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Everything posted by coastosprey

  1. PM sent
  2. what is your in game name so i can contact you in game?
  3. PMd cannot receive messages but ill take the garage
  4. paying at least 2 million
  5. still looking
  6. bump
  7. Looking for S2 DP15 garage - if anyone looking to get rid of one let me know. Thanks
  8. PM'd you
  9. bump still for sale.
  10. Looking to sell my server 2 platinum garage. Pictures attached for location. MINIMUM OFFER: $2M Either PM, post bids here, or hmu in game.
  11. I'll give you $1.5M for the hunter.
  12. coastosprey


    You are retarded. You don't accept PayPal as payment and wanted me to send you steam cards. I do not do that. I simply removed you from my friends list because you seem unprofessional. Trust me, I have no plans to use the logo you created. I offered to pay you via PayPal and you declined and that is where our business dealings ended. How about you tell the truth. I didn't scam you.
  13. Been a member here longer than you according to the forums youngbuck.
  14. You guys all sound like such pussies with all these pathetically written apology threads lol.
  15. Was there something wrong with the other thread you created last week for the same item? I'll give you 200K for it but I want to do it today.
  16. They still blow up all the time if you pull something big like a tempest. And sometimes SUVs/quilins blow up but can be stored to save insurance loss.
  17. Nice update. Any work being done on gang sheds? I still blow mine up weekly when a truck just decides to spawn in sideways and explode...
  18. I'll give you 200K for it. What is your in game name and which server?
  19. 1 crater I assume?
  20. Please, cops - tell us more about how it is unfair that you can be tazed and restrained. Looks like a pretty capable bunch to me...
  21. The cops on olympus are fucking babies.
  22. $3.5 million for the DP22 garage.
  23. ^ well said Cheshyre
  24. Someone lock this shitty thread already.
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