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Everything posted by D A Q U A N

  1. It has to be at least 1 km close to meth lab.
  2. Don't you can buy a house right next to processing for that much lmao
  3. when you did that did it take longer to load up when you first spawn in? my texture bugs started happening less frequently but I will lag hard as fuck if I drive near a city or anything trying to load everything/
  4. lol what happened xD? and are you islam now btw bismallah is what muslims say when they about to die or some shit.
  5. What is your opinion of unarmed black males as an officer of altis?

    1. Grandma Gary
    2. D A Q U A N
    3. Tman15tmb


      Gary might actually be able to drive a train without crashing it. 

  6. Yeah I could hear him good in teamspeak but his ingame sound made me want to drink bleach.
  7. You got 2 kills on Tree, that's like getting a fucking participation medal for losing. the only potato is in your profile picture
  8. buckie can I buy some slaves off you mine died I only have like 469 now I'm getting like 5 buckets less of cotton each day.
  9. Holy fucking shit how come this is the only server that makes me get texture bugs it makes my eyes bleed to look at them and it always makes me die. You have no idea how much money I lose because of this shit please patch it. I'm kinda triggered
  10. Check that shit out it's trippy asf
  11. gimme corporal ill pay 50bucks paypal
  12. wait ur in MC right? dude u can ddos the whole server and not get banned lmao
  13. I mean please don't shut my internet offline for a month
  14. pls don't ddos me joel daddy
  15. oh shit John in Bartlett, Illinois!? I heard that guy was really cool and a legend for having 4 nuts and busting all of them at once and has superior pulloutgame. but fr doe how do u know where I live do u have me on steam?
  16. Forgot to post this weeks ago That's him 4 years ago I think that's what he told us.
  17. Robocop is the new meta Same +1 tman remember a few months ago u were on cop and I accidently rdmd u and u went on civ and I triggerfingered you because of my dumb ass friends?
  18. Don't be gay be ... kys
  19. Kys lol Sounds hot
  20. waddup I see a rope around my neck
  21. Is it possible for a black guy to be gay? Just wondering I've never seen one
  22. New idea: if we have someone restrained we should have access to somebodies inventory because we can't always rely on unrestraining then to make them drop their gear because 90% the time they just shoot you in the face and you have to file a report and comp etc...
  23. If u donate one MIL to a person named D @ Q U @ N in-game a random diabetic's blood sugar will drop by 10 each time.
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