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Retired Head Civilian Council
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silton last won the day on September 16

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About silton

Olympus Plus
APD Officer
  • Birthday 05/29/2001

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  1. False bans are an olympus speciality


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      5 hours ago, Ryan said:

      Never gonna let that go will ya... :FeelsBad:

      The issue isn't this one incident but the fact that it happens routinely, I understand mods and admins are humans but the standard for bans should be high enough to filter out issues.


      Earlier today I was talking with an officer who was live banned due to RDM and was swiftly demoted. Less than an hour later his evidence overturned the ban and he was reinstated, according to them nothing major happened to the mod who fucked up. If OS are mistakenly banning people live it's not a huge leap to say ban reports won't be much different.


      I'm not trying to mindlessly shit on staff because they do have a thankless and necessary job, but when someone fucks up it needs to be handled quickly and with some transparency to maintain a good level of trust between OS and the community.

    3. Ronin


      I served a 3 day ban because Deputy Dog couldn't read the name correctly in the evidence I submitted, banning me instead.

      that old man forgets his reading glasses on the daily

    4. Unjo


      No names metioned but I got banned for a 4:30 minute long video, and no video didnt start with them being revived  :)

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