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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. Whos wiener do I have to play with to get a SPMG?

    1. Orgondo


      You're a hacker, just spawn one in!

    2. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      @McDili late Christmas present with some rules?

  2. @Seth Mobster
  3. Watch the whole video you wont regret it.
  4. Bro you are a fucking faggot. "Okay, You are gonna let me go right now or..." Gtfo with this lame ass shit. You got fucked because you made an assumption. That shit pissed me off when i heard you say that SMFH.
  5. Your evidence is ass
  6. The admins are asleep post coconut crabs. DNjoaxwU8AABgxw.jpg

  7. A custom video made by me. On what ever topic you want. 5min long
  8. I just uploaded it wtf?
  9. Go to his house ask him to give it back. If he does not, role him up in a carpet and order for horses to run over him. That is what us Mongolians do when people steal our money. (Example below)
  10. @Seth Mobster
  11. Dont listen to any of these ppl. Your game will be fine for a bit. But after your HDD get used a lot arma WILL run like shit! Get an SSD and you will be good. You can even get a cheaper CPU if you want. Just make sure you get an SSD!
  12. I have it all figured out now. I just reinstalled it. Thanks for all the info tho.
  13. Just got an SSD (F:). I have a 1tb HDD (E:) My os is on (C:). I dont know how it got set up like this but it did. Anyway is there a way I can make (C:). go into (F:). This is a problem because I can not change the path when installing stuff like team speak, Gyazo, And my drivers. They all go to (C:). https://gyazo.com/581091071889ce93498237a648aca6a9
  14. Welp Got my ssd and didnt back up shit. So rip all the memes. ;-;

    1. JAMIE


      you should of been able to plug it in with your other one and the program thats on it/or download will just move everything over to the new one atleast thats how the samsung and pny are.

  15. I sold my server 2 one for 15mill
  16. No that is why their name is not red while in restraints.
  17. Happybirthday @tim2 

    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Yo this shit is funny af. 



  18. I dont get it? I like these!
  19. I am applying for cop again. So what should my cop name be? Should I just be Frank Castle again? I think Frank Castle is 2 main stream now. Open to anything that "fits" me. If you say blueberry man you can GFYS
  20. Just bought this. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147374&ignorebbr=1 use Promo code EMCBCBJ28 For $60 more off. Hopefully my Game wont be shit now. :)

    1. Colin L

      Colin L

      Well, first you have to start playing arma

  21. nigga this was so long ago XD Ill still buy tho but 500k bc they spawn more now
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