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  1. POV: you're about to waste $4,200,000


  2. R&R Shikra plz

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. notsodank
    3. notsodank
    4. silton


      why not medics don't rev people any way. Useless retards add these and defibs

  3. Hmmm I wonder if my 1v1 arena idea would be good for CQC practice
  4. I do a 3 strike thing, I can understand accidentally requesting a denial, but when someones butt hurt and salty that they died, or cant accept being denied by a 3rd party and theyre just spamming the request button, then they can wait
  5. I understand it a video game, but its supposed to be fun, I'm not saying you guys shouldn't role play, I would have thought the "safety squad" would have been hilarious, until you guys started spamming group chat, sitting in a city and doing nothing, then roaching the nearest bounty that any cop online picked up. "you guys have fun with that pharma, we got Sofia on lock" - @Mutiny *shows up 30 seconds before all clear*
  6. "fast" like what, giving pardons to half the guys you roach off of all the other cops online?
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