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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. voted for
  2. I already said this and you know that but again Happy Birthday kiddo @draMa

    1. drama


      This man callin me kiddo. Appreciate it my guy!

    2. Vcx


      Want me to call you old man instead?

  3. Fuck someone is really salty lmao please grow up and cry somewhere else http://prntscr.com/kf4nd7

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vcx


      oof do you stalk me cuz that name is a month old, keep saying again who are you because it just shows how big of a retard you are. You kill me once and get a ego don't you have a gang to run so it can die quickly?

      So go on a gang rec thread already and cry me a river when you get denied

      Wait a second weren't you the one who got banned for sexual harassment on a girl admin? I didn't know this was tinder but k.... @Ang3l

    3. Ang3l


      called dezeree a hoe. whoops

    4. Toasty


      NEWS FLASH! no one fucking cares.

  4. how much you looking to buy?
  5. Vcx


  6. oof gon throw a couple smokes down then slam through the smokes and just go ham
  7. I mean prime hops on to do cartels a lot more now have had some fun fighting them
  8. Dont you have one already?
  9. 50k per a mag oof
  10. I think this must be a meme..
  11. oof I sold 3 rockets and a RPG for 1.5mill so be nice now
  12. Go back to being a career cop oof
  13. no lol
  14. Im gone for a few weeks and I see some nibba having -400 rep almost as worse as proud....
  15. Welcome Enjoy your stay.
  16. I like how he deleted the msgs attacking me oof im out I dont do drama, just dont buy his shit he will most likly scam you ask anyone like tryone
  17. Is it confirmed that spawning in war zone will be taken out?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Viper


      12 minutes ago, Connor McGregor said:

      Whens it being added, next update? And will gangs get comp for their sheds?

      They're gonna let you keep your sheds and houses you just cant spawn at them

  18. A kid that is smart enough to tell people not to buy from your rat ass becuase you scammed 2 kids already and tried to scam kids out of a armed quilin months ago
  19. Lol okay buddy
  20. hence why you dont by shit from this knock off Nimrods which the OG nimrods which actually had good players he got kicked out of now he makes Nimrods look bad by making his own gang full of randoms and scams people lmao
  21. Lol thats why you dont trust kitui hes a rat
  22. I mean at least let war points be able to not buy High Teir vehicles maybe just quilins and other rebel shit doesn't have to be nuts
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