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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. lol Ok will do thanks for the advice. Ok ill try out the leaning thing.
  2. @xrossfire ok i did it hopefully it works.
  3. like seriously tho fr.
  4. lol i think i seen one. But im would have way more if shit like this wouldn't happen
  5. Thats what i was thinking no joke... and what do you mean my tower rush?
  6. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO FIX THIS? Fuck you @Parker Radley@Jeff Chaplin
  7. i take that deal
  8. dude ill do it
  9. Selling this taser its type 115. comes with a green rco and and a matching bipod. Idk how much its worth but I am open to grenades @CheckUrFoodNWater
  10. So Caboose was talking shit because I didn't kill that cop because me or him was lagging, So this is what happens when you talk shit. @Cab00se
  11. What a cuck.
  12. lol yeah That shit is fun and looks good. only my 2nd one so what does that say... XD yeah i just started to use the mk1. not used to the recoil of the mighty 7.62 but ill get better with it. Thanks man. dude that is before the made it shit, I never buy it now and I have like 12 scattered out in my houses..
  13. Tell me what you think.
  14. Fuck finally got my power back after 6days, hurricane Matthew got me fucked up.

    1. Ahmed99


      It was better when you're power was off.



      i jokee:Kappa: 

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      @UnT0uchab1e I heard u don't play much more?

    3. Fedot


      @Frank Castle He plays with fedot

  15. want to buy them?
  16. I mean I got this cool toy and some .50 mags. fake and gay

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      Literally overly excited as well for both civilian and cop side of things. It's an easy way to attract cops for a local fight and for cops it gives us something to do on quiet days. Before it broke there was always a robbery somewhere. 

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Hell yeah this is how I started out.

  18. I DONT GET IT?
  19. hey boo
  20. ill get you one give me 2 weeks.
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