when you did that did it take longer to load up when you first spawn in? my texture bugs started happening less frequently but I will lag hard as fuck if I drive near a city or anything trying to load everything/
Holy fucking shit how come this is the only server that makes me get texture bugs it makes my eyes bleed to look at them and it always makes me die. You have no idea how much money I lose because of this shit please patch it. I'm kinda triggered
oh shit John in Bartlett, Illinois!? I heard that guy was really cool and a legend for having 4 nuts and busting all of them at once and has superior pulloutgame.
but fr doe how do u know where I live do u have me on steam?
Robocop is the new meta
Same +1 tman remember a few months ago u were on cop and I accidently rdmd u and u went on civ and I triggerfingered you because of my dumb ass friends?
New idea: if we have someone restrained we should have access to somebodies inventory because we can't always rely on unrestraining then to make them drop their gear because 90% the time they just shoot you in the face and you have to file a report and comp etc...