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Everything posted by MrB1

  1. Way more than I have invested into Olympus by a long shot, dang we got a high roller here boys
  2. Happy birthday brother! @Gafski

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    1. Gafski


      Cheers Boonie my man <3

  3. MrB1


    Weird I didnt...
  4. MrB1


    I liked it? Who said anything on downvoting.
  5. MrB1


    Generally posting funny or interesting posts that receive good feedback on it, a downvote gives someone bad rep.
  6. Do It For The Meme, 2018

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    1. Apathy


      when is the 2nd top ten coming out

    2. Ryan


        On 4/16/2018 at 2:38 PM, Apathy said:

      when is the 2nd top ten coming out


      This weekend most likely

  7. read the fine print sir.
  8. The whole thing I want 6,000,000 dog hairs
  9. What???? Who are you ?
  10. yeah @Isaac Newton I have video of one medic not valuing his life. I sent R&R a text he continues to revive, minutes later a van shows up EMT hops out starts to revive ..... See's me literally 5 feet from him and stops.... This is a problem for sure.
  11. MrB1


    Let's face it you have Olympus donations to "ungape" it.
  12. Please don't do anything rash, we had our conflicts but what happened to one of my good friends (socio) is irreverseable and not only affects you but people around you in a negative way. I hope you can find help through your hardship we have all had a rough turn in a life and I hope you soon can get your break at it all. Please if you are feeling at your lowest low contact me any way shape or form and I'll try my best to help you through it man. Hope to see you back soon. o7 brother.
  13. Exactly.
  14. A solid 5 due to the fact I haven't roasted a single soul on this thread.
  15. You guys will see. End of story.
  16. This was right before the civ rep thing which I see your point. However no that wasn't my decision to come out and state I'm reforming nor is it for attention like a video of a kid calling you retarded and broke wasn't for attention either it was just for entertainment. I'm just giving the news man weird idea I had to just make a post but I did, if you honestly believe I was looking for attention, your wrong. I am sorry you feel that way, have a great day majestic.
  17. Just making people aware. Don't need to make it personal.
  18. You joined last year let's not get ahead of ourselves here. You have a long time to go before acting like you are somebody of importance within this community. No offense.
  19. Im proud to notify ALL of olympus that Jesse most likely won't accept my civ rep campaign to actually go through HOWEVER if it does..... ;) you know change is coming. VOTE FOR ME, DOWN WITH TREE, MORE RUNS AND VEHICLES YOU WILL SEE! 


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  20. I no longer rap, I am now reformed.
  21. Thank you sir.
  22. I'm not being toxic on the forums, sir. I am reformed. If you didn't catch my post in the general section of the forums.... then that is unfortunate.
  23. Savage I would think it's in your best interest to not degrade or defemate a staff member ( @Peter Long ) on false accusations. Peter isn't going "after 15 year olds" or trying to be aggressive nor attack anyone, even if it's a joke people can look at that who don't know yours and proud toxic history and believe it. I advise to quit while you are ahead. Your toxicity via the forums on nearly every post is what causes staff to frown upon your terrible behavior, just relax, play and enjoy your time while Olympus is around.
  24. This is a long shot from happening.
  25. I MrB will be reforming as of today moving forward throw all the shade, hate, dislikes banter my way I will no longer be partaking in it along side you. Boonie is going to seize to exsist due to the levels of change you are about to witness moving forward so get ready boys. Here's my last GG REE REE, also to all the people thinking I was leaving and got excited HA. @Grandma Gary & @McDili
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