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About MrMarek

  • Birthday 10/18/1998

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  1. MrMarek


    I mean I'm probably reaching but it would be nice to have an engagement tab in the player menu. One button for text engagement to another player/gang where you make a pre-existing copy/paste of whatever engagement you normally text. The only thing it couldn't cover is verbal engagement so idk about that. But a list of what gangs/players you're engaged with based on that feature would be nice, but also pretty non-important just an ease of access thing. I think what @MAV is probably worried about is that lets say this feature exists and your gang is engaged with another, then towards the end of the engagement someone in your gang is verbally engaged by the other. Now you're re-engaged but the feature would say that it's expired, causing confusion, and unnecessary reports. In other words, a good idea but pretty impossible to implement with the server's engagement rules.
  2. https://gyazo.com/cc9ff9fc65f3aecbfd41198c7b865ca5
  3. The main point of Altis Life (in a general opinion) is to gain influence and renown. The methods of doing so on civilian are : - Fighting Cartels - Runs - Public events with your gang (Fed, Blackwater, Jailbreak) - Gang Wars The more your gang participates in high risk high reward activities, the more influence and renown your gang gains. Unfortunately these activities are low in interaction and high in action. If you want more RP then you need to change your mindset of "money and power" Try more intricate activities such as hostage situations, coming up with an alternate persona to fuck around with (Homeless Hank, The village drunk), races, or setting up organized conflicts like ambushing a police station. RP comes from interaction between players, if you want RP there has to be interaction. Good RP comes from unexpected situations and genuine reactions.
  4. 1. Most Dominate Gang : Moob and Cops 2. Favorite Player : Merpfer :^) 3. Favorite current APD Member : Maddog 4. Favorite R&R Member : Dante Fleury 5. Favorite former APD member : N/A 6. Favorite former R&R :N/A 7. Kavala Troll King : Wong 8. Favorite time on the server : When the RP was fresh and new to me 9. Funniest Moment : epi penning and arresting a 4mil bounty as a Vigilante 10. Something you want in the community : More active server roles (Vigilante, Lawyer, News team) 11. Favorite Quote : "tell them no pardons and to kiss my ass"
  5. I agree, there are a few milsims coming out that might inspire Bohemia to do something. Squad of course. I've recently gotten my hands on a very early access version of the game TitanIM, I only have access to it because one of my buddies got his hands on it and he shared with me, if you check their website they won't give out versions unless you're a "selected project" (aka Youtuber, game reviewer, etc) but I recommend checking it out it looks pretty promising. http://titanim.net/www/ (hmu if you want to try it)
  6. Okay well that's a completely different topic The goal is to give Vigilantes a fair chance in fighting against Rebels.
  7. *TRIGGERED* "Join the APD if you want an MXC" *TRIGGERED* The point of playing Vigilante is being a fucking Vigilante, not a cop. If you join the APD you're not a Vigilante you're a cop, I see this argument every time this topic comes up and it's just ridiculous that people can't comprehend the point of "Vigilantes are under powered, maybe we should give them a fair opportunity to win a fight?" the point is to change Vigilante, not become a cop, that argument is just a straight up invalid response. This is copypasta from an earlier thread, but I'm sure you didn't read through it based on what you just said. You're not even making sense at this point, you are forced to be a cop if you want a fair fight against a Rebe.l
  8. I'm not saying it's hard to be a cop, i'm saying you shouldn't be forced to be a cop, roleplay is meant to be flexible and unconfined. I shouldn't be forced to choose between Cop or Rebel in order to have any effect on the server.
  9. https://gyazo.com/02d052fd5bb3af611bf8a1ac5d8db9a2
  10. "Aren't meant to have a fair fight" What is the point of having a Vigilante if they're almost sure to fail? I can't really argue with your opinion of "Just be a cop its easier" that won't get us anywhere, if you really want the server to just be a Cop vs. Rebel with Civilians caught in the crossfire kind of deal that's entirely your preference and I can respect that. But for some of us that actually want a role other than Cop/Rebel, it's pretty frustrating to have the only alternative role being a very under powered Vigilante. Since I used to know you personally I'd like to bring up the fact that you're a Rebel, who plays Vigilante just to piss other people off for the most part, while I can credit you with the fact that it's fun to turn in 4mil bounties (rip chrisgg), I also want to say that some of us want the Vigilante to be an actual role rather then an activity.
  11. *TRIGGERED* "Join the APD if you want an MX" *TRIGGERED* The point of playing Vigilante is being a fucking Vigilante, not a cop. If you join the APD you're not a Vigilante you're a cop, I see this argument every time this topic comes up and it's just ridiculous that people can't comprehend the point of "Vigilantes are under powered, maybe we should give them a fair opportunity to win a fight?" the point is to change Vigilante, not become a cop, that argument is just a straight up invalid response. This is copypasta from an earlier thread, but I'm sure you didn't read through it based on what you just said.
  12. The Vigilante role is for people who don't want to be a cop, this is a discussion for pros/cons and balance issues with buffing Vigilante, the debate of "It's easier to be a cop just do that" is not even a valid argument in this topic. 1. Do Corporals have to pay for all of the gear that a Vigi does? 2. That won't help anything, Vigi groups will just keep a Tier 1 Vigi around to turn in smaller bounties for them. 3. Cops have tons more regulations, responsibilities, and privilege. There is no point in white-listing a bounty hunter, most of them are in it to fight rebels, make money, and keep Rebels from terrorizing cities, Cops are meant to protect citizens and uphold justice.
  13. One more thing I might add is the penalty for buying a Vigilante license while you have a Rebel license, I think there should be an up-charge of around $150,000 to keep Rebels from purchasing MXC's for cheap.
  14. So what you want is for Vigi's to stay the way they are now? just running around Kavala catching rebels off guard, turning in fresh spawn rebels, and taking 40k bounties because they can't get any bigger bounties? *TRIGGERED* "Join the APD if you want an MX" *TRIGGERED* The point of playing Vigilante is being a fucking Vigilante, not a cop. If you join the APD you're not a Vigilante you're a cop, I see this argument every time this topic comes up and it's just ridiculous that people can't comprehend the point of "Vigilantes are under powered, maybe we should give them a fair opportunity to win a fight?" the point is to change Vigilante, not become a cop, that argument is just a straight up invalid response. Maybe a few reasons as to why Vigilantes are so frowned upon is because it's relatively easy to play, it can be expensive but most people who start out can make enough money to afford Vigilante gear, my first month on Olympus was a back and forth between playing Vigilante and losing all of my money, then farming it all back and then rinse and repeat. This creates an environment of Vigilantes that just go around making whatever money they can, and that includes abusing their Vigilante license, and committing other acts of greed like i stated above. Nothing's going to change with Vigilantes until one of the Developers really decides to sit down and give it some attention, (not dissing on the Developers they're gr8 m8), but until they decide to recognize that Vigilante is overall hurting the server, i'm going to continue to argue that making the Vigilante role an actual viable option would improve RP, cut back on the influence of Rebels, and give an alternative to people who don't want to be in the APD, but still want to be a figure of justice.
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