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How storage for non donators

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So like 2 and a half months ago there was a post that said "House inventories will be fixed by (insert date here)" so about 5 days from that, the day they said the update would be released, it wasnt. Well fast forward to now and since then theres been the update involving cop uniforms and a few other small things so what about house storage for y menus? This is a major feature that is being missed out on by a lot of the players on olympus. People even buy houses not knowing that they only get 100 storage space and cant upgrade. I could only imagine what its like to buy a home for a certain function only to figure out its broken and yes i understand development isnt the easiest thing but within 2 and half months im sure a fix could have been put out. I dont mean to be disrespectful its just that after being told something would be released and then it not be im sort of upset and I know a lot of others are too.

inb4 legacy donators say "be patient" 

hence why you are playing on asylum with 3 rip at least till he got permed for hacking there @ babooshka . @ alabaster hopefully Poseidon's new update is as good as he says it will be even so no matter what it does not make up for the lack of development on the server and lack of fucks he seems to give on simple bugs that anyone including my self could fix in 30 minutes. but hey since donations stopped pouring in fuck the server right.

  Sadly gotta take Brry's side again. It's frustrating watching the server lose population and no updates come out. Other servers are so far ahead in features and dev support its insane. Another thing that is concerning is the lack of community input that we have, we honestly have no clue what posiden is up too. What if we HATE the new update, or dislike things? Is it gonna be wipe 2.0? Why hasnt there been any threads asking the community what they would like to see in the new update? Why hasent posiden given us a ETA or fixed simple stuff? Server's going down boy's, and we all don't want that to happen. We only say these things because we care, not because we hate the server. Please based Posiden give us something to work with :)

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  Sadly gotta take Brry's side again. It's frustrating watching the server lose population and no updates come out. Other servers are so far ahead in features and dev support its insane. Another thing that is concerning is the lack of community input that we have, we honestly have no clue what posiden is up too. What if we HATE the new update, or dislike things? Is it gonna be wipe 2.0? Why hasnt there been any threads asking the community what they would like to see in the new update? Why hasent posiden given us a ETA or fixed simple stuff? Server's going down boy's, and we all don't want that to happen. We only say these things because we care, not because we hate the server. Please based Posiden give us something to work with :)

Yeah I would love to hear from Poseidon more regarding updates nobody ever has a clue on what the heck is going on. 

hence why you are playing on asylum with 3 rip at least till he got permed for hacking there @ babooshka . @ alabaster hopefully Poseidon's new update is as good as he says it will be even so no matter what it does not make up for the lack of development on the server and lack of fucks he seems to give on simple bugs that anyone including my self could fix in 30 minutes. but hey since donations stopped pouring in fuck the server right.

Huh? asylum has 100x the features that are on this server. Not to mention their dev puts out a patch every single week.  We get one once a month if we're lucky?  Regardless of 3 Rip being banned I have more fun playing/fighting there than I do here.  Has nothing to do with 3 Rip.  My point is, if the devs don't want to give us any form of transparency regarding the updates they may/may not be working on in the first place, why should we play?

Asylum did this already it was called 6. 0 and veteran players where not happy at all with the new version. Not getting community input on this update is a bad idea either people will like it and things will be ok , or Olympus will loose it population faster then Ethiopia.

Also house storage is as simple as ( this is an example I'll get the sql and literal show you how later today) if donator storage == 1 you just cut out donator storage == 1. As for wongs aka turtle dealer I will post that script later with a fix . This Shit is not hard but I guess caring is.

ethiopia's population:

Historical population
YearPop.±% p.a.


UN projections[edit]
Below are the UN's medium variant projections; numbers are in thousands:[5]

2015: 91,999
2020: 101,046
2025: 109,969
2030: 118,514
2035: 126,392
2040: 133,466
2045: 139,729
2050: 145,187



but besides that, don't worry guys, good things are coming.

Edited by brodyunderwood1

Yeah I would love to hear from Poseidon more regarding updates nobody ever has a clue on what the heck is going on. 

what's up rob smellman xD 

It seems you took a metaphor too serious instead of the 3 or 4 issues I'm talking about . what is your solution to these problems and they are 1 . house storage ( Poseidon does not want to make it public . Why you ask well where is the incentive to throw money at the server. My opinion a man is only as good as his word and he backed out on his word.) 2. Bugs aka wongs and a few others ( again any simpleton that can read can fix an sql file ) 3. Zero community involvement and zero involvement of Poseidon him self with his community aka status updates ,events , more staff and revisions to rules and the server.


How about you work on these issues instead of sucking dick to rank up on cop.   @ Brody

Edited by Brry
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feels bad man.  he got me.

like I said, they're already being worked on.  Poseidon is a busy guy and has priorities of what he wants to get done first when it comes to the server.  Just because the first of a long line of large changes wasn't what you wanted it to be doesn't mean nothing is getting done.  You say it would only take a little bit of time, but that is time that could be spent on an issue he sees as being more important.  Just because he hasn't fixed what directly affects you yet doesn't mean he's doing nothing, and I'll ask you to keep that in mind before spouting further ignorance.

Lol yea better not challenge the server you might loose you rank. Why would you worry about any of this all you do is play cop. Free loadouts all day you are basically playing Koth while the rest of the server is playing dayz. Also your ignorance is immaculate for if you understood code you would know that only negligence is to blame for a he Zero fucks given by Poseidon on these easy and quick fixes. If donator storage ==1; all he has to do is storage ==1 . He is hangrey for donations otherwise storage would have been public.

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It seems you took a metaphor too serious instead of the 3 or 4 issues I'm talking about . what is your solution to these problems and they are 1 . house storage ( Poseidon does not want to make it public . Why you ask well where is the incentive to throw money at the server. My opinion a man is only as good as his word and he backed out on his word.) 2. Bugs aka wongs and a few others ( again any simpleton that can read can fix an sql file ) 3. Zero community involvement and zero involvement of Poseidon him self with his community aka status updates ,events , more staff and revisions to rules and the server.


How about you work on these issues instead of sucking dick to rank up on cop.   @ Brody

I understand the point you are trying to prove here Brry.  There are other ways to do it without bashing at everyone.  The only thing positive I could summarize or make up from your post ( aside from the ranting ) is that I agree that the developers should be more transparent when it comes to letting the community know what is going on.  

I am more than sure people would start donating more often if there would be an influx of information regarding updates and/or bug fixes.  All people want is knowledge as to what is going on with their beloved server.  As unfortunate as it is, Olympus has declined in population.  The community has a right to know what is going on behind the scenes in regards to the future of Olympus.  

The thing I don't agree with is the constant banter and SHIT most people say when asking for things.  There are a lot of immature people here that just constantly harass and criticize the staff without actually offering any solution to whatever problem there is. Also, asking the Olympus staff for information on where the money goes to?.  You play for FREE on a FREE server.  You donated at will. I don't give a flying fu** if the staff wants to use the money to snort coke ( sorry guys ) as long as I get to enjoy my time here when I play.  There are ways to say and ask for things.  Be nice and the staff will be nice to you.  


And I quote Odin "  I will say that the fabled REMAKE has not yet been released but is being worked on in the background. We haven't pushed out updates on what it will entail as we are still working on the framework in an attempt to make the mission run faster and more efficiently for everyone. Once we are past the current stage, updates will begin to flow and the hype train will be able to leave the station " 

Edited by Bubbaloo

@ bubaloo you are a very level headed person and very unbiased , there is a reason for all this the community needs to wake up and push back a little to keep the community Alive . I know I'm a very aggressive person but it's how I am.

Ok class let's open our history books to page 267 the chapter tonic ( aka the creator of altis life ) so he contacted bohemia ( the makers of arma ) about servers charging for his mod all of his scripts have his signature and supposedly he has rights to the mod.

Nowall servers running altis life only have to give a cut to tonic to continue charging for ( house storage and other Shit ) instead of doing that like most servers did he neglected all bugs, content , suggestions and many things to make his own version of altis life. 

Now that being said he only decided to make this " New version " once bohemia put the brakes on donations. As a result of this he has neglected his community for months and basicly disappeared like the dayz SA devs. If he has changed the mod enough to gain rights or at least dodge tonics wrath he will charge for storage again . ( I hope he proves me wrong but I doubt it) . 


In the end he only started this New version due to tonic and bohemia.



  • Admin

@ bubaloo you are a very level headed person and very unbiased , there is a reason for all this the community needs to wake up and push back a little to keep the community Alive . I know I'm a very aggressive person but it's how I am.

Thank you. I am very unbiased. I love this place but am also able to recognize its flaws. This is how I am in real life. I have the position I have in my career because I worked hard on it. I don't suck up to my bosses. I just make sure to give quality performance each and every day. I talk about flaws within my company all the time, it's supposed to be taken as constructive criticism.  Although unfortunately in most places the suck-ups are the ones that prevail.  I just manage to improve myself professionally and when I feel I ain't wanted anymore? I'll be looking for some place who deserves the kind of quality job I can do. 

**Back to Olympus. Yeah Brry. I just think you need to tone it down a little.  I want a lot of things too and I am more than aware they are working on new content.  It's just a matter of when.  And that date is set by the staff, not by us.  The transparency comment that I made has a lot of weight and importance to it though ;) 

Edited by Bubbaloo

So here is an actual response that's not a rumor or someone's opinion.

As quoted by Bubbaloo, who instead of creating an AIDS post on the forums decided to send me a very nice message with a couple questions, the remake is being worked on in the background.

The framework is being reworked due to performance issues server side and to allow for a method which would potentially lessen the load on community members' machines when walking in to the newly designed public areas such as markets, car shops, gun stores, etc. This also allows for us to completely change how the GUI will look, giving it a more streamlined look and let us get away from the clunky, yellow blocks that we have now. We are not changing the code so as to get our from under the brand name "Altis Life."

Also noted out of ignorance, monetization restrictions of Tonic's Altis Life code do not require that a cut of the proceeds be sent to Tonic. The restrictions are put in place by Bohemia Interactive where their regulations state:

  1. Charging players to access your server, if the fees and associated perks do not affect gameplay in any way, is allowed. Cosmetic perks are allowed. Limiting access to only paying players is allowed.
  2. Product placement, in-game advertising and sponsorship is allowed.
  3. Selling of in-game items, that don’t affect gameplay, is allowed.
  4. Accepting donations is allowed, but to avoid any doubts: not providing donations must not prevent anyone from accessing the content.

The above means in simple terms means the following:

  1. Servers may offer a donator perk in the form of special "donator" vehicle textures or clothing/equipment/weapons that have the same stats as something that is available to non-donators.
    1. Example 1: A gold Hatchback texture for VIPs.
    2. Example 2: Non-donators have access to Shirt A, which has 0 armor, holds 5 magazines and is blue. Donators have access to Shirt B, which has 0 armor, holds 5 magazines and is red.
  2. Servers may collect advertising fees to place ads on billboards in-game.
  3. Servers may charge players for features such as Custom Texture Packs and Custom Clothing Texture Packs.
  4. Donations are fine, just don't hold anything back from anyone.

All of that said, when Bohemia originally decided to force their policy upon us, it was stated that those who donated prior to the policy being put in place may keep the items that were allocated to them but we may not provide any new perks which do not meet the above criteria.

Also imposed upon us are the following restrictions imposed by the Altis Life team:

  • Pay to Join / Pay for White-list
  • Paying for in-game currency
  • Paying for reduced prices in-game
  • Paying for bases/camps
  • Paying for spawn points
  • Paying for Houses
  • Paying for Vehicle spawn points
  • Paying for Weapons/Ammo/Cars/Gear

Some of these may be overlooked as they are in place due to interpretation of Bohemia's restrictions, but not all of them.


Now all of that said, we're going to change tracks, development is in the works and yes it is being kept in the shadows. This is intentional and we apologize for it, however until we are at a point that development starts to ramp up to full steam ahead, details on what the plans are, what's done and what everyone would like to see will be on hold.

We, the Olympus Staff appreciate each and every one of our community members, even the ones who cause problems and make our life a living hell. We do what we do because we want everyone to have an enjoyable place to come together and play a great game. I know it has been stated before, but the remake is not a rumor and it is coming but no, I do not have an ETA for everyone. We would rather take our time and make sure it is done right rather than release something that is broken and only partially finished.

Thank you for reading and your understanding,

- Odin, Unofficial Spokesperson of Olympus.

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   Updates still need to be released while this is happening. Population is going down. Long time community members are getting frustrated. We all know that you guys are working hard on the update, oh wait we dont. Now its not like you are forced or obligated to work on it as its free to play here, but with that said we are also not forced to play here. Thank you for giving us some insight but we would still like more. I know that we would all appreciate being able to help pick where the drug zones go, if we even want a new city or not... things like that you know? Once again, i appreciate your post but sadly most of that information was already known by much of the community. Thank you for allowing me to speak my mind here

-Dustin, official forum warrior.

don't worry i'll be here next week to cause enough havoc on the forums that you have to say something to your community . this is like parents who cannot talk to their kids about shit. your community wants to know that you guys are still alive this is not a fucking nuclear launch code you are making give the community something cause only the die hard supporters are going to stay you are going to loose the rest if you think everyone will wait a 6 months to a year in the dark.


sadly it takes a lunatic like me to get you guys to talk to them I hardly even play Olympus any more at this point . I may have been wrong about the monetary issue , but from what everyone else has seen this new update did not happened till this tonic/bohemia revision. so talk to you community cause you don't know what you got till its gone , every rose has its thorns and every night has its dawn .

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