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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. Anyone that say "Oh dear" deserves a +1
  2. Wow BWs just got better? Might need to start playing civ again!
  3. @Greenarrow
  4. I'll actually buy all 500 for 16k a wp
  5. Angel I'll give you one now where's my 500 WPs
  6. Jeez hosting a meme giveaway that wasnt very cash money of you
  7. +1
  8. o7 it was fun playing late at night when you were the only cop on
  9. Noodles:D

    Cop tazers

    Ill be on tomorrow
  10. Noodles:D

    Cop tazers

    Then $375k
  11. Noodles:D

    Cop tazers

    Ill trade you for Lvl 5 vest?
  12. Noodles:D

    Cop tazers

    type taser, 2 spar 16 tasers
  13. Noodles:D

    Level 5 vest

    Ill give you 300K
  14. Probably because you have an iPhone
  15. Duping I see
  16. o7 @King
  17. For the holding is it going to be hold a cartel consecutively for an hour or will it have a time limit to retake a cartel?
  18. Big yikes should've gotten that comp
  19. https://gyazo.com/75a40bb2b3be599bcfc49d60040ec42e?token=add383ececdaa89f9541f3f7df2b6980 Offers either PM or Here.
  20. Offer her ingame money she'll take it
  21. CPR kits?
  22. Weird why does every old gang have one of these when I joined tree years ago I was tested on the handbook is this stuff still used?
  23. What's your stream?
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