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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. You win
  2. i dont think that was his intention
  3. this is officially the worst post ever
  4. Finally I don’t have to see @Panda :) in the apd waiting room... Gratz dude well deserved

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    1. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      Thanks brother <3

  5. You don’t need another thread just bump the previous one
  6. I wish lmao
  7. There are currently issues restricting me from joining the design team. I’m working on these issues in hopes that I will be able to join.
  8. I’m working on exams and essays rn but once I get through with those I’ll start making them for people. No charge, I like doing this for fun but if you want to tip me in Olympus money that’s appreciated too. I will also make custom vehicle and clothing textures for each one if you want just lmk what vehicle you want, give me an idea of what you want for a texture, what clothing texture you want, and what gun/gear you want to be holding. Also give me the name you want me to put on it. You can send me a PM or tag it on here, I’ll make a spreadsheet of all of them in order of who asked first and make them in that order. Also lmk if you want anything else added to it... for example the code in the background of the one I made for @ikiled
  9. I think you are the only person that is worse than me
  10. I would laugh if someone actually thought I cheated in arma lmao... I’m GARBAGE
  11. um no im not a feen
  12. Actually it was @rapidaax
  13. So I made a profile banner for myself and it looks like people really like them... I'll give some examples of ones I made here and keep this post updated with ones I make in the future.
  14. Ajax


    indeed my good sir
  15. can confirm is factions
  16. o7 you will be missed
  17. Ajax


    @DeadPooL I’m pretty sure it was you that wanted this
  18. Ajax


    That’s what I was ultimately going for in the end. Still needs a few touch ups like changing the B to a G to fit Olympus more and some minor color corrections. Thanks for the input tho
  19. Ajax


    yeah, I was gonna make it say redgull but its 5AM and thats not a font I can download so I would have to custom make the G in illustrator so I'm leaving that for tomorrow
  20. Ajax


    Well its 5am and I decided to make a redbull plane. Im going to bed now but I thought I would post what i got done so far. Some colors need re-adjusting to make them all fit but im happy with the outcome so far lmk what y'all think! @Christmas Dash @Gluxdator
  21. Ajax


    Yeah I wasn't a big fan of it while I made it either but I post on here for feedback and want to know what i could change
  22. Ajax


    Well. I decided to make a wetsuit and someone told me to make it a hype beast one. I don't really fit in with that crowd so I don't really know what it's supposed to look like. If anyone on here is an actual hype beast and wants to tell me what I should change on it feel free to do so and I will be happy to post updated pictures. but for now here is a texture I don't really know how I feel about. @Gluxdator
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