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Everything posted by Slumberjack

  1. Happy Birthday to the heart of Olympus @1337 this place wouldn't be the same without you!

  2. Hi there
  3. When I'm at my place I have smooth sailing but whenever I go home I get battle-eye kicked every few hours...

    Is it something to do with my Network config?

    1. LukeTheCoop


      I don't know. Maybe reinstall battle-eye?

    2. SPBojo


      Battle eye is probably just mad at you

    3. Slumberjack


      Probably... I've reinstalled it so many different times 

      Think it's something to do with network since it only happens at my home...

  4. Congrats @draMa on admin! Just saw nice work man! 

    1. drama


      Thanks slumberjack! :wub:

  6. The red hat really does go with the profile picture I love that so much...
  7. Damnit now that's in my head.... Do miss my pilot coveralls on that tank
  8. Hell yeah those plants looking healthy!
  9. ''
  10. I don't know him like that
  11. Try it cuh
  12. eighbor?
  13. yes
  14. He's a data scientist from NASA idk if he will think that's a good idea :/ money is money tho
  15. Hmmmmm which is more important.... math final or 1 mil?
  16. Guys, I have herpes. damnit sped
  17. How do you find these things?
  18. This is going in my roadtrip playlist
  19. Definition of over-editing. Rocky makes some of the best psychedelic content out there... takes you to another world in the right setting.
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