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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. JBruesch


    Oh, also empty your recycling bin if you haven't already. Doesn't do a lot of good deleting files if they still stick around ^^^ 10 outta 10 yes It isn't just an Olympus thing or an Arma thing... As not all servers have the same content, setup, etc, some servers are better, some are worse
  2. JBruesch


    So, imma throw some fire at ya (because froums). Windows 10 = Aidsy trash Now I'll hopefully be somewhat helpful I did this and it helped quite a bit, but let me know if this helps at all right click on Arma, go to Properties --> Set Launch Option Then, copy and paste this code -nologs -exthreads 4 -maxMem=6144-cpuCount=4 I dont think your CPU does, but if it supports hyper threading, change the -exthreads 4 to -exthreads 8 Also, try unparking you cores with this -----> https://www.dropbox.com/s/r6mp44xp1y7fnv8/UnparkCPU.zip?dl=0 And if all else fails, go to this site ------> http://downloadmoreram.com/ (and if you couldn't tell, the download more ram one is a joke, but i'm hoping you knew that already)
  3. ^^^^
  4. I FUCKIN KNEW IT!!! Olympus is all one big lie!!! #IlluminatiCuntfirmed #MoobIsReallyPoseidon #MK1'sForDeputies #CompAndBan Well played Olympus... well played
  5. Bit of a disclaimer, I'm not all that great when it comes to hardware, but I think I have an idea or two of what might be going on. When was the last time you ran any anti-malware on your computer? Also, what do you use? Your specs don't look all that bad, but if is a hardware issue, I would assume it might be the video card. I know the memory on there is a little low (2 gigs if i am correct) and the clock speed isn't the greatest either. Another possible issue that (in my opinion) is a little less likely, is your RAM, which can be fixed here http://downloadmoreram.com/ (jk, I'm hoping you know that's fake). This might be a bit of a cheaper fix, but my main worry is that if you do get more ram, it will bottle-neck at your gpu. I run 8 gigs, and don't have too many issues with it, but it is a bit of a cheaper fix that couldn't really hurt too much to upgrade. Again, I would run some scans for malware with AVG, and Avira, as this MIGHT be the issue, but if I had to take a guess, I would have to think it is your video card. Hope this helps and good luck
  6. @Grandma Gary, can I adopt you as my child? <3
  7. +1 Love that laugh too XD
  8. Thhheeeeeeee phuck is that music???????
  9. The thing is, if we "give them all the benefit of the doubt" we are going to get recked, as the majority of vigis that I have seen don't even try to engage. I don't like sending in vids either, as it is somewhat time consuming and really provides no gain if another random vigi is just going to pop right back into his place. Very true, but a good amount of the time they roll in packs or go complain to the cops about needing an escort of all the cops in square. That's just about every day fam
  10. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  11. same
  12. http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ General Chit-Chat isnt the place for this......
  13. Who are you? Oh, right, the guy going through the ranks in reverse.
  14. since when did i "brag about getting pussy?" I think you're just running out of flame there bud ;D
  15. #ThisShitIsWhyIDontPlayAnymore
  16. And im assuming its the reason you not a pig, i mean... cop anymore ;D <3
  17. The amount of RDM and VDM in that video is astonishing #UrTheReasonCondomsAreAThing
  18. R E K D
  19. #Fedot4ModAgain
  20. Damn, im gonna need to get more salt for this one
  21. Same, but I always just played it off. Ya gotta learn to embrace it after a while. Yes, situations like these can get on your nerves every once and a while, and some may just plain suck no matter how much you try to embrace the situation, but if you can, try to have fun with it. Sometimes, a situation will kick your ass mentally and make you wanna quit the APD, but remember, it's how you look at the situation that determines the mood of the situation. Maybe find salt in their back pocket while searching them (not really recommended since this mayyy or may not be disrespectfull, not quite sure yet. Hyperion loved it when he was teaching me the ways of a pig, i mean cop back in his ye old corporal days ) or say something about how you only do kinky things off duty when they say you're trash at rp. Anywhore, the moral of the story is to try to have fun with the situation. Just because they are pissed doesn't mean you have to be too. At the end of they day, you put another criminal behind bars and if that doesn't put a smile on your face, nothing will (The greatest satisfaction in the world is catching a vdmer on a quad and sending their hairy ass to jail).
  22. lol, salty there bud?
  23. Holy fuck yes. I remember how fucking aidsy you were as a cop. I can stand people who are nice but are not very good, but you sucked dick and were cocky about it too. I think i still have about 4 or 5 vids of you doing shit while on cop too. <3
  24. It's okay guys, Blackjack is the only one with shit going on in his life
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