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Everything posted by cornet

  1. title
  2. Looking for a house in DP 23/24. Message me with prices.
  3. take some melatonin and jerk off before bed. works every time.
  4. I took this as a serious comment and was disappointed
  5. Looking for a 4 crater in Abdera on S2. PM me for info.
  6. I'll buy it for 1 mil
  7. all their members voted no lmao
  8. stay away from arma. it'll ruin you.
  9. bump
  10. Everyone has had to go through this at one point so just try and make the best of it and make friends along the way.
  11. title
  12. 1 mil
  13. step one: don’t
  14. Stay in Kavala with a rook for a few hours and they’ll come.
  15. how much are you looking for the mar-10
  16. feels bad man. rip you
  17. Hello, I'm looking to buy an Abdera garage on server 2. If anyone has or knows anyone with a garage who is looking to sell please comment your pricing or PM me. Thank you.
  18. Needs more RAM
  19. 5 mil for dp22? Hell no lol. If it were dp25 then it would be reasonable. Not to mention it’s only a 4 crater.
  20. Anthrakia?
  21. Thank you for the insight.
  22. Hello, I’ve been looking for a garage in abdera for quite a while now and was wondering if anyone is willing to sell one or knows a current owner. Any information would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  23. The garage is not in Abdera?
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