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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Status Replies posted by silton

  1. A cool idea I was balling around today- nothing set in stone but just wanted to share it 🙂

    1. silton


      Patched super jumping just to put it behind oly+ pay wall.

      You guys make me sick.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. They perm banned me my nigga be safe out there, you can take 10 mk1 tasers out my house make sure you use them 

    1. silton


      Unlucky you'll be banned for ages whilst other people get 2 months on the sidelines for cheating or selling money.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. R.I.P Alexander Volkanovski 

  4. If you ever had to fight this cartel… you’ve been through some shit on Olympus 



  5. New titles

    Claimant - file 10 disputes

    Defendant - 10 disputes against you

    Litigious - file 50 disputes

    Unfairly accused - 50 against you

    "You'll be hearing from my attorney" - file 100 disputes

    Liability risk - 100 disputes against you

    Hush money - give or receive over 10mil through disputes


  6. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. silton


      @ Bubbaloo Burrito  At feds most people complain about backpacking the dome  and getting shot through. No one did that. When 10ish people including 2 ex admins get caught backpacking it shows just how much it happens, especially in intense town fights like the one for the gold truck.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. silton


      @ xsmitherz  Zero issue with you at all was just bringing up the fact that some of my gang mates caught you DPI jumping yesterday but nothing serious. 

      Just highlighting how some things are mutual and not that serious and that's the whole reason for the dispute and reporting system.

      As for being friends with mighty that was just an assumption as I was you rexo and mighty in a channel together when I got off yesterday.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  8. I want to be one of the cool kids so @ Mighty fuck you stop doing your job you piece of garbage!!

  9. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. silton


      @ Doc  @ Milo

      The major part of my argument is the equality of the bans and frequency of the spectating which clearly highlights a bias towards rebel gangs.

      Also the fact that people should report issues for them to be banned. We let many things slide as for this instance xsmitherz constant abuse of the dpi jump function, many people could have clipped and disputed him but didn't feel the need to. 

      ArmA 3 is a gentlemen's game and admin intervention is ruining how the server is.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. silton


      @ Milo  I understand your perspective 100% and If it could be removed I would be all for it the fact is its almost part of the game as backpacking is allowed on WZ and s3 conquest so I think I got caught doing it inside a house after the fed as almost an instinct. Not to backpack dome strat which I believe is 100% unfair as you can't shoot back. 

      I understand comping and having a target on my back @ Toretto  has informed me I've spent 811m on compensation.

      He admits he can't watch everyone which is fair but the clearly targeting civs and why should we be treated differently. If you can't spectate and administrate fairy then why do it? Causing a lot of issues for no reason if certain admins have issues with federal events maybe they should be voiced instead of banning all the people who try to fight in them. 

      Let someone spectate and ban cops playing the game and watch how quick that comes to an end.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  11. Hot take, but I have absolutely zero issue with spectating bans, especially over exploiting. It's a pretty irrational argument to say a ban is less deserved due to it being spectated then submitted by an actual player. If you're breaking a rule, you're breaking a rule; the way of which you were caught is irrelevent.

    Furthermore fighting people who are exploiting is absolutely cancerous, especially when you go out of your way to generally try and follow the rules. Backpacking especially really isn't able to be feasibly clipped without an admin actively spectating.

    Obviously discretion still plays a part, but if you were caught "minor exploiting" more than once and you've been around the block to know better, then you deserve your ban.

    In reference to recent events, mind blowing to me y'all are gonna flame @ Mighty  when it sounds like he let you all finish your fed opposed to banning you all on the spot.


    1. silton


      Less of a problem with the spectating  more with the consistency and targeting.

      Go to most illegal pros and the guy proing is probably backpacking, go to most rebel outposts watch most fights and most players and you'll probably watch someone backpack, vault, jump through a winder or dpi. 

      He didn't watch smitherz(his friend) dpi consistently and the only other cop got a verbal warning. While almost 10 civs are sitting out bans.

      These aren't malicious exploits and most people were probably only caught once due to the fact it wasn't "mass exploiting". This was over 2 feds and 2 hours of constant fighting these things are bound to happen and part of the buggy game we play. Go watch Kav for 2 hours and see how many people you can ban, but I doubt someone's gonna do that 🙂.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  12. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. silton


      @ Mighty  If you can't monitor fights fairly then why do it at all? Also how @ Rexo  dealt with a server rule instead of an APD infringement highlights exactly what @ ThatNerdyGuy 's post was about. 

      Really poor by the Olympus staff team here. Lack of consistency when dealing with bans and obvious bias against certain groups. At least go after AEGIS not the hardworking poor gangs that don't have heaps of pocket admins.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  13. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. silton


      @ Mighty  You drag APD to question them straight away and let them off. You had a Dep chief in the channel I don't see why they can't deal with it then. Also ignore smitherz whippin' the DPI cause he's your mate. Just looking for a little transparency and consistency. 

      There's obviously an agenda against certain groups. Not sure why you guys need to put every fight under a microscope these things happen all over the server that's the reason there's a dispute and report system. May as well ban the whole server.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  14. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. silton


      @ Hazardous  No harm no foul. Also a cop got caught at the same fights backpacking and got a verbal warning. Explain that to me.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  15. @ Rexo @ Mighty  Why do you guys always feel the need to spectate feds and ban people for long periods of time when no one has an issue with what's going on.

    Most of the fighting was BC vs TP who look through rocks and backpack on conquest and cap and it's not against the rules.

    Sickening. Especially when you wait for everyone to get off before you place the bans.

    1. silton


      @ Mighty  If the head admin puts the evidence why don't you? @ Grandma Gary



    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  16. caloomclark needs to resign from civ council now that he's a senior in another faction

    1. silton


      They get removed. Probably should happen for all FTOs aswell

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. good apd good staff WOOHOO must be great

  18. can there be a rule implemented where a staff in the apd cannot accept a report against an apd member? seems they're all denying reports to keep their buddies from being banned and its actually very pathetic, even if its blatant evidence they wont ban their buddy.

    1. silton


      @ -Shawn-

      dee8d8e03ec62a98e67e18f4b807f99a.png They should make it that only civ playing admins should deal with civ tickets. Lots of false bans lately from sAPD admins not knowing the civ grey areas well enough. Poor from olympus staff.

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  19. can there be a rule implemented where a staff in the apd cannot accept a report against an apd member? seems they're all denying reports to keep their buddies from being banned and its actually very pathetic, even if its blatant evidence they wont ban their buddy.

    1. silton


      Its stupid they changed it so only sAPD admins deal with APD reports. They need to change it back.

      Also Civs get 1st offence 1d and cops can get 1st offence verbal warning. Its retarded

    2. (See 84 other replies to this status update)

  20. Fix the dope crate please

  21. who wants to join gunga and become apart of the gunga elites with me as the leader together as a tight group we will make billions !

  22. zeroblade banned for 2 months for selling money. @ Biggs  stays banned for 6+ months for "threats". Big John still banned for a forum post.

    Make it make sense.

  23. What’s the point of the dispute system if somebody asks for comp, gets comped, then reports you anyways? Does it cater only to fags 

    1. silton


      Sometimes you don't even get a dispute. Depends how the staff are feeling.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

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