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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Status Replies posted by silton

  1. It has been a while since I have done this, but feel free to comment on this status with any Gray areas that arent being addressed, rules that are being handled vastly differently per staff member, and general complaints/suggestions for staff (specifically administration) 🙂 

    1. silton


      @ -dante-

      Senior admins destruct saying they don't ban. 2020


      Ryan in 2019 with That Nerdy in agreement in the comments.

      Please god please. Also day 5 of my vdm saga please someone do something.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  2. It has been a while since I have done this, but feel free to comment on this status with any Gray areas that arent being addressed, rules that are being handled vastly differently per staff member, and general complaints/suggestions for staff (specifically administration) 🙂 

    1. silton


      VX staff getting a bit crazy it seems. I didn't really play in 2019 tho(permed). And yes I'm actually really old now 😞

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  3. It has been a while since I have done this, but feel free to comment on this status with any Gray areas that arent being addressed, rules that are being handled vastly differently per staff member, and general complaints/suggestions for staff (specifically administration) 🙂 

    1. silton


      @ -dante-  you've lost it mate backpacking and looking through rocks has been allowed whilst fighting caps for since 2017. You gotta stop making shit up and saying "well it was like this last time". You're not the only one that played back then champ.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  4. It has been a while since I have done this, but feel free to comment on this status with any Gray areas that arent being addressed, rules that are being handled vastly differently per staff member, and general complaints/suggestions for staff (specifically administration) 🙂 

    1. silton


      Yeah mate could almost write you a book these days. Is there are reason rules apply differently to different factions?

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  5. I made a status update back in March when we hit 100,000 disputes. You all complained so much that I missed us passing 200,000. The current total is 205,707. Stats below:

    1: @ Zahzi

    100: @ PUG

    1000: @ SaltyClimax

    10,000: @ Kaderias

    100,000: @ Farva

    200,000:  @ ryanp


  6. @bc feel free to send me 100 to my paypal for me to teach yous how to play the game, not even top 3 both rounds on sahrani that’s embarrassing💀

    1. silton


      Sorry Mikey alot of glm and aegis bots recruited since I've been gone. I'll sort it out when I get back. Cheers for the the concern.

      Stay suckin brotha

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. silton


      @ katheeri Probably less than 5% and I left rank 5 at the time cause those guys are cringe. I don't need the ego like you shitty paki playing with retards like the incest Jew. Yous make me sick, harbouring cheaters in 2024 just win conquest. Ahaha

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  8. everyone joins the gang they will find the easiest win with then complain when they have no competition. you ruin your own fights

    1. silton


      @ katheeri 60% of glm wins are with full 10 on 30 man conquests vs AP and wraith.

    2. (See 54 other replies to this status update)

  9. conquest ruined fights

    1. silton


      Conquest just kept getting made worse and less accessible for returning or new players. Half the reason conquest is ass and fights are dead is the server is just full of faggots these days with fragile egos that will do anything to win.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Client Mod updated pushed with some news stuff that should hopefully fix stutters and crashes that may or may not have been caused by @ Milo ...

    Apologies for the delay in pushing this out.

    1. silton


      Any word on this updates secret features?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Why can't Sr. APD be Sr. Swat?

    Sr. APD can be Sr. Support team, Wiki curators, and staff members...

    Swat is a s3 "faction" that has no relation to s1 at all. It is a part of the server, but has no confliction with the APD.

    1. silton


      @ Millennium They're supposed to be seperate. Mako just tried to get swat to s1 that's why they had control and it went down the drain the way it did.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. 27cb308c235d7333a87838b7c9cdbf9c.png


    someone was in fact not cooking

    1. silton


      It's fucking doomed ahahahaha. Run to the ground

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Another sAPD staff member... When will the bias end.

    1. silton


      Can't wait til we have another man with infinite APD hawks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Another sAPD staff member... When will the bias end.

    1. silton


      @ -Shawn-  Civs don't get protected like APD members so it's kinda hard to keep a clean ban record. Plus guys like yourself, diamond, mighty, theheronoob and bubbaloo don't make it any easier. Give me senior admin I know more than the whole staff team combined.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Staff covering up pedo behaviour once again.

    You make me sick @ Grandma Gary

  16. Opinion on driving a prowler on top of fed when players are doing dome strat 🤔 

    Scummy or respectable? 

    1. silton


      It's not really an exploit and it's kinda useless being on the dome.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. Genuinely confused on what the point of the house lockdown kit is.
    can someone explain useful use cases? 

    1. silton


      You get a 10 minute timer to stop cops from raiding your house instead of having to hold it until server restart.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. image.png.8acc9d2306dbab19fa942d92bdb95ab3.png



    nonces are back at it again guys!

    1. silton


      @ hawkg don't act like you win feds or even have a gang that does them. Please leave it to the big dogs.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  19. @ silton  no more reign? what if t3s come back?

    1. silton


      They traded type115 for t3s like retards. All the retarded chiefs retired. I can sleep easy.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. bab859710994b195c2747df1108dd687.png



    and the IA would say:

    It has been determined that the officer(s) involved have not violated any part of the Server Rules or APD Handbook and no rules have been broken here. If you feel that this is incorrect, please reference the server rules and the APD Handbook before contacting a Senior APD or Staff member about this issue. 

    Glad to see this from the APD @ Rexo

  21. bab859710994b195c2747df1108dd687.png



    and the IA would say:

    It has been determined that the officer(s) involved have not violated any part of the Server Rules or APD Handbook and no rules have been broken here. If you feel that this is incorrect, please reference the server rules and the APD Handbook before contacting a Senior APD or Staff member about this issue. 

    Glad to see this from the APD @ Rexo

    1. silton


      @ Doke TV  To be fair us doing the fed didn't complain cause you really probably needed 20 to deal with mr olympus. Lucky we had 4 guys that have never done a fed.

      That 11v3 pharma was bullshit tho

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  22. bab859710994b195c2747df1108dd687.png



    and the IA would say:

    It has been determined that the officer(s) involved have not violated any part of the Server Rules or APD Handbook and no rules have been broken here. If you feel that this is incorrect, please reference the server rules and the APD Handbook before contacting a Senior APD or Staff member about this issue. 

    Glad to see this from the APD @ Rexo

  23. Happy birthday @ savage (;

    Imagine being so cool you don't even share a birthday with your twin @ proud

    Unless this is the wrong savage in which case fuck you.

    1. silton


      You're getting old Gary this is ddos peter long savage not weird bunkbed brother savage

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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