at this so if you catch her while she's on EMS, your criminal is boned.

Some guy claimed PTSD and she goes "Alright sir, tell me what color this is" and threw a yellow smoke grenade. The guy said yellow. Pink said "Well he definitely doesn't have PTSD, or he would have yelled about that being a frag grenade" Definition of Outplayed.

That sounds great.  I've used similar things.  Although, how are you expected to do this with like 5 cops processing around you with a lot of noise etc etc.  You can take this person to some place where you'd be alone but that would put you in danger of the gang in particular trying to save that person and making it easier for them as you are not as protected.  

Either way.  I honestly don't think making it more difficult for us to identify a particular CIV should even be consider as fun.  That does not add anything to RP just frustration some times.  I know these kind of CIVS and they are going to keep make up lame excuses as to why they don't have an identity.  He's an alien, he cut his fingers off, he switch his DNA for some magical reason.  He doesn't exist in the world data base.  They are going to keep on with the irrational comments.  And what do they get out of this? They are NOT going to be released because they cannot be MAGICALLY identified, they are still going to have to pay for their crimes.  

My best RP sessions are with people who cooperate and don't keep making up this lame excuses at RP.  I love playing cop.  But I mention this gain.  The CIVS that do this are CIVS that are also APD.  For some reason they think that trying to keep up making up lame excuses at RP is going to get them somewhere other than them being ticketed and/or being sent to jail. 

I ask our APD comrades to just accept it when being caught and provide a good RP session without having to duel for 40 minutes in the identifying process, it is unnecessary.  When I get caught as a CIV I just say my name and make up a good RP story when I am feeling it.  There is absolutely NO point in making them have a hard time on the identifying process. NO POINT.  I will keep role playing all the time when I catch CIVS but they should know, the whole "How do you know my name and why did you taze me, this is BS'' ( after killing a cop in our face )  is just getting a bit old . 


Edited by Bubbaloo

guy told me he was a detective from stratus PD and hes doing an undercover job at mushroom processor.

I get his badge number and take him to HQ to run his badge through the system to see if hes telling the truth. after talking to the helicopter terminal I run his 14 digit badge number that i wrote down and determine he was thrown out of the PD for taking bribes, drug distribution and murder.

harpoon logged in at this point and picked up the RP perfectly when I asked him to identify the man since harpoon was part of the stratus police department as a cadet.

he talked stories of being back in stratus as a cadet and confirmed the man was thrown out of the PD a couple years back. I sent the guy to jail to be deported back to stratus. 

Something that I like to do to help organize those big gang arrests is to line them all up on a wall and tell the I'm charging them all as a large gang enterprise. I search all of them and take all thier weapons. Afterwards I let eachieve APD member take one to a separate location where they can all role play without too much noise. I did this to MC at our last fight and had some fantastic RP out of some of the members. 

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