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Moose is outta here boys

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6 hours ago, HamOfMoose said:

ILY all but time to move on to bigger better things, come to the determination that life needs to do a 180 asap and me holding a mod position when someone else could have it is a waste of space, if anyone needs to get in touch with me plenty of people have me on steam.


Love you all 


Moose is peacin out

We share the same name. And you did my Cop test. Thanks a lot for the help. You will be missed.

7 minutes ago, Rusty said:

NOOOOOOOOO Ham i love you man :) 

Thanks Rusty XD lol jk

6 hours ago, HamOfMoose said:

ILY all but time to move on to bigger better things, come to the determination that life needs to do a 180 asap and me holding a mod position when someone else could have it is a waste of space, if anyone needs to get in touch with me plenty of people have me on steam.


Love you all 


Moose is peacin out

Da.... da.... don't go.... :(


Had heard whisperings of this, had hoped it wasn't true. Very disappointing. You were a Quality cop, And excellent staff member and the ones who actually get a peek behind the scenes now then like myself fully appreciate what you do, busting your ass all the time, whether it be tickets, in-game or sAPD business. but either way, , we fully understand, and you're one of few who can really consider themselves as a Friend of Myself, AND MC, as you know, we've always been happy to play with you and I would never turn you away if you wanted to play with us. But a new chapter begins I suppose.

RIP my n00b Ham :'(

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Damn!!! Not MOOSEEEEE!!! It's been fun getting to know you and to fight against you. Especially post wipe when you would be on Cop. I'll never forget how drunk you were that night (on stream) while fighting us at Cocaine processing. You one tapped tazed me, and when I came too I 1 tapped you. LOL great times and fun memories. Much love bro and good luck

felt distant recently but you were one of my favorite mods and i will always remember going to you and always getting help thank you for all you did i hope whatever you decide to pursue next goes well for you ! <3

Thanks for all the time and effort you put into the server, always enjoyed running into you.. , a very fair staff member, and fun player. You will be missed, wish you the best. 

Damn it Moose no! This is probably one of the most saddest things I've heard. I wouldn't even be this sad if Moob left! You were a top tier cop and excellent staff member but you just weren't staff or a cop you were an amazing friend as well, You gave me advice through a lot of hard shit in my life, When no one else seemed to care. I knew the day was gonna come eventually but I didn't think it would be this soon. You will always be welcomed in MC ts or my personal one, There was never a dull moment with you, Honestly you were the person i looked up to the most on the server. See ya around big guy!


Take care brother


Ham You'll always be my #1 guy to go to with a problem! I will miss you and I hope the fam and you are doing great! Your present will be coming soon I promise! Oh and....tumblr_n12a2k7b1O1trw6zto1_500.gif

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