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Everything posted by Vcx

  1. Happy Birthday @Lorax

  2. if its the tazer he prob got it from PO which its just spar 16
  3. Oof retard idk if i should take offense to that I mean you are the one acting like hes 12 rn Y I K E S someone has a high temper grow up
  4. I got tag teamed by the dynamic rat duo oof http://prntscr.com/jy9dbc
  5. shiv is a bit of a slow person
  6. Lol
  7. Vcx


    hes a rat dont bring his name up end of point
  8. Vcx


    and ask him where he got it from
  9. <3 @Wong i remember the days or me , you and epic in kavala causing explosions those were the days

  10. xdd we did lol I mean hey Lou we got those scats to hold slam like it was rdm alley, also we had 31 people so yeahhh
  11. I didn't do it with my gang im in influx Lou. umm you sure? that's why we had 3 LT's and the dep chief of police on too https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1415200739
  12. Did a Bw last night didnt ge ta 7.62 sup but got rpg's and mar10's
  13. Happy Birthday mingo @Ming <3

  14. nice BW was actual cancer but easy xd http://prntscr.com/jw4y6v

  15. You got me fucked up cost less to do a BW and get that shit easily
  16. Depends tbh
  17. Vcx


    I didnt say you quoted im saying he should have made you quote for a free black list LOL
  18. I love being killswitched in war zone by Assent what a great server

    1. Kamikaze
    2. Strikke


      When is it the servers fault that an individual person decides to cheat/hack? just curious.:hmm:

  19. Vcx


    quoting rules? while on cop?
  20. Vcx


    You shoulda said what rule does it go under as rdm LOL thats a blacklist in a half....
  21. 3.1.5M
  22. ill bring suicide vest?
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