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Everything posted by betrayus

  1. Got my degree in Health Informatics and Information Management! Getting a job basically as a database designer/maintenance for a healthcare company! I plan on being drunk for about the next five days straight so if you see me online crashing heli's and fucking shit up just ignore me. <3
  2. should cartels be moved to the south island? Vote: Yes or Yes great poll!
  3. You must engage with a medic in order to kill them (only if they don't follow your demands) even in red/illegal zones <----------------
  4. I run a 4690k and a 970 and i couldn't be happier. Honestly Arma 3 is the only game that doesn't run perfectly (60 fps on ultra/high) just because its Arma.
  5. edit fixed: a more passionately designed signature:
  6. why wouldn't it be? People are not allowed to lie on the internet.
  7. Well first off you probably shouldn't have paid for a $14 license since that was just pirated anyway (or sold illegally) but might as well try the upgrade and see if it works, if it doesn't, you could just fresh install and purchase a brand new key or arrrrgggggggggggggggg m8y. Theres not really any risk with just trying the upgrade to see if it will work. I've seen stories of people contacting MS to try and transfer the key between comp's and had MS just delete the key and tell them to fuck off basically. Not sure how true that is but I've read a couple stories like that.
  8. Vegas is my go-to, takes a little bit to understand it but once you do you can pop out vids like your mothers snatch
  9. I like the compromise, if there is no medics on (or none that can enter red zones), I have the ability to save my loadout. I don't see why people are so opposed to this? Defibs would render medics useless and this is a RP server at the end of the day people.
  10. Makes sense, I like the idea.
  11. *after epi pen revive*
  12. 1. Most Dominate Gang : DB obv 2. Favorite Player : [TAXI] Marty 3. Favorite current APD Member : Cheesegrater 4. Favorite R&R Member : Sir Issac Newton 5. Favorite former APD member : Peter Long 6. Favorite former R&R : Lonnie 7. Kavala Troll King : all of DB 8. Favorite time on the server : 5am 9. Funniest Moment : fuckin with glitched dropped ropes and flinging shit in the air 10. Something you want in the community : More people getting banned for breaking rules / more R&R members 11. Favorite Quote : fuck if i know
  13. My first post was my desktop, this is my laptop. Its my favorite background ever.
  14. I usually don't do this but i trust you guys
  16. Yeah, after seeing everyone elses i consolidated mine a bit lol
  17. utorrent is outdated, download qbitorrent instead its much cleaner
  18. server 1 or 2
  19. http://i.imgur.com/Ot87GQF.gifv
  20. what server
  21. that sound like much more effort than my approach
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