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Everything posted by Creepy

  1. Name is scumbag and has 0 forum rep. What could go wrong with this transaction?
  2. Does this mean no Server 3 this weekend period?
  3. How many PACs inbound?
  4. So Sr. APD finds it completely absurd, but won't stop it? Apology accepted.
  5. Just asking questions. We are specifically talking about whether or not there's something wrong with standing somewhere, when it's within 1KM of a rebel. I'm also asking what constitutes suspicion on a larger scale, in regards to all gangsheds whether they are inside the 1KM zone or not. Is there an actual identifiable reason for this suspicion, or are we en masse comfortable with saying "well, I know X gang has this gang shed because I fight them there on civ, and I've arrested them there 4 days ago so I'm going to just say I'm suspicious and go check it out." When I was APD I was always told it was my best bet to completely avoid the towns closest to rebel (DP25, DP17, etc) to avoid even the appearance of camping a rebel. If you don't want to continue this conversation, I'm fine with leaving it to the Civ Rep to present my questions. Maybe you'd enjoy talking with him more than you do me.
  6. What makes the building suspicious, unless you're operating off of previous information not gained during your current gaming session? Do you actually see people going back and forth from the gang shed and choose not to intervene for a time while conduction reconnaissance? Or, are all "gang sheds" now suspicious and it's just happenstance that specific ones are continuously under "surveillance?" How far does RP take you before the cops acknowledge that they know where our gangsheds are, check the online players are who owns cartels, and say "let's camp X gangshed"
  7. Cops camping gangsheds within 1km of rebel. Hot mic! What do you think?
  8. What's @DeadPool's take on this situation?
  9. A) Sounds like maybe you should change the camping redzone rules if you're camping a gangshed within 1km of a rebel.
  10. I'm stuck. I like exactly half of the Canadians I've ever met.
  11. What else do you do while you're shitting? Asking for a friend
  12. You need the i9
  13. If they aren't sold PM me
  14. https://olympus-entertainment.com/forum/25-gang-recruitments/
  15. Happy Birthday @everyone that lied on their forum info

  16. Remember this situation if dude applies for APD. OBVIOUSLY NOT 16! @CommanderSuki
  17. Creepy


  18. It was a very drunken night. I'm sorry.
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