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Everything posted by SheriffJohnBeard

  1. i was short stack most of the time playing too. im glad i made it to the top 5. GGs to everyone who played
  2. 1 million is taken at registration? Or taken once the event starts? I want to play but it's like 50/50 if ill be here at 6pm my time
  3. So uhhh... I miss-clicked and accidently bet my last 5 million on green


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Clashingtin


      if only @ Xlax would let me gamble maybe I can missclick on green too

    3. Lucien
    4. Clashingtin


      Need to get my money back Up @ Karma didnt hit for me 

  4. Congrats on Corporal 🙂

    Now you can get titaned flying into red zones as a cop ❤️ 

  5. Thank you. Shawn is one of the most bias admins ever. Every time you try to message him in discord, he times you out. He kills you in-game while invisible and laughs at you for no reason whatsoever. If only Shawn can be more like Dante.
  6. I see Dante is off limits, but can I say bad things about Shawn?
  7. Yoooooo... That's fuckn wild @ Xlax ... You gonna take the disrespect? He said.. you're the type of guy to spit on the ground, and then bend over to lick your own spit back up from the floor. That's fucked up.
  8. thanks for everything you do man! hopefully there will be more KOS for Admins in the community goals in the upcoming months! Pretty fun to titan them without engagement HANDS UP/AUTOHOVER IN PLACE AND DONT MOVE FOR 5 MINUTES, OR BE SHOT/TITANED
  9. ill be there to hype you up if you ever do it. 1 billion -> 2 billion
  10. funny thing is that i had already pasted the message to mr black and was about to click send when i noticed the name change on the helicopter. not sure if you knew as well, you can press F5 for a timer to pop up on the bottom right of your screen. default timer is 5 minutes, but you can adjust it in your phone settings. the difficult life of a medic. you get held hostage in the air for 5 minutes, only to land and get taken hostage again by a different group. ggs man + the view of the titan passing below you looks pretty badass, and then the explosion of the heli in the distance @ 07:52 -
  11. #RoadTo2000 Titan Hits But you know what man.. you get freebies for the rest of the week if you're flying while on Civilian
  12. I would never Titan a Medic, especially not one who is Medic of the Month
  13. What kind of madman would Titan a Medic?
  14. Best Garage Ever
  15. Miss 9 digit bank account saying she's broke
  16. Cheese and I appreciate your knowledge of the rulebook. The modified engagement has been a lifesaver for us. We are now engaged with air and ground units properly at the same time. You won't see us either of us receiving a Fail Titan ban anytime soon
  17. Thanks man for noticing . I just titan for fun though, I'm not interested in the #1 spot. It seems common sense that.. if you were to send a long text engagement, more time would need to be given to the pilot to read EVERYTHING AND THEN follow instructions. I never understood the point of a whole paragraph titan engagement. Why would I want to give a pilot more time for them to evade behind a hill or to fly out of Titan range? A short, precise message has worked best for me. AUTOHOVER IN PLACE FOR 5 MINUTES, OR BE TITANED -- was excellent, until I realized that ground units have one-way engagement with us. AUTOHOVER/HANDS UP IN PLACE FOR 5 MINUTES, OR BE TITANED/SHOT -- is the new modified version so we are engaged with ground units as well. LOL 900+ titans and yet to be banned, for Fail Titan/ Any questionable titans on my end, I have comped. Probably has occurred 2-3 times in those 900 titans. ~ Absolutely No issues with Titan Engagements ~
  18. Moderator Smitherz Congratulations man!!
  19. The staged comment was my initial thought when I saw that he got shot at and without much information to go by other than what was posted on here. With high quality drones being so common, I found it hard to believe that someone could get on a roof nearby and not be seen or intercepted. If it was just a part of his ear that got hit and nobody else got injured, I'd still be very skeptical about the whole situation. But obviously things change when someone innocent dies in the process. It's fucked up that lives were unnecessarily taken.
  20. dont ddos me, i am on your side. milo needs to work harder on making titans great again
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