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i had fun but its time to call it quits

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im not here to whine this is all i have to say before anyone starts putting me down or talking shit i feel this needs to be said

ive enjoyed my time on olympus i really have but lately it lacks luster all the server has become is mass rdm vdm "hands up or die" while on cop terror in kavala even before that it was mass rdm. i understand there is a rule set but we have to stick to them so accurately but civs dont rp it any more its just a shooting spree. and the aids fest that happens in teamspeak some apd members trying to push my buttons the bullshit when im on medic people lock picking my vehicles stealing them running me over. ramming me with hemmit fuels when afk i come back to being dead. the guy at kavala rescue who flew into me with his heli.

the past month or so thats all thats happened rvd vdm ive lost track of when it doesnt happen. that being said i filled out absence forms because the toxicity level is to damn high. the list is endless of what goes on to the point ive lost track. its not how it used to be when i first joined olympus i actually enjoyed it but now its just everyone wants to fuck each other over in some ways or troll annoy other people on the server break rules you name it. it happens on a constant day to day basis. this is not to whine before anyone points that out but this what goes on is ridiculous. its not much different on medic either how people speak to you like your shit or they think they can because you cant shoot back or defend yourself or the same thing with stealing vehicles from medics. medic vehicles need to have a system where they can not be stolen.

anyway thats irrelevant as im taking a break for how long ive no idea. i tried to just bear it and think it might change or people still not be like that but nah it wont maybe later sometime down the line. but i need to focus on life and not the toxicity of the community as it stands right now its literally an aids fest. that being said thanks to the people i played with and believe it or not im actually a patient guy but this is not enjoyable how it used to be that being said good luck guys have fun and peace out maybe see you on the flip side in the future or something and i know ive said it before im taking a break but i actually mean it this time ....

Edited by dannyfrog87
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Sad to see you go Danny.  I liked playing with you.  You are a very talkative guy but aside from that you are a good guy and a good player.  Be it in a virtual life or in real life you should never let anyone pick on you and much less give any importance to it you know? Anyway I wish you nothing but the best and I hope to see you back here soon. 

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Danny what happened yesterday was kinda bullshit, and I agree with you that the RP in the server has been dying down, but that is no reason to leave. We need good members to keep the server great. 

Danny, Best of luck to you. You were an awesome person and I thoroughly enjoyed playing with you. Enjoy your break where ever it lands you. And fuck what everyone else says. Branch out as well try different games and different game modes. 

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I agree that the RP is dying down and there is a lot of RDM/VDM but thats only because there is a lot of new people on the server. We need people that have been here for awhile to talk to people that do this and explain how this server works so it doesn't go downhill. Hate to see you go and hope you come back soon.

yup Olympus has been going downhill for a while now. you have people like hacker 3 rip ruining the and getting unbanned the first time by Poseidon over who knows what charge back threat is the only logical reason. also such undermining of the staff by him gives you some insight on what goes on behind closed doors .server admins like Hades who ban without reason and a main developer who at this point made it clear he does not give a.Shit now that donations are not pouring in. non the less I did enjoy my time.here now and again. but this hard core ban.system and lack of fucks by the staff has ultimately set the server into a unstoppable tailspin . 



12 units of units of time really it's been like 3 months with no status updates. http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/5532-anti-ghosting-screen/

Edited by Brry
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Brry I couldn't disagree with you more. All of this, this community, this website, this mod, and this family has been created because of the hard work and dedication of this staff. They have crafted a community and game that I am proud to be apart of. I have made some sweet friends and had great relationshipsite because of this community. Just relax and actually take a look at what we have here. 

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Brry I couldn't disagree with you more. All of this, this community, this website, this mod, and this family has been created because of the hard work and dedication of this staff. They have crafted a community and game that I am proud to be apart of. I have made some sweet friends and had great relationshipsite because of this community. Just relax and actually take a look at what we have here. 

We have a great community, but i too understand the frustration brry is feeling. Basic bugs are neglected, lack of features and updates are annoying. The closest thing we have had to a status update is "12 units of time" what the fuck is that???? Stats page? Turtle Dealer? New Map? Legal Economy? House storage? But hey dont be sad! Medics can do DP missions now!

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The fact of the matter this is not my opinion these are my observations and if things change then so will my outlook and input .

 also role playing from cops and civilians is non-existent and the server has turn into a giant comp or ban recorded reported war .

The fact of the matter this is not my opinion these are my observations and if things change then so will my outlook and input .

 also role playing from cops and civilians is non-existent and the server has turn into a giant comp or ban recorded reported war .

Hades was possibly the Best admin the server had. No offence intended to the others' but he refused to allow himself other personal ties so he wouldn't be seen as bias, he let his time on the server be degraded, or less enjoyable if you want to put it this way, so others may enjoy themselves, so there's little you can blame on Hades, I greatly both Respect and miss him here, I couldn't imagine the amount of times he must've felt like blowing his brains out must not even be funny. All hail the great Hades.

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 I'm going to have to go get some that old Reaper stuff  and educate you on how it is when the most biased people I've ever met on the internet but that's not the focus here today I'm not trying to start a flame war we can do that another time

here let me dust off this old thread which has any information I would of replied with. http://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/4129-some-light-shed-on-os/

Wow... so pretty much.. 5 months later and still Salty? Your life must be so eventful...

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well before moon paints a picture that Hades was a comparable admin that was not biased I want the truth to be seen. 


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