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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Dejay

  1. Dis the dumb futha fucka that blew up a dozen 50 cals with me on the day of wipe. o7 sup whitaker
  2. you donated $5.. what a big shot. next ebzekro right here!
  3. Happy 35th Birthday Snake


    1. Ventar


      inb4 harrasment

  4. so bad.
  5. Dejay

    Bye Guys :)

    Sad to see you go but then again, I haven't played the game seriously in like 4 months (thanks daddy clemenza for the wake up call) Peace, you're always welcome in Nerdz TS (I might not be, but hey) Also hopefully this gets posted. I'm still moderated
  6. Dejay


    This has to be the most cringe responses I've ever seen.
  7. The acclaimed sodapoppin moderator/kratos baby/perm patrol officer!!! OH MAYYY GAWWWDDD
  8. FeelsModeratedMan

  9. there's a lot of ways you can go about it. It's all over google.
  10. You don't need a device, get nvidia and get shadowplay. If you don't already have nvidia just get obs. For simple cutting of footage I use vlc player to cut up reports on players and for editing I use sony vegas pro 11, you can easily get vegas from piratebay and it works perfectly. It can be confusing however and making simple montages for a forum where you will get roasted for it anyways. Just use movie maker, as long as you have good clips. You don't need any special editing program tbh,
  11. The news team died when Peter struck down Kyle's idea of "Real Nigga News" due to racism arising in the community and peter's a racist against white people. Also everyone stole the name and tried to say it was their's when there were only 3 sole members of Real Nigga News. Got over hyped tbh and a lot of the members joined for the ts tag and that's all. Myself included.
  12. Odin's gone, speak your mind.
  13. Gary The Savage Snail o7
  14. gold watches.
  15. just because a 12 year old came out with a dualtage doesn't mean you have to.

  16. A lot of people actually over look this because of the price but having an ultra wide monitor is something I have never had before. It just seems like you are always watching a movie and it is super nice to have next to a 1920x1080 monitor. It does hurt frames a little bit but in my eyes, it was worth it. Get a 34" used one for like $350 on ebay and you'll love it guaranteed.
  17. I have clips that are complete shit but they are taking up space on my computer so I have to make a  montage right? 

    1. Lethal


      thats what i do, i make a montage, but dont post it anywhere. I feel retarded if i just delete clips without using them, but i also feel retarded if i post a tage of me killing noobs/cops 

    2. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      You might aswell considering that we can't downvote it

  18. You are running are a constant 24 frames. Why record?
  19. shine 4
  20. Cracked my iphone camera glass but here's my home.
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