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Everything posted by Hydra

  1. I have a mar 10 and 7 mags
  2. how does 7 mill for the garage sound
  3. DP 22 3 crater 5 mill - dp 25 2 crater 10 mill
  4. yeah server 1
  5. selling dp3 4 crater post offers below https://gyazo.com/0bb9c5dbe4bec802b8f9c4980f540155
  6. if that doesn't work get rid of your parameters^
  7. Check your steam profile, if you have any vac bans or game bans within the last 210 days you will be banned, oh and also if you are a shitter It was a prank now unban me
  8. That is very unfortunate for me
  9. Perming me because of my opinion on one of the latest olympus additions
  10. Once again another shitty addition to olympus, to prevent cheaters lets ban everyone who has been vac banned on unturned or any other piece of shit games in the last 210 days!!!
  11. Hydra

    FPS Issues

  12. remove PLZ
  13. Who will be the new captain?
  14. First off I'll call you whatever I want kiddo, you kids just farm moonshine all day and don't show at cartels fuck off retard
  15. are you the kid that said cops aren't allowed to search vehicles without traffic violations yep 100% 3.5 mill trying to blow up your shed ROFL
  16. gangs are quitting the server not players. ADD DEFIBS.
  17. 1 mill for it
  18. yes
  19. http://prnt.sc/dozoun 600m from meth cartel (1 crater) post offers below pls
  20. better than being stuck in bronze like you hehexd
  21. So I've been playing Olympus for a few months now and I haven't seen you in-game yet, are you just basically a forum warrior?
  22. http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/5869902699
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