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Altis Life Update - 2023-01-18 - January Update



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  • Crafting - Phase 1 (Scrapping)
    • Scrap
      • Scrap can be stored inside of a House, Vehicle or Player Inventory
      • Scrap in Player Inventory is dropped on death
      • Scrap has no Virtual Weight
      • To generate Scrap you can either scrap Gear, Vehicles or Virtual Items at a Chop Shop
      • Weapons from events (Evidence Locker, Blackwater, Airdrops and APD Escorts) scrap for more than their purchasable counter-parts
    • Additional features will be added in subsequent updates
  • Advanced Rebel
    • $5M to purchase
      • Gear will be Adv. Rebel exclusive and will require license to equip
        • Weapons can be equipped without the license however the bullets will be deleted
      • Gear can be put on the Auction House however restrictions still apply to non-Advanced Rebels
      • Grants an enhanced weapon shop for Adv. Rebels
        • ASP
          • Gun
            • $775,000
            • 30 WP
          • Magazines
            • $15,000
            • 1 WP
        • Mar-10
          • Gun
            • $4,850,000
            • 320 W
          • Magazines
            • $37,500
            • 5 WP
        • Promet Shotgun
          • Gun
            • $350,000
            • 23 WP
          • Pellets
            • $37,500
            • 2 WP
          • Slugs
            • $70,000
            • 4 WP
    • Non-Stackable T4 Vest Added
      • Cannot be stacked with current CSAT gear
      • $100,000
      • Vests are still maintained as “Illegal” and seizeable
        • Vests come in Snakeskin, Green and Tropic color palettes 
    • Deployable M2 .50cal turret Y-Inventory Item
      • $3M at Rebel Market
        • Sells for $1.2M
          • Must be refilled with Vehicle Ammo to be sold
      • Mounted with ballistic shield
      • GUI confirmation for setup variant
      • Turret is indestructible
      • Do not save for restart
      • Will be persistent and unaffected by de-spawn
      • Turret places .5M in front of player deploying it
      • Turret places in the direction the player is facing
      • 30s to setup and breakdown (similar to Pocket Go-Kart)
      • Once utilized it will have different ammo stages and weights after repacking dependent on ammo count
        • 30 Y-Weight / 100%
        • 28 Y-Weight / 80%
        • 26 Y-Weight / 60%
        • 24 Y-Weight / 40%
        • 22 Y-Weight /20%
        • 20 Y-Weight / 0%
      • Can be refilled with a Vehicle ammo to restore it to 100%
      • Anything below 100% cannot be listed to the Auction House
    • Adv. Rebels spawn with GPS & Rangefinders
    • Grants an enhanced vehicle shop
      • Ammo trucks
        • $5M Tempest
        • $3.25M Zamak
        • Illegal, can be seized
        • Ammo Trucks have limitations set in place to avoid infinite ammunition
          • Can re-arm roughly 3 Ghosthawks
        • Ammo Trucks cannot be refilled and need to be stored to refill ammunition cargo
      • Weapon replacement variants armed vehicles
        • Jeep (LMG) - SPMJEEP
          • $675,000
          • SPMG w/ 3x 200rnd .338 belts
        • Prowler (NVST)
          • $2,750,000
          • NVST w/ 6x 50rnd .50cal belts
          • 9.3 Coax w/ 2x 150rnd 9.3 belts
        • Qilin (Minigun+)
          • $3,250,000
          • 6.5 Minigun w/ 2x 1000rnd 6.5 belt
          • Doorless
      • Prowler (HMG) elevated to Adv. Rebel
      • Blackfish variants require Adv. Training to purchase
        • Add separate license on top to purchase
      • Qilin (Light) to Rebel Vehicle Shops
        • $165,000
        • 11WP
        • 90 trunk capacity
        • Lacks protective doors
      • Prowler (Light) to Rebel Vehicle Shops
        • $155,000
        • 11WP
        • 90 trunk capacity
        • Lacks protective doors
    • Prohibits processing of legal items, DP Missions and Plane DPs.
    • Any vehicle that can be purchased with the Adv. Training cannot be pulled unless the player has the Adv. Training active
      • Vehicles can still be claimed and operated by non-Adv. Rebels however they will not be able to retrieve them from their garage
        • Players may transfer vehicles without being an Adv. Rebel
    • License is non-storable (Vigi Arrests)
      • Any licenses bought over this will reset ALL ADV. REBEL LICENSES
        • Ex: Adv. Rebel and Adv. Rebel VTOL will be removed if you purchase a WPL, Vigilante or Taxi License.
    • Additional Vehicle Specializations
      • Adv. Rebel Vehicle Training
        • $2.5M
        • Allows retrieval and purchase of additional Armed Vehicles
          • Ex: Qilin (Minigun+), Prowler (HMG), Prowler (NVST), Jeep (LMG)
          • Vehicles not in this list and those relevant to the Vehicle Airdrop do not require the license to retrieve
      • Adv. Rebel VTOL Trainining
        • $1.5M
        • Allows retrieval and purchase of VTOLs
          • Xian (Airdrop) does not require this license
      • Adv. Rebel Truck Training
        • $1.5M
        • Allows retrieval and purchase of Ammo Trucks
    • Additional Licenses for Illegal Processing
      • Players may purchase all of the licenses without needing to purchase an Advanced or Professional variant.
      • Professional Processing
        • Increases base processing speed by 10%
          • Advanced Meth Processing $7,500,000
          • Advanced Mushroom Processing $7,125,000
          • Advanced Coke Processing $6,750,000
          • Advanced Moonshine Processing $6,350,000
          • Advanced Acid Processing $6,000,000
          • Advanced Heroin Processing $5,650,000
          • Advanced Weed Processing $4,225,000
          • Required per illegal item, ex: Adv. Frog Processing, Adv. Meth Processing 
      • Adv. Processing
        • Reduces processing bonus per illegal by 33% 
          • Ex: Meth (33/66/99/124) -> (22/44/66/81)
            • Professional Meth Processing $7,500,000
            • Professional Mushroom Processing $7,125,000
            • Professional Coke Processing $6,750,000
            • Professional Moonshine Processing $6,350,000
            • Professional Acid Processing $6,000,000
            • Professional Heroin Processing $5,650,000
            • Professional Weed Processing $4,225,000
          • Required per illegal item, ex: Adv. Frog Processing, Adv. Meth Processing
  • APD Warrants
    • Accessible by APD Corporal+
    • Civilians with a bounty price over $750K are eligible for warrants
    • Civilians are notified of the rank and officer that has been issued their warrant
    • Warrant
      • Warrants initiated at an NPC Officer located in Police HQs
      • Warrants last 30m
        • Timer displayed on individual with Warrant for their arrest
      • Warrants can be canceled by utilizing a Warrant Jammer
        • Warrant Jammers are sold at Rebel Markets
          • $50K
          • 1 Weight
      • Maximum of 2 active warrants at a time
        • Cooldown of 30M after completing a warrant
    • Warrant Officers are given a 3KM radius where the suspect resides in
      • This radius can be updated with Ctrl+E
      • Officers can only update this area once every 2m
        • This can be rebound in the keybinds menu
  • Gang Ledger to Y-Menu gang tab
  • News Broadcasts
    • Anchorman Ron Burgundy is now displaying player advertisements for AAN
      • Costs $250k
      • Located at Kavala Radio Tower
  • Picking animation for Undercover APD Officers
    • Default keybind is Shift+U
  • Undercover APD Officers can now set a tag and gang name
  • Diamond's Founder's Circle Hex Icon and Title
  • Added 6 new Community Goal types for the APD
    • Arrest X Players
    • Tase X Players
    • Lethal X Players
    • Pardon X Players
    • Seize X Vehicles
    • Seize X Worth of Gear
  • Added Gang Wars MVP title
  • ;staff
    • Messages online staff members
    • Can be utilized while dead
  • Hard Hats and all variants to Medic Clothing Shops Rank 3+ 
  • Legstraps to Medic Clothing Shops
  • Safety Vests to Medic Clothing Shops
  • IDAP Caps to Medic Clothing Shops (O+/$15)
  • Textures
  • Map


  • Deputies now count as .5 of an officer towards Federal Event Cop checks
    • Ex: 4 Patrol Officers and 2 deputies to start a Federal Reserve 
  • Blackfish added to Rebel and War Shops
  • Updated Pocket Gokart Icon to utilize 2^2 size format
  • Plane Garages are now accessible at Rebel Outposts
  • Players can now receive Dopamine transfusions from Athira Clinic
  • Players can now receive Kidney transplants from Neochori and Athira Clinic
  • Players with a Bright Night of 50% or higher no longer spawn with Complimentary NVGs at Night
  • House, Virtual Shop, and Trunk UI cleaned up
  • Shift+T markers cooldown reduced from 15s -> 5s
  • Pocket Parachutes are now infinite usage
    • Price adjusted from $20k -> $50k
    • Sell price adjusted from $8k -> $20k
  • Updated Gang Wars Title for the new winners #TPonTOP
  • Airdrop Locations
    • Gear/Narco
      • 3 Airdrop locations within HQ/Federal Event radius' removed
      • 2 Airdrop locations added
    • Vehicle
      • 2 Locations removed
      • 3 Locations added
  • Replaced Evidence Lockup and Blackwater T4 with Green variant
  • Armed Planes can no longer have their material changed in the mod shop
  • Map


  • Smoke Vehicle Camo missing from all vehicles
  • House tax inactivity multiplier
  • RPG-42 can now be listed on the Auction House
  • Neochori Action range exceeding the maximum range to receive Dopamine
  • Backpacks are now invisible in TDM
  • House ID clipping
  • LIM and LIM Taser not counting towards WP/Renown points calculation
  • RnR Fireman Uniform deleting
  • Vigilante's having access to T3 Vests at T2 Vigilante
  • Timestamp displaying Pacific US Time instead of UTC
  • Mk20 missing from Police Chief weapon shop
  • ADR magazines $10 instead of $500
  • Missing present textures
  • ;rnr and ;apd usable while dead
  • Armed vehicles spawning without a loaded magazine
  • Assassin Helmets classified as illegal and seized
  • Strike Packs classified as illegal and seized
  • Processing systemchat
  • Eject systemchat
  • Blackfish variants displayed turbo instead of maneuverability in mod shop
  • Map
    • Jail tower in dome destructible
    • Moonshine Brewery walls destructible
    • Fed vault no longer destructible


  • Black ASP from Warpoint Donor shops
  • Jeep (LMG) from APD Vehicle Shops


Hotfix #1 (1/19/2023):

  • Fixed jumping inside of a vehicle while scrapping instantly scraps vehicles
  • Fixed cops not being able to buy backpacks 
  • Fixed advanced rebel gear not being counted towards loadout price
  • Fixed being able to dupe deployable turrets
  • Various map fixes
  • Remove the ability to scrap your owned vehicles
  • Removed ability to sell scrap

Hotfix #2 (2/5/2023):

  • Vehicle shop button not re-enabling itself after buying something
  • Certain items could not be sold to the market
  • Smoke texture added to APD Ghawks
  • Fixed some vehicles randomly fixing themselves
  • Certain cop actions without a weapon now work properly
  • Bottom left HUD time now displays EST accurately
  • Fixed APD stolen vehicle tracking
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Recommended Comments

Most of this update as all updates is catered to the ultra rich and Corporal+. Bruh, the 50th richest person has $150 mil. He can buy 8 mil worth of licenses or 5 PERCENT OF HIS TOTAL CASH just to have the ability to buy multi million dollar guns, vehicles, and now an inventory .50 cal deployables (LMAO). 

The vast majority of players have no where near that $150 mil of the top 50th richest player to even start thinking about spending that much money. 

Money sinks are good, and

more skill + more time invested = cooler items

is good too. BUT i know you devs know how some of the richest "earn" their money.

The game is becoming more and more tailored towards gamblers, gold buyers, warzone players and corporals +. If you want Olympus to die the same way as Asylum, keep on truckin.

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  • Community Manager
10 hours ago, Legendary said:

im confused, so i own a mar10 i cant use it now unless i have the new license? 

Mar-10s from BW can be utilized still, a different Mar-10 was added to Adv. Rebel. You can still utilize your pre-existing gear.

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On 1/18/2023 at 7:36 PM, Squeezy said:

Most of this update as all updates is catered to the ultra rich and Corporal+. Bruh, the 50th richest person has $150 mil. He can buy 8 mil worth of licenses or 5 PERCENT OF HIS TOTAL CASH just to have the ability to buy multi million dollar guns, vehicles, and now an inventory .50 cal deployables (LMAO). 

The vast majority of players have no where near that $150 mil of the top 50th richest player to even start thinking about spending that much money. 

Money sinks are good, and

more skill + more time invested = cooler items

is good too. BUT i know you devs know how some of the richest "earn" their money.

The game is becoming more and more tailored towards gamblers, gold buyers, warzone players and corporals +. If you want Olympus to die the same way as Asylum, keep on truckin.

most of this stuff was only attainable by the rich before and warzone players and good players doing blackwaters and so on. They actually made the gear more accessible to newer and poorer players than before from the looks of it. Also the richest people earned that money, but this will get the richest people to actually spend their money too

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On 1/18/2023 at 5:46 AM, Mr GOAT said:

TLDR: civs get MAR-10, armed jeep, minigun qilin, oh I forgot to mention an INDESTRUCTIBLE .50 CAL TURRET LOL

cops get "warrants" which are nerfed by using a 50k item

LOL content

adding content that made asylum die is a BOLD move

Literally the most fucking thalidomide update I've ever seen, somebody literally looked at Tachanka and thought fuck it, lets add it, but make it stronger. For a server that it undeniably dieing there seems to be wayyyyyy to many niches for people to get involved in, isn't the whole point you actually come across people? Idk about these ammo trucks, is everyone rocking around with hawks nowadays? I remember most gunners having a sir name ending in "stien" and would be super fucking conservative with the ammo. Also is everyone cruising with Xians now as well like Batman would in Gotham City? 


There's too much that I haven't seen before and I don't understand, but It's probably just as retarded as the rest as a generalisation. IDK what the server is actually like to play on now but there seems have been a major shift it not only the level of gear thats available, but also the gear that's being commonly used, I call my thesis Gear-flation.

TL/DR Shit content is being made just to keep the server financially afloat

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