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Everything posted by Dejay


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      Didnt he like steal like 20k$?

    3. Dejay


      stole like 2k.. don't know where you got 20k

    4. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      @Dejay I knew it had a 2 in it.

  2. I believe clemenza and Poro both have 2 craters they want to sell
  3. Can we just make a nsfw section where we can roast people about theIR bans and tell people to hug themselves without consequences. Just have a simple page pop up before entering in bright red letters. "LEAVING OLYMPUS SAFE SPACE, ENJOY YOUR STAY"
  4. Enjoy being moderated o7
  5. homo
  6. @Gidgit welcome to our server!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Notgidgit


      Hi, I heard someone has my name on here but im here to take my name back from that kid

    3. Ham


      Welcome Giggy Poo

    4. Nuski
  7. Future Support Team member Dejay here. Please direct yourself to our support section where you can file Player reports, Applications and Bug reports along with a whole BUNCH of other things to help this community stay active and amazing! You can do this by simply using your mouse and clicking on the support tab right next to the Chat room and then from there find "Player Reports" Please fill out all the information you can along with a 5 minute recording prior to the vent which showcases that you were not engaged nor engaging the group of men that killed you. As always, have a great day and I hope you enjoy your time on our Servers. Our support team hours are from whenever Rosie is in the room to when GOAT isn't busy with senior apd tickets since he does pretty much everything on support team since he can never be a mod. If you have any further questions please go message every admin/ moderator/ or support team member on the forums and through teamspeak to get the quickest response you could. Thank you for being apart of this wonderful community we call Olympus
  8. pizzas weren't more than meth? They were the same as shine.. That's why everyone back then dupped meth and not pizzas..
  10. Can we remove tanoa? People are climbing the leaderboards in cash because there is a constant 3 person pop. Was going to play cop last night on the server, caught one person and the whole server logged out. Was 3 cops, no medics, no civs. Can we please remove that god awful server?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lucki


      So why don't you take advantage of the low pop and make some cash on Tanoa instead? I did an easy mushroom run this morning and made almost 500K in a mohawk and 30 minutes


    3. DeadPool


      shhhhh dont blow the secret

    4. Dejay


      Well when two people go from zero to 40 mil each because they are abusing houses right next to the processers. Yeah, that's balanced.  Money shouldn't be made by getting on another server where it is almost impossible to be robbed on. Rather have a rust server than this piece of shit tanoa map. 

  11. Your processor has hyper-threading, i5's do not. That is the difference that really matters for Arma. It makes the game think you have more cores and runs faster than with an i5. I had the EXACT set up as him and could barely push out 40 on normal/high with 1.4k render dist. Also a 760 is nothing compared to a 770, (I'm pretty sure) don't quote me or anything but the 770 has 4gb of vram and has a faster clock speed. Sorry to tell you are wrong. However, you're wrong.
  12. 760 and an i5 pushing out 80 frames? Yeah right.. You should be pushing 40 on high with that set up. I have a fucked up hdd but that only causes stuttering. Download afterburner or cpu-z and make sure all your temps and fans are working.
  13. Logitech blows if your comp is right next to your router because the wireless ones use 2.4ghz and you will hate yourself with them. I forked up the extra cash and got siberia 800's off ebay for $200 new and I like them a lot more than my astro a50's. Crazy sound quality and really comfortable.
  14. not like this!!!

    1. Marty


      this is beautiful

      to be honest, at first i thought squidward said boner not boulder.

  16. I've installed it three times this year and everytime it has taken a different time. The most was 2 hours with a hdd so I gave a ballpark
  17. To be honest, if you are on 7 and have no issues there is no real apparent reason to upgrade, however there's no real reason not to unless you like having a 7 year old operating system. It is a free upgrade that takes an hour or two. Upgrading doesn't affect any of your files, though the automatic updates do get annoying sometimes because you can't put it off very long without it barking at you to update some useless security web certificate for a random website you don't need but I have yet to find a real problem with it. If you don't like having the cortana bitch on your toolbar you can remove it which is great because she's an annoying bitch. If you had the time I would do it. At the end of the day, it's a free upgrade to a nicer windows 7 IMO and free is the best price.
  18. aight 6.1m for your house ez
  19. Why's fedot selling?
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