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ConnorH last won the day on January 19 2018

ConnorH had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About ConnorH

  • Birthday 08/14/2000

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. we struggled to get a full roster barely any of them has played arma in ages
  2. You say that but you have maiko on your main roster so good luck bud
  3. @Connor McGregor you ready to not even win a round against us?
  4. are you retarded? this gang wars is free for us like the rest of them
  5. Don’t get excited you are only gonna lose again
  6. cya prime recruitment page

  7. https://gyazo.com/dc9319b236c667f1b869d9df14b948f2 1 3 crater 2 2 craters
  8. im a god at R6 goodbye bby
  9. i have a 2 crater which you can have for 2mil
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