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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. yes exactly I put over 1k hours into the server I'm not hacking, I wouldn't waste that much time to hack. I have a game ban with it because I used cheat engine to "hack" on csgo bc idk how to hack. if I'm permed like they're saying that kinda shitty over something I did to stop gambling almost a year ago
  2. i vac banned myself on csgo so i would stop betting no lie and cashed out, if im permed when i get home then thats a PHATTY RIP
  3. nobody wants a regular mx, literally only worth around 100k if you get an offer for 300k take it
  4. goodbye meta gaming god atonomy
  5. they still can impound your vehicle and search you, they aren't going to just let you go and hope you leave the zone with all the mushrooms in your car that makes no sense, you're mad at the rp then you're yelling at him telling him to let you go because he can't add charges to you, he could search you and if there was to be processed mushrooms there is charges there. Unfortunately you didn't get done but the point then was just to spoil your run since it's illegal. i wouldn't rp with someone in mushroom pro salty when they get busted either, in the video its clear youre not even trying to rp but rather trying to keep the mushrooms in your car and for some reason expect them to just unrestrain you in the redzone and let you keep the stuff
  6. i loled @ the video you posted bc you think you know what the rules are but you look dumb
  7. you can play just don't sit in kavala all the time you're on cop and you won't get robbed most of the time
  8. not supposed to be that big of a donation goal, don't care much about rangefinders but i like the 10% off of vehicles, wish i was one of the people who had the donator perks and now paying only 500k for ifrits after the goal
  9. haven't fought there yet but looks balanced, i like the deer stand to counter the people pushing the rocks attacking, although obviously the big towers are making it hard for people to fight places considering the lag in them and everytime someone drives in with an ifrit i shoot them out from the tower so it seems kind of unfair to attackers, but ill be looking forward to everything you guys are doing keep it up im having the most fun fighting now then ever
  10. I agree although I feel like this is something sAPD would not agree with, or be thinking about, but not you never know.
  11. possibly, but i doubt it would happen, doesn't seem like something sAPD would be concerned with although would be nice
  12. I would say no to PO lethals as much as I would love them, I feel not enough PO's are ready for that type of change since they are now getting PO around 20-50 hours in the faction
  13. for people saying have better tactics, etc. when you're fighting a fed/ whatever it usually starts with 5-8 cops on and they most of the time aren't Sr apd with good gear they're cops with level 2 armor and at max 6.5mm, when the rebels have 7.62, GA carriers, some have tazers to blindside you with, and they always outnumber the police or they wouldn't start it in the first place. just make a rule they can't taze and restrain during federal events and we will all be happy.
  14. who tf wants a tazer for 2m, you're high my friend
  15. you do realize it takes me tazing and restraining a cop now and thats it, ill go get a lethal one for that price lmao idk who your selling a bare taser cmr to but he must be smoking some dank fucking weed
  16. not paying anywhere near 1.5m, i would pay like 600k
  17. how much do you really want
  18. honestly not being rude whatsoever when i say this, if you really think youre going to get 2m for that then neck
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