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  • Joel

    So I put a 1070 in my pc just because but now I'm starting to notice i'm getting way less fps than before... Could it be that I need a new processor which I plan to get anyway (current i5 4690k) or that it's a multithread card and my other one wasn't? 

  • asdasd123

    If I dont have my os on my ssd and then only have my games will I still see a performance increase with stuttering in game or will it not stop stuttering / load times as much?

  • I Am Fuzzy

    @Poseidon, @Jesse. Lets say I choose to spawn at Kavala HQ. Can we make it so we can choose what spawn we want. Roof, building, outside etc..


    When your gaming mouse you've had since 07' constantly double clicks and you try to order new click buttons but it says it will take 30-60 days to get here. F-Me Grrr

  • TheRealKyle

    Cant enjoy any fights with all the texture bugs and massive fps drops. Just had a situation were 5+ people in the our group all got texture bugged.

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