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Trevor Phillips

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About Trevor Phillips

  • Birthday 08/18/1989

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  1. @Snare Remember this lucky shit


  2. Hey that's a sensitive subject
  3. I miss you guys :( This is not worthy of the video section but its what I have been up to lately. The ban taught me to get into recording my kills so here is my first set. Edit- set to HD because it defaults at some low resolution ..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trevor Phillips

      Trevor Phillips

      Lagswitch. Blizzards in North Dakota had my internet shitty for a week or 2. 2 videos submitted against me, one was from about a year or so ago, was not obvious. 2nd was from Sir Dude, who did not even report me was using video to show me my lag, someone else took his video and submitted it and alas, a perm. He even took it down afterwards because of that but did not help. They wanted me gone. I used to be NW so RIP. Lol

      The shitty part is ive seen people banned for 14 days for the same thing, not me. My first time getting hit for it straight to a perm, even with the small evidence. Nevermind the fact that I have 3300 hours on arma and almost all of it is in Olympus, I am a die hard Olympus player, and Nevermind that I am a donator.

    3. Trevor Phillips

      Trevor Phillips

      i did exploit through the blackwater dome and hit a cop, got a ban for that one maybe they were still salty

      if so that escalated quickly lol.

  4. Happy Birthday Marty :)

  5. Happy Birthday, hope its fun dude.

  6. Isn't this place awesome?
  7. Literally the whole fight I was thinking about where I was in relation to my alive teamates, and where my danger zones were. I wouldn't say it was all based on luck.
  8. Tazer Vermins, noone buys them on civ anyway.
  9. You can literally copy and paste parts of my pbo and make it take place wherever you want on the map, is the point I was making but nevermind.
  10. If you sell him the cqc @ the fed C. Lowe and I let you use, he is going to be very disappointed in his product. Lel
  11. Halo : Custom Edition on Windows XP, probably got 21 FPS
  12. I really dislike you now just from this video.
  13. when you know its about to get real
  14. I am about to purchase a few parts tonight to complete my build, should have the parts in on Wednesday (not as bad as I thought was going to be). Can the guys with experience help me out? Here is what I am about to pull the trigger on: i7-6700K Generation 6 NVIDIA GeForce GTX970 4gb Has anyone used a similar combination, and if so what kind of frames are you pushing on Olympus? I do not mind having to lower the quality of the settings, as low is all ive ever known :/ I just want to see consistency in Kavala.
  15. So, I dropped my laptop off my desk while cleaning the fan ports. 

    $1980 down the drain. Now I have nothing but a shitty Walmart Dell. Ive tried playing but it cannot even comprehend when a weapon is fired around me. 

    It is sad to have to stop playing the only game/server I love. I will be building my new PC very fast though, it is now a priority. 


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Trevor Phillips

      Trevor Phillips

      16 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

      this whole situation is hilarious... i got a flat tire so i bought a new car.  RIP

      well ive been building a new machine for a few months piece by piece, just expediting the process now. Also my laptop got shitty FPS in Kavala, no matter what settings or launch parameters I set up, so I am in no hurry to spend money to fix it when I can use the money to complete my system. 

      And yea its pretty hilarious, im laughing so fucking hard

    3. BananaHammock


      1 hour ago, Trevor Phillips said:

      well ive been building a new machine for a few months piece by piece, just expediting the process now. Also my laptop got shitty FPS in Kavala, no matter what settings or launch parameters I set up, so I am in no hurry to spend money to fix it when I can use the money to complete my system. 

      And yea its pretty hilarious, im laughing so fucking hard

      Everyone gets shitty FPS in Kavala!

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