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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. Goodbye, my friend.
  2. I do find it interesting that a lot of people are starting to say things like "as intended" when there's literal YEARS of precedent at play. Some gangs are super chads and everyone has their own ifrit. Some people roach off cap, rotate hatchpack pushes, etc. Some people fight from the water. What does intended even mean? "The meta" of cartel fighting has always been ever evolving, and I'm a little concerned that instead of letting things happen organically we're starting to manually cultivate it with rules and redesigns and whatever. I personally don't really have much of a dog in the fight, and it seems conquest for the most part has sated the "endless re-push" blood lust so I don't intend on getting on a soapbox here. If the general population is completely OK with these changes then awesome let's have at it.. but just remember just because something can be changed doesn't mean it should be Edit: For clarification the only thing I'm advocating for here is critical thinking; I'm neither for or against the changes at this time
  3. Break the system from within or stop complaining about it.
  4. @ anti sounds like you should join civ council if you're so opposed to the way they are headed.
  5. I must be old and need my reading glasses, but where was this stated?
  6. All I want for my birthday is a new ifrit skin from @ xDRO

  7. @ Strae  The Chief @ Mr GOAT  is off your coast and looking for a fight. Send him the address

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      The Venezuelan Navy coming to seize him


    2. Creepy
  8. And people say college is a waste of time.
  9. I puked a little.

    Happy New Year!

    1. Millennium


      *seasoning the toilet*

  10. Fully stacked lethal tempo is completely balanced.


    @ Kamikaze

    1. Ryan


      What. The. FUCK?

    2. Creepy


      Yeah man. Throwing absolute bombs lol

    3. Noble


      Trundle sheildbow, bork, tempo goes NUTS 

  11. Happy Birthday to the Chief

    @ Jordan540

  12. The sleeping dragon is awoken
  13. To further complicate the issue, there's been plenty of times that it's "error no unit" or "error no vehicle" for me, but not someone else. RDM is never the solution boys and girls
  14. Congrats @ Caden I remember when you were just a junior blackwater boy!

  15. Just curious.. were you expecting to actually hit something with the SDAR ranged at 30m or was that like some sort of distraction tactic?
  16. We hate you too! Merry Christmas
  17. Merry Christmas!

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