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Everything posted by JBruesch

  1. he still trolls the metric fuck out of Olympus (as do a lot of us) if that's what yo mean, but he doesn't work on the stats page anymore
  2. ^^^ Still different. Imagine learning Chinese and German. German would be a lot easier because we use the same letters, quite a few similar words, etc, and Chinese would be much harder because of all the different letters, no words are similar, etc. Now imaging you just learned Chinese, does that mean you know German now too?
  3. Fedot retired, so he no longer breaks, i mean, controls the stats page Luuuuvvvv uuuuu @Fedot (You retired? U Ollllddd boi)
  4. JBruesch


    but the thing is, half the time the shots are silent... So if youre sitting a couple hundred meters out shooting, no one will have any idea where youre shooting from
  5. I dont even think its worth 40. Maybe 30k at most, but I have so many sets because deputies are dumb af and just wonder into the square alone
  6. I can check next time im on, but ill sell em with no mark up if were on at the same time
  7. If I remember correctly, pilot helmets are $17.5k each. I could be wrong, but I am fairly certain that is the price
  8. so badass, please teach me your ways senpai
  9. So I was watching the debate tonight, not gonna lie, I was really hoping someone was gonna come out with confetti and balloons and shit and say something along the lines of "Haha, alright everyone, the prank is over, neither of these candidates are really running, here are your two real choices"

  10. 1. Fuck discord 2. I think it is down to 11 units of time now. Those damn Canadese people and their time!!
  11. Don't you love it when you get callouts like "HE'S RIGHT FUCKIN THERE!!" "He is behind that thing!" "He is behind that building!!!" (When there are 20 other buildings in the general location) Or my favorite that I heard while in the jungle in Tanoa, "He is right behind that tree!!"
  12. damn, I might just get these. Thanks for the suggestion!!
  13. So I have just had to re epoxy my headset for the 11th or 12th time now, and I am thinking of just saying fuck it and getting a new one. Anyone have any recommendations for a decent quality headset? Right now I have a Turtle Beach Marvel Avengers Fuckedy Fuck and not it is breaking at least every other weak. The headset is this little shit right here----> http://nerdreactor.com/2013/06/18/turtle-beach-e3-hands-on-preview/ Preferably something on the cheaper side, but fair quality. Any help is appreciated, thanks!!
  14. @CheckUrFoodNWater You gonna make on offer?
  15. LIEEESSSS!!!!!!! Fedot: "Hey, guys, im going to try and land this orca like a plane" Stix & I: "Dont do it Fedot, we are both fully geared the wheel brakes are always on in Standard, so it will kill us" Fedewter: "Nahhh, it will work" Me (after us all blowing up and people camp our bodies): "God damnit!! I was fully fuckin geared" Ring a bell? XD That was last year though but still luv u bb <3 its not the mod thing, if that was the case, every single mad/admin would have GHawks
  16. He is not, nor was he ever an admin He was mod for an hour(ish) (I think 10 min, but I could be wrong) there is a special place in hell for you for making that pun Use cover, wait for them to get close, titan them... its not hard, ya just gotta be smart. Titans are not easy to flare off if you are close as hell, and tbh, Fedewter is kinda potato when it comes to flying (But I give you an A for effort @Fedot <3) Just use common sense when fighting and dont be dumb and youll be fine
  17. 12 cents and a potato?
  18. XD where the fuck do you find this stuff
  19. I hate them all so much Please Note: This is not to start some flame war on who everyone wants to be president, just a funny video I found and wanted to share
  20. Mercury Cougar ftw
  21. This needs to be a thing
  22. why does no one accept payment in grenades? It's like Bitcoin, it has value but I guess nobody wants to be paid with it
  23. That video gave me 3 different types of AIDS...
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