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  • Gidgit

    On this day a year ago I lost my best friend to Type 1 Diabetes. Someone who was basically my brother. It was the worst change i have ever had to deal with in my life. A change i would never wish upon my worst enemy. My advice to everyone in this community is this. Live and enjoy every moment of your life with your family and Friends. Keep your loved ones close. Be true and real to them and yourself. Because there will come a time where they might not be there. And you will be left with unanswered questions in your mind. Life is entirely to short. Enjoy every minute of it. 

  • Poseidon

    Just a small tid bit of info since we reached 15k forum members. We've had over 150k unique players join our servers since launch. So that's a solid 10% of people who actually registered.

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