Just asking questions. We are specifically talking about whether or not there's something wrong with standing somewhere, when it's within 1KM of a rebel. I'm also asking what constitutes suspicion on a larger scale, in regards to all gangsheds whether they are inside the 1KM zone or not. Is there an actual identifiable reason for this suspicion, or are we en masse comfortable with saying "well, I know X gang has this gang shed because I fight them there on civ, and I've arrested them there 4 days ago so I'm going to just say I'm suspicious and go check it out."
When I was APD I was always told it was my best bet to completely avoid the towns closest to rebel (DP25, DP17, etc) to avoid even the appearance of camping a rebel.
If you don't want to continue this conversation, I'm fine with leaving it to the Civ Rep to present my questions. Maybe you'd enjoy talking with him more than you do me.