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Locked ''The Best Player On Olympus''

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Just gonna throw this out there that video is cut :}

can confirm

0:52, watch how the video skips from when 3 rip fired his first shot to 25 seconds on the respawn timer

I accidentally alt tabbed, which has nothing to do with the suspicious part in this video LOL the kills video is normal, and all that is "skipped" to is my ass falling to the ground dead.


^dat maturity tho

as you can see i'm already dead before it cuts so basically i was dead and alt tabbed. just gonna throw this in here :}

1 shot.PNG

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90 degree turn Inky has no vest. .25 doesnt have sound. Maybe a bunch of people are butthurt they can't play a video game as well as another. Only reason im sticking my neck out for 3rip as its not concrete evidence and that shit has happened to me before. Feelsbadman

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If it wasn't for the countless 1taps and such unnatural kills 3rip would get then maybe this video wouldn't carry as much weight as it did, no disrespect to anyone but it still makes me laugh that the only people who defend him are his friends.

inky edited that video and made it look like he only shot one bullet which he didn't, check thomas stream u can hear him shooting a full clip nearly. banned of a edited video. BS lol

because inky edited it. and made it look like he 1 tapped him which he didnt.

It's not edited lol, i alt tabbed and shadowplay doesnt cap when alt tabbed.  pause at 0:54, right after that i accidentally alt tab, that's literally all it is lol

nd7fqq.jpgand Pingping is god.

Your re spawn times skips. its edited. plus either way being banned of that is honestly stupid. not even good evidence for someone to be permed. but its whatever.

its cut to make it look 10x worse thats why. :) 


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Oh, so they finally came to the senses and got rid of him, it's getting boring having to watch his lackeys try and poke holes in everything. It's been obvious for at least 2 months. In terms of his playing skill, 3 Nips or 3 Rip in the words of the famous rapper/street poet, "Went from 0 to 100 real quick"

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that's still a dumb video to be banned off.

I'm not gonna lie 3rip has done some sktechy stuff all the time and I thought he shoulda been banned a while ago. But this video really doesn't prove much of hacking at all. Had he not had his past he wouldn't have been banned. He honestly turn 50 degrees and shoots a gun who doesn't even have a vest. Not hard to one tap someone with an mk18 from that shot after they've shot you 3 times, He wasn't even behind much cover. Also, with arma being arma, when you get shot your gun shoots up in the air, but since it doesn't do it on your screen, the animation needs to catch up to what your movement was. If this was a random person and he didn't have the history that he did he wouldn't have been banned. I'm gonna go with the theory that Gary is being significantly influenced by mcpd boyz.

Heres my 2 cents. 

I remember this kid as 3 nipples, and he sucked...i mean, really really sucked. And then, in the past few months he becomes the pro Arma 3 player that never misses. And then, while shootin me while im invisible, we decide to perm him ( the first time). And he gets unbanned....comes back on and can NOT shoot the broad side of a barn again...no offense to thomas but i watched Thomas, and many others, destroy this kid after he was unpermed..


Now to me thats a red flag, cause not only did i study his videos over and over, many many times like i did with Symphuny. But to watch him come back and not shoot for crap. Then one shiny, he comes on and starts up his 1-tap-omatic up and bam back to his old self. 

My person and professional opinion is he is without a doubt a hacker. He is using something to help him...period. 

All his buds can say what they want. But when he screws up and gets that fatty global ban on his account. Then all of his little buddies will be running back here apologizing to me sayin how i was right...just like ole Symphunys buds did. Trust me, he cheats. Get over it kids.


one last thing....

Smashed bud

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Guest G.O.A.T.

Heres my 2 cents. 

I remember this kid as 3 nipples, and he sucked...i mean, really really sucked. And then, in the past few months he becomes the pro Arma 3 player that never misses. And then, while shootin me while im invisible, we decide to perm him ( the first time). And he gets unbanned....comes back on and can NOT shoot the broad side of a barn again...no offense to thomas but i watched Thomas, and many others, destroy this kid after he was unpermed..


Now to me thats a red flag, cause not only did i study his videos over and over, many many times like i did with Symphuny. But to watch him come back and not shoot for crap. Then one shiny, he comes on and starts up his 1-tap-omatic up and bam back to his old self. 

My person and professional opinion is he is without a doubt a hacker. He is using something to help him...period. 

All his buds can say what they want. But when he screws up and gets that fatty global ban on his account. Then all of his little buddies will be running back here apologizing to me sayin how i was right...just like ole Symphunys buds did. Trust me, he cheats. Get over it kids.


one last thing....

Smashed bud


Edited by G.O.A.T.
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