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About Tuco

  • Birthday 05/13/1998

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  1. Hey, I'm back, no I was D3
  2. @Strafe If you are not aware, cancer patients are amongst the members of the world that are classified as HIGH RISK for contracting the Covid-19 disease. Therefore, this should give you even more incentive to donate to them now. Thanks for the support bud.
  3. @Venoooom They just call it "virtual" cause everyone will be posting images I guess of themselves running on social media...for social distancing reasons. But obviously what matters the most are the actual donations. Not the running lol,
  4. Hey guys and gals, I know that in these troubling times were all on edge, but let's do our part and continue to quarantine ourselves (as if we weren't already doing that). Anyways, I'm going to get right down to business. I'm a College lacrosse player that is a member of the HEADstrong Foundation based out of Philly, which supports the families of cancer patients. We are raising money for a virtual 5K run in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 across the globe. Any donation would greatly be appreciated as this money directly goes towards the families. Thank you, Tuco ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DONATION LINK: https://pledge.headstrong.org/fundraiser/2722735 If you want more information on the HEADstrong Foundation: https://headstrong.org/
  5. Keep pushing forward brother. Remember when life has you down on your knees, don't give up, keep fighting as this is the only life you will get. I wish you luck in your time of mourning.
  6. HOLY SHIT! Panera! memes will never die...
  7. heheh, Im a good goy. https://gyazo.com/b98dc15fecd820532d925db679686e46
  8. I don't know what I saw, all I know is that I noticed this bright beaming light in the sky above me. It was fast... oh so fast. It was mesmerizing... it had me in a trance like state. It felt so beautiful, I felt this connection with the universe. Then I checked my watch, and I realised that five hours had just disappeared, my encounter was only a minute or so. GREAT SCOTT, I was ANALLY PROBED BY SPACE MEN!!! Evidence: Time: 4:31 AM EST/ 07/30/2017 https://gyazo.com/d70fac5253bf2ca04bd4dab76be69b8e
  9. I could have made this in a google doc, gtfo pleb-lord. lol
  10. I like to rp a GPS tracker up my bung hole. It's a good laugh.
  11. They should make us get a distillery. Would be more fun. lol
  12. Thanks ya'll. God Bless!!
  13. I would like to know the process of moonshine production before I go out buying supplies. Thanks
  14. Try the TBBMALLOC parameter fix above from RogueMK.
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