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APD Officer
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billdroid last won the day on September 11 2020

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About billdroid

  • Birthday 03/17/2001

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  1. nerdy is married. . . times really have changed much love and best of luck in your future
  2. no honor for the people who made the council what it is
  3. it would seem that @ Millennium 's civilian council role has been snagged
  4. how can u expect a senior to not want to win when you have an 80 percent win rate and shit talk them. id be the same way
  5. no, i guarantee new gangs dont get the same treatment as aegis lmfao. The reason they don't do events is because no gangs really have the numbers or experience to win.
  6. i agree, like i said, I was not there to experience that but I do think thats excessive. The fact that civs sit on the hill to titan doesnt have anything to do with apd on the other hand. But, if there were 4 hawks up before bomb is blown is kind of wild i mean ive been one of the more active cops since ive been back, if what sevro said is true ig, but I havent experienced anything like that. But also, you cannot take 1 instance to be the norm or the same treatment to other newer gangs
  7. From what I've experienced it has almost always been like this for me. (keep in mind ive only been back 2 months) Most hawks are pulled as a response to your taking the vehicle to gang base. Most of the time when bomb is blown, there is only 1 hawk up (for the most part when im on). I personally see nothing wrong with having a hawk up when bomb blows, how else is the APD supposed to combat an aerial vehicle from the BW? The fact is that these things are given to the APD to combat certain things (like BW hawks or hurons). Also, it's not like they pull 5 hawks as bomb blows and wait. The multiple hawks are almost always pulled proportionally, going from 1 to 2 to multiple after losing multiple, usually for pushing gang base (which is probably the best place to hold as a rebel) at this point.
  8. Not trying to be an analysts or anything , but looking at the numbers anyone can see that outcomes to these events are about 50/50 and if not mostly favored towards civs. Also, when you were only using mk1s those stats and rates are still correlating with what I said. Personally, I feel like feds are fine, cops need to be led, which I have been experiencing since I’ve come back. Also, when it comes to bws, when a group has 15ish people and a medic, regardless of gear overall, the group has a really good shot of bomb blowing if they play smart. You know this. The aids starts when u guys take the vehicles to gang base. When you have unlimited respawns, an unholy amount of money for titans and 50cals and ATs, you really can’t complain about ghawks that you shoot down almost instantly
  9. I mean if we are being honest the reason for the recent mass armor and higher overall senior apd usage of these things is directly due to recent federal event outcomes rates. Most people know that there was about an 80% win rate on the civ side for federal events that last month. If you expect to put up those numbers and flaunt it, you shouldn’t complain when the response is higher usage of the gear at the apd’s disposal. That is the whole point of proportionality.
  10. im hoping to find a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow too
  11. Yeah because the cops make the rules
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