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It has brought to the staffs attention that people are being sacrificed after complying/being robbed. This is not ok and is against the rules. Killing a player for any reason after they have complied to your demands and/or after you have robbed them is ban able and quite frankly a jerk move. If you text someone and say "Hands up or die by [Insert tag here]", they put their hands up and you end up killing them anyway is not fair at all. That is pretty much texting "I dont care if you surrender or not, you are going to be killed by [insert tag here]. Please stop this. Its unfair and no fun at all. Be nice please.

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as a tree member and current higher up .. i think that this rule is BULLSHIT !! sacrifices are part of or (RP) religion as tree worshipers .. we spill the blood of the non worshipers for the great tree    .

all i have to say its a tradition we RP it very well .. 9 out of 10 ppl we sacrifice enjoy the RP to the point that they want to join the tree and do it with us ..




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So a fucking 1 year or older tradition is coming to and end because a few select people don't like it? That's pathetic. Our sacrifices have always been very well RP'd besides maybe 1 incident where it was a new member to Tree and they got their asses ripped by higher members. It would be easier to use them as Hostages in hostage situations if cops actually RP'd the situation out and not just say "Hostage situation has failed" and then try to take down the hostage takers. You guys ask for good RP and that's what are damn sacrifices are all about. Our sacrifices have been pretty good to the point where we've had people actually contact us asking us to sacrifice them!!! The Great Mother Tree will not be very pleased without the blood of her offerings.... ALL HAIL THE GREAT TREE. 

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When i do RP executions the people usually message me after and said it was a blast and the most fun they have had in a while on the server....... Some people are salty but tbh who cares.....

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Never liked the idea of this rule in the first place.  Someone kills my buddy, I don't want him to sit with his hands up for 5 minutes, I want the guy to die.  I don't want anything out of him, don't want to rob him don't want to hold him for ransom.  I just want the guy dead.  Punishment for what he did.

It's a RP server meaning we make things realistic.  If someone in real life wanted someone else dead, they wouldn't text them about it, see the other people put their hands up and go "well damn i guess i can't do anything about it now."  no.  Within reasonable RP it doesn't make any sense NOT to let people kill someone who put their hands up.  Especially if you don't threaten death from the beginning.

After robbing is different. but as for people who surrender when they KNOW all you really want is to kill them... I say let them die.

Edited by brodyunderwood1
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Look salt heads, sacrificing someone is fine. But telling someone hands up OR die...then shooting them when they put their hands up is fail rp. If someone abides by everything u ask...why shoot them? Ur just trying to make an excuse to kill some dude. Go play wasteland. If you literally rob someone blind and they do everything u ask. Then u come say oh well lucky u ima jack all ur crap then kill ya..just gets really old to all the new people and some old people.

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We don't rob people we sacrifice, actually quite the opposite. Earlier we sacrificed a guy and then bought him a load-out and an Offroad. We'll re-word our texts if that's the real issue. 

as a tree member and current higher up .. i think that this rule is BULLSHIT !! sacrifices are part of or (RP) religion as tree worshipers .. we spill the blood of the non worshipers for the great tree    .

all i have to say its a tradition we RP it very well .. 9 out of 10 ppl we sacrifice enjoy the RP to the point that they want to join the tree and do it with us ..




As a former higher up of Tree I had hope  you wouldn't become a higher up in Tree. You can hardly form well structured sentences and deserved to be put on the cutting block many a times before Josh112 got kicked.

Please Jaeger come to your senses and perma-ban this fool for his crimes against the health of Tree. 


Til Tree loses it's trash i'll be glad to be rogue and just remember the good times when i saw Tree from an outsiders view and thought them to be one of the top trio of gangs. 

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As a former higher up of Tree I had hope  you wouldn't become a higher up in Tree. You can hardly form well structured sentences and deserved to be put on the cutting block many a times before Josh112 got kicked.

Please Jaeger come to your senses and perma-ban this fool for his crimes against the health of Tree. 


Til Tree loses it's trash i'll be glad to be rogue and just remember the good times when i saw Tree from an outsiders view and thought them to be one of the top trio of gangs. 

 lol well seeing that you are a " former higher up " you should know that after i took ur place the great tree is 100 times better than before .. cant say we miss you .. GG son

I think there saying don't just tell someone hands up or die than just say oh well I'm sacrificing you boom shoot him or robbing him of clothes or vehicles or killing. If you take the time to take them somewhere cool and do a little ritual and kill them without robbing or taking any of there stuff I think that's still aloud. Needs some clarification 

The true thieves in Altis are the medics they're the ones reviving you and while you're passed out the swipe your card and steal 10k from you.

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last night we sat down with the heads of Olympus odin, tman , pink and some dude i dont remember his name .. 

we where talking about how can we still rp a sacrifice .. the staff of olympus where great they provided solution for the problem 

solution : by giving the captured person a way out ex: option A. you do this you live  , option B . ur execution/sacrifice 

so by giving the person a way out and a task if completed they can live you technically are providing him with a demand which goes with the hostage rule 


ohh and the demand must be reasonable .. 

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