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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. ... and we've come full circle ladies and gentlemen!!
  2. Cops go balls out in a red zone just like anyone else. Red makes people crazy, man. I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to buy a titan when they heard you approach.
  3. 164 ft? What is problem?
  4. For perspective.. you were trying to hot land in a red zone (rebel outpost). Your gang member was even perplexed as to your choices. If you hot dropped on a group of armed civilians instead of the APD, they would have lethaled you too.
  5. I can confirm that Toasty legitimately does not understand engagement protocol. I sent him to APD because he's halfway capable of remembering to turn on lights and sirens before shooting someone. Can't count the number of times he has yelled hands up or die in group chat. It's a sad state of affairs. That's the most 2017, every kid gets a trophy, one love, we're all winners, #blessed shit I've ever heard. Did they kill all of you and take your stuff? You lost.
  6. Creepy


    Ermmm. Hello. You can no longer be a taxi driver and have a rebel license. Probably all you're interested in. Carry on.
  7. He wasn't. He was trying to lethal him. That's a free 12k My dude
  8. Welcome to "Saving Gangmates and Potential Hazards Thereof: A Diatribe" written by Pvt. Murphy!
  9. Maybe you have a heli full of rebels and are about to drop death and destruction? Who else would be dumb enough to fly by and say hi?
  10. Don't get me wrong, I still rage the fuck out every time.. but that's because I have a very strong magnet on my pilot helmet. I'm like a 1-tap training dummy when in the pilot seat (or driver seat, or running, or standing) I could get 1-tapped in the soft log screen.
  11. Have you not seen this phenomenon? No other way to get you out of a heli so you get lethaled.
  12. Creepy


    Why did Moob leave after like a few days (it seemed)
  13. The real question is, which one can we rob for the least amount of effort?
  14. I'm a big fan of the Razer Kraken 7.1, but I'm a Razer fanboy
  15. Texture Bug fix or it didn't happen. Edited to add clarification: I understand and appreciate that a lot of these updates are on a schedule and they take time to implement. But the texture bug is seriously ruining game play and immersion at this point. I can't be near a Prowler or an APD Jeep without frames shitting the bed and forcing a log off or full PC restart. Before someone flames "buy a new PC" I'll add this; I might not have the strongest rig around here, but I'm willing to bet my water cooled Skylake and R9 390 8GB is at least upper tier around these parts. Help us Poseidon.. you're our only hope.
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