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Dominick Ramos

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Everything posted by Dominick Ramos

  1. sorry wee man. none of that exists anymore. no cartels. no runs. no robberies. no fun. just cancer.
  2. i think i  might pass away

  3. suck me off cunt

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos

      if you think about it. not really.

    3. Stripes


      umm let me think... thats pretty gay

    4. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos

      i am glad you thought about it. it's not gay though. gay would be male on male action. THAT is gay. there is nothing else that constitutes gay than that.

  4. deal
  5. i would like to add that @ Zeuse and I have an elaborate plan to assassinate @ ThatNerdyGuy involving a sawn off double barrelled shotgun.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos

      zeuse was the primary conspirator 

    3. Zeuse


      Don't know what he's talking about Nerdy mate, lad's lost it.

    4. Dominick Ramos
  6. it is my personal opinion that the gentleman known as winters is the worst chief of police the altis police department has seen since talindor.

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      he didnt unblacklist me

    2. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos

      it is because he did not unblackist @ Strafe

  7. greetings my friends and pals. just curious what phone is better to purchase: the samsung or the apple iPhone? btw unrelated to the recent thousands of dollars that i received after begging for dollars for my father's funereal service. thanks. 

  8. stove jeebs. think same.

  9. @ Dante hey, my dad died recently. should i get the new iphone or the new iphone pro max?? just wondering.

  10. mister glasgow thanks for the excellent advice in the plot to assassinate nerdy cunt. thank you.

    1. Zeuse


      Nae idea wit yer talking aboot mate

  11. i suck my homie's dick in the store

    then he nut on the floor

    clean-up in aisle three

    told them it wasn't me

    but they had me on CCTV

  12. thanks for being my biggest fan sweetie 😘

  13. one time i got caught jerking off on CCTV

  14. Willard Carroll Smith II slapped Christopher Julius Rock III


  16. do you dare me to take my dick out at the store?

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